Kavanaugh confirmation hearing Day 3 part 14 - Senator Damaskinos edition

>Cspan3 - youtube.com/watch?v=0weaIvUfMz8
>Fox news - youtube.com/watch?v=mSyWoxGbpFg
>Washington Post - youtube.com/watch?v=tkwRkJxC2tU

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>These hearings are essentionally a job interview for the supreme court justice nominee selected by the president. They serve to field any questions senators may have before casting their vote to approve or deny his nomination. This is signifant because Democrats have been using the courts to legislative, this both blocks them and gives Republicans a chance to reverse previous decisions

History of confirmation hearing
>The controversy surrounding Brandeis's nomination was so great that the Senate Judiciary Committee, for the first time in its history, held a public hearing on the nomination, allowing witnesses to appear before the committee and offer testimony both in support of and in opposition to Brandeis's confirmation. While previous nominees to the Supreme Court had been confirmed or rejected by a simple up-or-down vote on the Senate floor—often on the same day on which the President had sent the nomination to the Senate—a then-unprecedented four months lapsed between Wilson's nomination of Brandeis and the Senate's final confirmation vote

>new Jersey Democratic Senator Booker leaked documents

>Hawaii Democratic Senator Hirono leaked documents

Attached: Senator Damaskinos.jpg (1278x713, 140K)

Other urls found in this thread:

judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/09-06-18 GWB Document Production (Leahy, Coons, Blumenthal, Booker 2).pdf

>Democratic Senate minority leader Schumer stating he supports the leaks

>Republican chairman Grassley's offices releases documents
judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/09-06-18 GWB Document Production (Leahy, Coons, Blumenthal, Booker 2).pdf

>Vox covers Zina Bash handsign controversy
web.archive.org/web/20180906172437/https://www.vox.com/2018/9/5/17821946/white-power-hand-signal-brett-kavanaugh-confirmation-hearing-zina-bash-Jow Forums

>Vermont Senator Leahy accuses Kavanaugh of lying under oath

>Protester payer identified

>Alex Jones and Infowars suspended from Twitter

>Kavanaugh is an orignalist
>The original intent theory, which holds that interpretation of a written constitution is (or should be) consistent with what was meant by those who drafted and ratified it.
>The original meaning theory, which is closely related to textualism, is the view that interpretation of a written constitution or law should be based on what reasonable persons living at the time of its adoption would have understood the ordinary meaning of the text to be.


Is Harris always this much of a cunt or is it just now? Whatever he answers or doesn't she simply dismisses it as "you haven't answered"

what a bitch

Which one of them is worse between her and Booker?

I hope they run this nasty cunt in 2020. Republican turnout would be massive.

Thank u senator

Always. Was way worse with Sessions hearing.

Based Kavanaugh dabbing on the black roastie

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Yea, she's always like that.

It gets worse whenever she senses a camera pointed at her. Some sort of whore-sense from her days as an up-n-comin' dicksucker..

Love the non answers from Kavanaugh. Spoken like a true independent.

No reeeeeeing protesters tonight. The money ran out?

>16 minutes for gook bitch
I know when I'm fapping.

He gotta piss!

They're almost going to have to, what other options are there? Warren? Bernie? Doesn't work very well for their rabid anti white new narrative. They could run Booker, or that Muslim Dnc guy, is that nyc woman old enough to run?

There were none after the lunch break. Makes me think.

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"Would you like to answer any questions asked by that cunt that you were interrupted and unable to give?"

"No, we had a good dialogue." Lmao

I heard something earlier about the hearing going closed door after dinner.. so that could explain it.

Reddit is organizing a letter-writing campaign for the on-the-fence senators. Americans should consider countering it.

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>much hotter than Kamala!

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Can't imagine going in front of these cunts for days at a time. This must be the hardest part of Kavanaugh's career, not being snarky with these insufferable cunts.

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>I defy anyone reading this to be able to conclude
This Hawaiian bitch should learn English.

>is that nyc woman old enough to run?
in like 10 years, the Dem party will be too fractured by then for them to win anything

Booker seems like he's just a retarded nigger, but Harris sounds like a malicious liar and all around cunt.

based mccarthy

Is that really her on the left?

