I'm a Jew and I love Jow Forums

Hi, Jow Forums, (((I))) come in peace!

(1/2) I've been a casual lurker and sometimes enthusiastic shitposter here since around 2010. I've really had a lot of difficulty coming to grips with a lot of the home-truths being laid down here about my people. And I just want to say I'm genuinely sorry for some of the vile filth that *some of us* have inflicted on the world. But it's not fair to blame all of us or hate ALL Jews.

I saw the rise of cuckold fetish porn in my own local community around 5 yrs ago (hipser largely Jewish kids thought it was edgy and cool). It began believe it or not as a *mostly* Jewish fetish. In the Jewish community, Jewish guys are very very held down by their mothers and spoiled brat sisters, and our dads pretty much spoil the shit of them and treat them like God(ess)es. This ties into the dominatrix fetish shit. Anyway, a lot of Jewish guys would talk openly or secretly about feeling like a Jewish pathetic loser and feeling like girls wouldn't want them. Add to this that Jewish girls are MASSIVE sluts (Guys who live in 1% Jewish areas know people who have fucked Jewish girls, Jewish pussy is everywhere) and you get a lot of this fetish shit. This was underground and connected to the LGBT community and the sick thing is that Jewish girls started to openly post about it to make fun of Jewish guys over social media. It's kind of an open secret. It began as a Jewish fetish, but then evolved because Jews were afraid of it looking like an antisemitic fetish, they started to make it about being a "white guy".

Jewish pussy is violated by every race of men every day, and it takes a toll on Jewish male sanity (Also Jewish guys from the NYC area usually run porno sites, so this has an effect).

I was shocked to see how the cuckold crap flared up on Jow Forums and was sickened, and realized that something was very fucking sick and twisted about the NYC Jewish community and something is dark in our whole mindset.

more in next post...

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Other urls found in this thread:


old jew or Talmud baby dick vampire?

(2/2) Also.... I'm among those 20% of kikes who voted Trump. And I want to tell you I'm so fucking sorry for how much bullshit my people have caused White Christian civilization. A huge part of the bad shit happening right now is our fault. But what can I do about it? I feel powerless. If I ever even suggest that White people are human I get called a traitor. If I even show the slightest bit of support for Trump, my friends and most of my family attacks me viciously. You have no idea how backstabbing, dishonest and fanatical Jews can be.

If it sounds overwhelming and fucking annoying, it is! I couldn't stop the Jewish community from its bullshit if I wanted to.

Most of them are good people but they really think that fighting "the white man" is some kind of just revenge for Hitler.

I'm so frustrated I wanted to spill all the beans, here, once and for all.

What do Jow Forums?

This is just unfair. Only the ultraorthodox or Hasidic communities have real problems with that. No one I know has any issues with it. It's a weird ritual but it's just a ritual. It isn't pedophilic.

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Unfair? GTFO, The Talmud also talks about genocide and Jesus boiling in semen in hell.
You are what Hitler was trying to save us from

>This is just unfair.
Answer the question kike
Jesus says Hello, by the way.

S and sage

It's an old book, OK? My ancestors saw Christianity as their ultimate enemy and wanted to destroy it. I don't really care, I'm not religious today.

As a Jew, I respect Christians. And I'm sorry for the bad blood between our cultures.

Also, Hitler was too extreme on this issue. He was right that some of the Jewish community were bad people, but he took it too far.

Please understand, my community is paranoid about Nazis. Most of us are good people, but we see you as the enemy.

Don't hate me, please.

May he that is without sin among you, let him cast the first Zyklon B canister

I never did anything! I am against the hate of White people by many Jews!

You can't blame me for what a whole community does. The Neo Nazis created the problem of paranoid Jews. Blame them! Not me!

listen shlomo, convert to islam or you get the sword

Why? I'd rather just become Christianity and forget being a fucking Jew. It's a burden. Being a Jew means either I'm sucking my tribe's cock or I'm seen as a scum of the earth piece of dirt.

You have no idea how horrible it is to live in a tribalist family and community. It sounds good to you as a White nationalist, but it's hell.

You my friend, you are alright.

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because you arent going to become a christian, you will just be another jesuit cryptokike

and you should be with your tribe dumbass, why would we want someone who betrays their own kind?

