Who here /naked/?
LEVIS goes anti-gun
Levi's are for fags anyways
I haven't owned a pair of Levis in... decades. Largely because the name "Levi" is kikesville. I'd take a pair of Wrangler over Levi... if I wore jeans.
how do pants stand up for gun control
Why are they laughing? Do they not realize how traumatizing it will be to witness that?
Where we are going we won't need pants
(((Levi Strauss)))
>buying Levis after 2004
>not wearing Carhartt jeans
“In the world I see you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rock feller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Towers. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying stripes of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighways.”
How about Wrangler?
I haven't had Wranglers in years...No particular reason, I just like Carhartt shit.
>Where we are going we won't need pants
Naked AF user. Feeling that cool summer breeze cascade across my freshly shorne scrotum. Couldn't be happier.
Now all the 'educated' liberals will buy jeans in droves!
This is almost as retarded as if Mossy Oak decided to come out as anti-gun.
who the fuck wears levi's anyways.
7 jeans or theory or even true religion if you can find non nigger tier designs
im gonna keep rocking my based wranglers
The scary part is that I've seen a WMBF couple here, only one in the whole town, and the guy looked awfully close, except he had hair.
Rednecks, that vote for republicans. Whops.
I wish I actually bought stuff so I could boycott stuff
oh well
the 80s called
lel (you)
Wrangler/Uniqlo lad here
Fuck levis
>Levi Strauss was born to an Ashkenazi Jewish family in Buttenheim on February 26, 1829
I wear Lee pants bro. Not wearing those Jew pants.
I only wear wrangler. I find all other jeans uncomfortable as fuck. For whatever reason, the Wrangler 32x32 relaxed fit are the only kind that don't feel like shit to me.
>buy jew pants
You guys haven't taken the sweatpants pill? I just wear sweatpants all day every day. Feels great. Fashion is for sheep. Just get plain sweatpants and a plain tshirt. Women like me for my character as a man, not for my clothes. Fashion is for fags. If you need to wear specific clothes for your job, wear them at your job. But then switch to sweatpants.
serious question, what jeans are good to wear
price is no object
I don't know how to dress myself
For me it's express for men jeans
Hahaha xD and btw fuck Trump and fuck white people
>butt naked
They DO know the saying is "buck naked" correct?
or are they just refusing to use the correct saying because of its origins?
Aren't Levi jeans made in Mexico.
I switched to 511 jeans with a little stretch. Shits great for actually working in your pants and not crushing your nuts with a shitty non gusset crotch.
its like these companies just want to lose money
Try Lee. I give it a crotch rocket riders approval for comfy. They don't even shrink 1/2 as bad as levis. I have exchanged 10 pairs of levis over the last few years because of massive shrinkage.
I wear them but they cheaped out years ago.
Their pants don't last. Not the same
When they did this in the 90's there was a boom for little stores and pawn shops buying up used vintage levis for resale. They're all gone, only the cheap new stuff is left. This doesn't surprise me, they sold out a long time ago.
There's always Dickie's and I do like Lucky Brand jeans.
a foot-shooting bigot bashing levi's
levi's hav always commanded a premium price for a reason.
buck naked.
I stopped around 2000
They have shrinkage issues and last even less than levis.
Don't even mention wrangler
Never heard of Diamond Gusset..
511s are comfy as fuck
why would anyone other than a mindless subhuman wear jeans when sweatpants are more convenient, far more comfy, and cheaper?
Trump supporters wear carhearts because they work for a living
I'm not going nekkid, I'm just switching to Wrangler jeans...
Literally the worst trouser to adorn yourself with.
That's pretty good, where is it from?
I wonder how many men were wearing Levis brand while fighting for this country. Do they need their pants telling them they are now racist bigot gun fanatics?
The best jeans are from SALSA
Not naked. There are plenty of other companies that provide support blue jeans.
I like the guy in the middles. Che Guearva brand.
Mm I think I'm going to start masturbating in condoms, and putting them in the pockets of Levi jeans in the stores.
This is why you should wear Blue Diamond Gusset.
American Made
They put a diamond gusset in the crotch where you need it most
Manspread with American pride.
I wear Levis 541 because I squat and they are the only jeans that can fit my thighs. Does anyone else have a substitute for the weight lifters?
Yeah but they stretch out after a few days and look like shit plus need cleaned more often than pants.
I'm lazy as fuck and rather just wear jeans for weeks at a time.
Additionally, sweats can get caught/snagged on stuff, people can pants you, and if you get a huge ridiculous boner there is nothing to suppress it (arguably a plus in some situations).
This, all levi's have been chink tissue paper tier material for years now.
None of their styles fit that well and sizing is extremely inconsistent
Yes all my jeans are Wrangler.
I honestly don't think levis will see a drop in sales as Levi's are faggot and cuck jeans
I've been thinking of switching to dickies or Ben Davis.
I'll try them when my current pairs of jeans wear out but I doubt they'll be any better. In the end it looks I'll probably stick with thread bare levis.. and yeah the thread is actually visible. They come like this
If you're Jow Forums 511s
If your a fat fuck just wear sweatpants
>70 dollars
That should be reason enough
> the virgin all american gusset
> the chad cock trap
i haven't worn clothing in 2 years
>None of their styles fit that well and sizing is extremely inconsistent
wow the left CAN meme !
I don't even own jeans
RM Williams Moleskins. You'll thank me for it.
Nigger tier jeans. It's for brainlet hypebeast. Real men wear wrangler or lee. You can spot any faggot degenerate brand easily if they have crossover with any expensive wannabe ghettho streetwear from Jap jewyork or LA.
you must be a dane cook fan as well
And Duluth Firehose pants or whatever they are called.
>99 bucks
I remember watching the world news on abc (faggots) one time when I was like twelve or whatever, that levi's was closing down their last manufacturing plant in America in San Francisco cause everything was going overseas. They mentioned it in passing but "it sure is a sign of the times" that they barely gave a shit about.
It was more like incremental conditioning now that I think about it. Like, oh hey goyim, this is what's happening but don't worry it's not a big deal, just go with the flow you fucking retards.
levis are for faggots and boomers. real men wear wrangler cowboy cut
Buy Peter Millar apparel
Every time.
Edwin jeans, master race.
Wrangler master-race here.
Please provide basic denim alternative.
wear a chiton
>Like, oh hey goyim, this is what's happening but don't worry it's not a big deal, just go with the flow you fucking retards.
Cut fat. Seriously.
28" thighs still fit in 511s, although it isn't that comfortable. There is no reason to have problems with pants unless you refuse to get lean. You'll lose around 2" off your thighs going from 15% body fat down to 10-12%.
I wear shorts because they are comfy and easy to wear.
you realize 511s are Levis
Peter Millar