>implying McCarthy wasn't right


Always the women, ALWAYS

>Appropriately admonished
He was a fucking hero.

>Americans should consider countering it
not a bad idea, anons sending a letter or quick email to even just all the Republican reps to avoid them switching sides could be good


how long do they have for this hearing? Can they postpone the confirmation indefinitely?

Guys was McCarthy wrong?

Is there another round of questioning tomorrow, or is this the last? And, when should we expect the vote to be held?


McCarthy was right though you dumb faggot.

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Harris really is their best bet then, they probably want to run a woman either way after last election

i never sausage a thing

YES. then after she got outed, she's now changed her name to some nig name AGAIN

To be determined.

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I hate reddit numales so much

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Why she will never reach a higher seat of power from senator.


I'd fuck her before I would kambunga.
>I'm not a leaf

Fug. Didn't mean to reply to you.

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>Is there another round of questioning tomorrow, or is this the last? And, when should we expect the vote to be held?
They said 80 minutes more of public questions, PLUS a five minute break -- then a closed session at another location.

And she's being prosecuted for fraud... living on government assistance while she had money coming in from a book she wrote. Stupid cunt.


Disgusting nu-males

Insufferable cunt edition

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Is Cornyn calling out the Depp State?

(You) !

No, he was just recklessly correct

It's absolutely hilarious that the Democrats ultimate final strategy that they were building up to the entire time was for a rude bitch to ask a bunch of questions he already said he wont answer. They couldn't even get anything to trend on twitter.

Brought in the little girl sports team to fill the seats

She is 53 years old and married for the first time in 2014, so she first married at 49.

oh thats right i forgot about that. someone said, well maybe she is black after all. welfare fraud

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Cornyn is part of the deep state
t. Texan

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>would EAT that!

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lol, he was though. He only got one wrong with all of his accusations

That's a good shop

Threadly reminder that stare decided matters up until the minute it doesn't. Dred Scott, Plessy vs. Ferguson, Brown v Board, Roe v Wade are all decisions that are either overturns of previous Supreme Court cases or go against the plain written meaning of the Constitution. Antonio Scalia even wrote papers outlining the (high) standards by which stare decisis should be upheld or not. In fact it is one of the issues I heavily disagree with him on because he allows for a non-literal interpretation of the Bill of Rights.

Shes napping!!

good work

>recklessly correct
I like this.
>He was too radical in undermining constant global Worker's revolution
>Skip to modern day universities
One wrong?
Bit more specific?

Threadly reminder that stare decided matters up until the minute it doesn't. Dred Scott, Plessy vs. Ferguson, Brown v Board, Roe v Wade are all decisions that are either overturns of previous Supreme Court cases or go against the plain written meaning of the Constitution. Antonio Scalia even wrote papers outlining the (high) standards by which stare decisis should be upheld or not. In fact it is one of the issues I heavily disagree with him on because he allows for a non-literal interpretation of the Bill of Rights

she is shitposting on her phone in this thread

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Very correct and even more important!

Do you have a source? All I have heard from my propaganda history teacher was how he created hysteria.


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Look at the camera if you're here!

hey guys :) AMA

>I like that word

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do you do anal?

tits or gtfo

wanna get some chipotle after this?

Does your mom know you're gay?

She's doing pepe face and hand right now. Hi Zina!!

Zina if you are ITT I want you to do this (webm), but not with butter... if you know what I mean

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Remember when protesters were cool? Like the protest against the nudity ban in San Fran back in 2013 where the protesters went around the city nude? If some of these protesters would spice it up a bit, I might be more interested in what they have to say. Of course, this offer is not guaranteed to all of them. Specifically the males. They can just fuck off. Also, most of the females too.

>Doggie Style?

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Saw that, seemed intentional too

And you got the token “Precious” behind him. Truth is better than fiction sometimes with Democrats lol.

Do redditors ''unironically'' use the word powerful? or is he one of us larping

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If you're legit - what can you tell us about Kavanaugh? Has be been hiding his true views?


Let's make this a ylyl thread and make Zina chuckle.