>casual lurker
You post here religiously everyday
Don’t you have a natsoc gen to harass

>Jewish pussy is violated by every race of men

I thought this type of shit was forbidden in your culture because you guys understand women are sacred in a certain sense (i.e correct if im wrong, a person is Jewish only if the mother is)

*because they are the creators of life

If you’re a reform or secular Jew then there’s a good chance you’re not bad

Fuck off! Just fuck off! I love Jow Forums

Jewish girls don't care as long as they marry someone who is Jewish or at least converts, they get special perks and get treated like GODS. Jewish girls are spoiled selfish whores who freely fuck around.

Guys like me who want a pure Jewish girl have to marry a *yuck* ultra-Orthodox.

You are so wrong it's unbelievable! Reform Jews are basically Communists on steroids! You know nothing! Reform Jews are the worst! I know them and they are the ones who support SJW shit and hate White people and Christianity the most!

Hitler didn't take it far enough. If he had, you wouldn't be here shitting up muh boards.

The only purpose of Jow Forums is to keep mentally sick people contained here and prevent them from infecting normal healthy society. This is the only real redpill.

Wow, I feel like going out for a drink now.

No resolve.

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I'm a good person, you stupid faggot!

You're wrong! Jow Forums has good people who just need to be reached out to! I want to tell every good white person and rightwinger I'm their friend and I see what my community is doing, I see they are wrong.

But please don't hate them, don't give in to their hate. Their hate is a drug, they want you to hate them back so they can scream HATER NAZI KKK and shut you down.

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Was just on /b/, am a little scarred rn from a rekt/gore thread I saw 30 mins ago.

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Go out! Be proud! Spread your ideas! Be confident, be amazing! I love you Jow Forums. You people are inspiring. Fuck all the negative talk. This website contains brilliant thought that goes unseen by the world.

In a better time, Jow Forums users would be lighting the world on fire with debate, inquiry and intelligence. Don't give up! I love you.

-Jow Forums's biggest Jew fan

>Please understand, my community is paranoid about Nazis. Most of us are good people, but we see you as the enemy.
>Most of us are good people, but we see you as the enemy.
>we see you as the enemy.

Just can't help it

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>I love to troll Jow Forums 24/7

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if youre such a good person give me your sisters khazar milkers

What exactly do you dislike about your (((community)))? You say you don’t like what they’re doing to whites. What exactly are you referring to?

How do we know you're not an infiltrator with an ulterior agenda to (act) like one of ((us))?

>But please don't hate them, don't give in to their hate. Their hate is a drug, they want you to hate them back

Seen this before, seems like there is truth behind it.

Drop a gem or two we otherwise wouldn't know without insider knowledge.

LOL >paranoid about nazis
but the holocaust isnt real.
You're not guilted far enough yet.

I don't see you as the enemy. If I controlled the media right now I'd have you guys on TV to have an honest and friendly talk and take your criticism seriously.

Most of the people in my community just see you as enemies to be slaughtered, though. It makes me sick.

I want to respect and learn from others. The way things are now is wrong.


My sister is already a slut who's been violated by every kind of man in America. You probably already fucked her.

They hate White America and think it's deserved or doesn't matter when White people lose jobs or lose majorities like in California. Now more than ever Jewish people around me are blaming White people for Trump and saying White people deserve whatever they get, even if it means being murdered.

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Always do the opposite of what a jew says

Wait a moment, what makes you agree with the ideas of / pol /?
also you as a Jew
What do you think of the Roman Empire?

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Yeah, but instead, we'll soon be lighting the world on fire with fire.

He ignored my post, I guess you're right

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What are some common opinions (((they))) hold that (((they))) try to keep hush on?

A few of you deciding to join the human race isn't going to make a shit of difference sorry, consider this
If it were possible to quantify evil how much of the overall total of human evil could be attributed directly or indirectly to the jews?
Think about it because it's would be way more than even you the "good jew" would estimate.
Then consider how many jews there are in the world and then realise that in truth the simplest way to fix many of the things that are wrong in the world would in fact be to remove all the jews and even if a few of you were worth saving how little collateral difference it would make, in the grander scheme of things, weighed up in the cost of human misery and suffering your people have authored it would be nothing but a mote
Sad but true

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I'm literally a friendly Jew! It's hard. If anyone in my circle traced this post to me, I would be socially murdered for years!

It's like if you got found out as a Satanist who worships the DEvil.

I've always been someone who doesn't feel part of groups. I don't understand the Jewish hivemindset of some people in my family, for instance, who like the fact that middle White America is suffering.

I just respect rightwing nationalists. Everywhere. I don't like Nazis, but Jow Forums isn't actually Nazi.

