Kavanaugh confirmation hearing Day 3 part 15 - Smug Harris edition

>Cspan3 - youtube.com/watch?v=0weaIvUfMz8
>Fox news - youtube.com/watch?v=mSyWoxGbpFg
>Washington Post - youtube.com/watch?v=tkwRkJxC2tU

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>These hearings are essentionally a job interview for the supreme court justice nominee selected by the president. They serve to field any questions senators may have before casting their vote to approve or deny his nomination. This is signifant because Democrats have been using the courts to legislative, this both blocks them and gives Republicans a chance to reverse previous decisions

History of confirmation hearing
>The controversy surrounding Brandeis's nomination was so great that the Senate Judiciary Committee, for the first time in its history, held a public hearing on the nomination, allowing witnesses to appear before the committee and offer testimony both in support of and in opposition to Brandeis's confirmation. While previous nominees to the Supreme Court had been confirmed or rejected by a simple up-or-down vote on the Senate floor—often on the same day on which the President had sent the nomination to the Senate—a then-unprecedented four months lapsed between Wilson's nomination of Brandeis and the Senate's final confirmation vote

>new Jersey Democratic Senator Booker leaked documents

Attached: Smug Harris.png (658x702, 481K)

Other urls found in this thread:

judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/09-06-18 GWB Document Production (Leahy, Coons, Blumenthal, Booker 2).pdf

>Hawaii Democratic Senator Hirono leaked documents

>Democratic Senate minority leader Schumer stating he supports the leaks

>Republican chairman Grassley's offices releases documents
judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/09-06-18 GWB Document Production (Leahy, Coons, Blumenthal, Booker 2).pdf

>Vox covers Zina Bash handsign controversy
web.archive.org/web/20180906172437/https://www.vox.com/2018/9/5/17821946/white-power-hand-signal-brett-kavanaugh-confirmation-hearing-zina-bash-Jow Forums

>Vermont Senator Leahy accuses Kavanaugh of lying under oath

>Protester payer identified

>Alex Jones and Infowars suspended from Twitter

>Kavanaugh is an orignalist
>The original intent theory, which holds that interpretation of a written constitution is (or should be) consistent with what was meant by those who drafted and ratified it.
>The original meaning theory, which is closely related to textualism, is the view that interpretation of a written constitution or law should be based on what reasonable persons living at the time of its adoption would have understood the ordinary meaning of the text to be.


3rd for new copfu

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Kamala may be dumb as a brick but she'd look pretty good with a load on her face


What did that shirt say? Something like "FBI uses toddlers for sex [more but I didn't get to read it]"

homosexuals are why we can't have nice things

>i have a benis

Attached: HotterNYou.jpg (551x309, 87K)

>that shirt

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>that shirt

Double Pen, what a dirty girl Feinstein is

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Absolutely true, the amount of self enriching corruption among reps is rampant
>Gives government contracts to friends/family businesses
Quite a few California Dems have done this to get quite rich

ummm does anyone have a screenshot of that last protestor getting ejected? there was a guy in a hat and brown shirt with something someting "toddlers" on his shirt

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which one of you

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I got it user

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/ourguy/ infiltrating the hearing

lmao i recognize your name trolling the Jow Forumspolitics comments section

you got downvoted faster than my comments, keep up the good work my man

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grassley has a pack-a-day voice. he shouldve smoked less grassley in his day.

FBI used Toddlers for Sex ... Policies

Good catch

Why wouldn't he stand up? What's the point.

epic level shitposting

Somebody please shout "Praise KEK!" if you're there.

based and redpilled af

digits will it

"I'm so sick of hearing about gay people" That's what someone at work said today, and he's gay.

He'll scream out in a few minutes. Hopefully we'll get a shot of the shirt when he does.

>Opposing view
>Absolutely no attempt to dispute it

Better to yell "Make America Great Again!"

>Senator Kennedy
Time for comfy civics lessons.

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its been a good day

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this, it's much less autistic

user always deliver.
>Federalist Papers
>Federalist Party
Pls bring up Jefferson, his policies.

I'll take a pepe

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Post best cuties. Ms. Carter gets my vote HNNNNNG

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Isn't the oil supposed to be poisonous?

Wtf who's that corpse

Is that the chick behind Crapo? She was the hottest, by far.

Ah fuck. I just realized we have to listen to that Hawaiian bitch screech for 16 fucking minutes.

nevermind I thought she was actually wearing it

It's the wheezer geezer again.

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Leaky Leahy has lost too much water

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Bernie looking fat these days

which one

>Isn't the oil supposed to be poisonous?
Very much so. Was used by Celts/Druids as sacred poison.

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10/10, would preserve the white race with

>still alive
I thought grandpa retard was wheeled off after he shit himself this morning and ceded his time?

That's the guy that voices the cookie monster.

>getting sleepy yet

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Leahy is speaking from beyond the grave. They had to dig him up for the hearing.


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Vermont Democratic senator


Laugh it up trumpettes.

There’s more than enough shit here to impeach Kavanaugh. We will be able to impeach justice Thomas as well.

Then we’ll add two more seats and fill them with liberals just for fun. This is only going to hold up for 2 years.

This was one of the only good questions asked by a Dem. Give Leahy a break.

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I wonder if her beads are intentionally supposed to look like it

statements like this are why we talk about killing you

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

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Holy fuck this guy is barely alive

is he dying?

Cute fanfic. Now go back and watch Kavanaugh be confirmed.

the democrats bringing up privacy of all people

>I wonder if her beads are intentionally supposed to look like it
I think so, esp. since it was first thing I thought of when I saw it... so those familiar with would think that first IMHO.


Pupper posts are good!

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Someone give this geezer a Halls or a Mint already.

this guy sounds like he has less than a couple hundred words left in him before he croaks

Yes.. but not fast enough.

maybe, reps have had health problems during proceedings before. One had a heart attack during a speech that I can recall

not only that, but there is a skeleton inside of him

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Would be interested to hear her reasoning for wearing it if so


Checked and spoopy


congress back in the day sounds pretty metal.
i guess they've had to stop proceedings to allow for duels


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the missiletoe is working

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Oh boy.. here come the perjury traps.

This is some next level ass kissing.

Reminding every citizen of President's Surveillance Program (ironically proven justified by Huma and Co.) and, much worse, Secret Executive Service.
>Implying they'll ever remotely address actual violation of civil liberties
Remember Zuckerberg's hearing?
It's a good question to raise awareness of but I'm not QUITE sure this elderly Senator understands the implications of an exabyte.

skeleton confirmed


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How else would that old bag get any kisses?

Here this faggot goes again.

Tttttthenator Whitehoutttth is such a brainlet.

then who was phone?


Glasses man at it again!