They hate normal White people because they think normal White people are "secretly anti-Semitic". The truth is they are secretly "Anti-White" because they have been conditioned to see White people as all being "like Nazis" no matter what.

frame games?

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The common thread in Jewish history is the merchant and rabbinical classes using the entire Jewish community as a battering ram to subvert and human shield when things go south. If you want someone to blame look to your leaders. Nazis were the 109th time, but “Nazis” have always existed so long as there are Jews leading their people to doom.

>They hate normal White people because they think normal White people are "secretly anti-Semitic". The truth is they are secretly "Anti-White" because they have been conditioned to see White people as all being "like Nazis" no matter what.
this/ jews are a paranoid people just waiting for the house of cards to fall under them.

I have a lot of sympathy for you and am impressed by your willingness to engage with this forum.

I believe there will be a time soon where the divide between our races is healed, but things may get a little worse before they get better.

>self hating nu-shlomo
even the jews are falling for it

No, but he is one of my heroes!

>I don't like Nazis, but Jow Forums isn't actually Nazi

You betrayed yourself, you're full of shit kike

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So how do we get Jews out of culture positions? Such as film and music industries?

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The thing is my community sees wiping out "Whiteness" as a critical step to somehow ending antisemitism forever.

I try to warn other Jews that Muslims hate us more, they don't give a fuck. They are hell bent on hating White people and blaming them all for the holocaust. Which is so unfair!

I love myself and my community. But I want us to say no to hating and blaming all White people.

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I wish I knew. I'm just an anonymous loser Jew dude. No one gives a shit about me. I probably have it easier to get hired into some companies, that's it.

My family isn't connected to the rich elite business Jews, as far as I know. Sucks for me.

You are right / pol / can claim to hate the Jews, but I still remember when an Israeli Jew said he would desert the army because he was ordered to attack a civil hospital.
They practically put a lot of support messages. We are all friends in the background
What do you think of the Greco-Roman culture?
Could you identify with the values of Rome?

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Alright you can stop the charade, Shlomo. Is this your buddy?

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I respect Roman and Greek cultures, but they're not my heritage.

Why do you think Jews push race-mixing and multiculturalism? What are you thoughts on this?

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Yeah I've been doing research and basically every leftist ideology being promoted in society has a direct parallel to the end-times utopia pushed in Jewish Reform.

>A world where women have an elevated place in society
>A world without weapons

I've come to realize that the reason these issues are pursued endlessly is because of religious zealotry. It's basically political Judaism.

And when you're doing God's work you can justify anything, hence the brainwashing, lying, etc.

Well that and like you said it seems like you guys are absolutely terrified of white people, but unfortunately the defensiveness only makes the jewish people look more guilty. A vicious cycle.

If only we could have a real conversation! The real issue is the inability for white people to address our grievances with the Jewish people. It's like being in an abusive relationship where you can't complain without being punched in the face.

Eventually white America will snap. We need to have a conversation to diffuse the tension. I'm glad you're here, your efforts are appreciated.

He already said because they hate whites and want to remove them from the face of the Earth.
Just shows that it is not a conspiracy that Jews want to brown the white race out of existence.

> (You)Why do you think Jews push race-mixing and multiculturalism?
Very simply, we want everyone to feel mixed. Jews are basically White people with some Middle Eastern blood in us, we are not from any pure stock of people.

Jewish identity is genetic, but also Jews have been moving around Europe and the Middle East for centuries and mixing. It makes us feel threatened to be seen as outsiders for being impure.

>Eventually white America will snap.
That's what scares me. I don't want bad things to happen to White people, but also the idea of an entrenched and intolerant White identity group terrifies me. We can't let that happen.

because the reputation of """nazi""" was created by subversive jews in the first place.

There is a reason why they are called Jewish princesses. I don't see how you can even entertain the thought of being with a Jewish woman after having to endure their shit since they are in your family. All they do is extreme guilt and shame, and I wouldn't want to be married with that.

You don't have to do what is good for (((your people))), but what is good for you and your future bloodline. It is time to turn your back on it, and if you somehow have a son, don't circumcise him. It is what I am planning to do if I ever get to that stage in life.

Well, only some Jews want to eliminate all White people. But most of us want to reduce White numbers.

Somehow everyone I know literally blames all Whites everywhere for Nazi antisemitism. It's very strange. I hate it.

>Please understand, my community is paranoid about Nazis
No Schlomo.
Your tribe is built on a constant creation of paranoia about outsiders.
That is working for millenia already and the reason is to keep an inclusiveness and to fuck up the goyim without any feeling of guilt.
You didn't see Defamation?
That's just the very tip of the iceberg.

Trust me, I am done with Jewish women mostly.

Jewish women have been violated and fucked by so many non-Jewish men, it's ridiculous. It makes me ashamed.

I have been investigating and apparently there were a few Jews who committed Apostleship of Judaism and formally joined the legions and their cults most likely the Mithraism a very popular religion among the legions. Some went to the extreme of trying to grow back the foreskin apparently the operation was very painful.
What do you think of those Jews?

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>I don't like Nazis, but Jow Forums isn't actually Nazi.

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This guy knows too much

It's ok user,pls get me a Jewish waifu with big pale breasts. I forgive everything has long I get access to the bagel holes en

(Entry to heaven.)

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Well like I said it's about opening the lines of communication.

I am working with some people on something that will hopefully help move things in the right direction.

they sound OK to me, no problem

I respect all good people who don't hurt others

thats fine dude. you're ok on my list. don't martirize yourself about this stuff

99% of big tit Jews have fucked White, Black and brown meat in school. Jewish women are turbosluts

>The Neo Nazis created the problem of paranoid Jews.
No, the zionists created paranoid jews. They also profit off of it.
Your tribe is so fucked up.
I know I'm just a random macaco, hopelessly blackpilled, but I'm glad that I'm not a part of a community where poisonous behaviour is key to survival (like subverting nations and then cry and moan about it when people start to notice).

>because the reputation of """nazi""" was created by subversive jews in the first place.
this. its a big boogey man that was used to scare jews into line, and any hatred they get from their actions....simply reinforces their initial assumption.

>oy vey so anti semetic please dont deport me its literally a shoah

you should be more sorry for inflicting cuckstain ((('civilization'))) not that there's anything civilized about it than what kikes supposedly do to supposedly subvert it, in fact you should be more sorry for creating cuckstainity to begin with than anything else for it is your greatest crime

Now, tell me more about the Jewish (((Messiah))) and how Zionists are pushing hard to spread degeneracy worldwide to urge his coming.

Hitler had 125k Jews in his army.

If you lived in the past and offered to join the legions, would you accept?

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bullshit, that was in WW1.

Why are you calling yourself a loser?

Also post pics of your arm Hebrew fren

Jesus man stop apoligizing so much

>Jewish girls are MASSIVE sluts

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A lot of male pornstars are jews. Herschel Savage is one. Youre alright user.

>If you lived in the past and offered to join the legions, would you accept?
well, considering that those in the legions had a better standard of living than the rest of the plebs, yes, i would.


do yourself a favor don't step foot in your mother land


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>'m among those 20% of kikes who voted Trump. And I want to tell you I'm so fucking sorry for how much bullshit my people have caused White Christian civilization. A huge part of the bad shit happening right now is our fault. But what can I do about it? I feel powerless. If I ever even suggest that White people are human I get called a traitor. If I even show the slightest bit of support for Trump, my friends and most of my family attacks me viciously. You have no idea how backstabbing, dishonest and fanatical Jews can be.
Nice larp, many jews are apolitical and don't have any animosity towards europeans or slavs. This is fake news and probably some guapo posting from White Plains seeding cliche jew memes.

Digits confirmed

>many jews are apolitical and don't have any animosity towards europeans or slavs
many not all you fucking cunt, you don't know me

NYC Jewry, which is what I'm a part of, has a very hostile attitude to White people, in general. I want that to stop. I want all communities to love each other!

And where did I say all Jews? You are strawmanning me! Fuck off!

Yep, the legions pay your weight in gold and give you land to live your life.
The Roman legion was like a great family and brotherhood, united by arms and faith (mithraism) it is said that this is why its success in front of its contemporaries

cmon. a valid sauce pls

>Also, Hitler was too extreme on this issue.
Hitler didn't go far enough. Total eradication is the only way to solve the Jew problem, starting with the women and children.

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How is America to live as a Jew?

I love it here. No problem. I'm just a citizen. I'm just a guy. I never get mistreated. I don't understand why so many Jewish people are dead set on "transforming America". It's larpy bullshit.

Accept Christ my brother 177777777

>Jews are simply spreading their own insanity
Why the fuck should we suffer your feminist madness, regardless of whether Jewish men experience it themselves?

How about you get the fuck out and shut the fuck up?

I'm not a jew but I love Israel.

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(OP) #


This. I don't have time for any princesses or goddesses.