Are there any good Anime's that Jow Forums would like they don't have to be red pilled but if there are any red pilled anime's then I am interested. The only good ones that I have heard of is Berserk 1997, Death note, Cowboy Bebop and I'm not quite sure on Samurai Shampoo I haven't watched any anime since I was a kid and it was Quest for Deltora not sure if that counts but I liked it.
Also I don't want little girls with big titty's flying through the air screaming and beating up men. Most of the anime I have seen just seems like faggoty cartoons.
Samurai Champloo is decent storytelling. Fullmetal Alchemist is literally about government conspiracies using Seven Sins. Someone said Gungrave is Berserk with guns. Haven't seen that gooktoon. Hunter X Hunter is children going down the rabbit hole.
Jaxson Campbell
Black lagoon is pretty good, betterman, blue sub number 6, blue gender, parasyte, onepunch man, idk I like a lot of anime so
Dominic Hill
ctrl+f LTGH
im am disappoint...
Cameron Williams
Cheers will look into it. Also whats Gungrave I want something with a good and meaningful story.
Henry Edwards
Isaac Adams
Have it. Didnt watch yet. How do you rate/summarize it?
Gavin Price
watch LOTGH
Michael Nelson
I don't just want meaningless action. I honestly don't care that much if there is no action just a good story. I think my main type of anime will be fantasy medieval sort of Quest for Deltora or Berserk
Charles Walker
Angel Cop
Jeremiah Kelly
space battle between corrupt and degenrate democracy and ascendant fascist state, with space israel and religious fundamentalists
Jaxon Martinez
Youjo Senki >Blonde blue eyed Aryan loli >1488 >Deus Vult >Shoved free market principles on the empire's enemies >Killed beaners for not having visas >BTFO Anglo, French and NAFRI scum >Soon to BTFO America and Commie filth
Neon Genesis Evangelion (Gospel of the New Century) is about a jewish cult false flagging a meteor impact in order to take over the world using the UN, killing half of humanity in the process, after which they terrorize the only people left alive in order to bring about an artificial, forced evolution of mankind using technology and an ancient mythos they revived with the show culminating in a kabbalistic ritual killing everyone on earth at the hands of the german-jewish secret society Seele. Also the Dead Sea Scrolls were actually an alien instruction manual and Adam was an alien and Lilith was one, too.
A classic that pretty much everyone and their mother has watched at this point, but I'm sure there are some retards here who've never touched it.
Watch Magi: the labyrinth. This isn't an edit, this is actually what this fucker says. This anime literally goes through kikes printing fraudulent money to ruin a state, kikes pretending like they are the chosen ones and they need to farm the goyim, and gooks trying to take over the world by hook or by crook.
That'd a uphill battle most midevil stuff is tons of action or tits idk try blue sub number 6 it has a good story
James Lopez
You mean homoerotic?
Jeremiah Hughes
So the 97 one was the best
Carter Thomas
>Gunbuster/Diebuster >Metropolis >Ghost in the Shell >Macross, Do You Remember Love? >Macross Plus >Gundam (the remake films of the original, Unicorn, the 08th MS Team, Turn A) >Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind >Porco Rosso >Terra e... >Patlabor, and the sequels >Venus Wars >Akira >Lupin III (some of the older movies, the original, and Pt. 4 and 5, the recent iterations) >Megazone 23 >Devilman OVAs >Code Geass >Hyouka >Eden of the East >Legend of the Galactic Heroes >Nadia, the Secret of the Blue Water >Serial Experiments Lain >Oruchuban Ebichu >Occultic;Nine
Shit dog I seriously thought the “angels” were aliens. I knew it was a lot of Kabbalistic imagery but I thought it was just the Japs throwing in something exotic.
Eli White
It's much more than that, but yeah that's the initial premise. The manga is way better than the anime and is a good amount ahead as well
>Metropolis where a new world order type civilization encounters a political civil war wherein a fascist neo-aristocracy builds a skyscraper-sized weapon to trigger a solar flare in order to disable the robotic underclass in order to seize power amidst the chaos.
Watch Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade. 1999, great film. Pretty Jow Forums, about political sabotage trickling down to affect law enforcement, and the bridging of the gap between the military and law enforcement.
Armitage's also pretty fun, it's basically "Men say 'Fuck earth', start colony on mars with qt android GF's, feminists from earth and their cuck army try to ruin mars for everyone"
Slightly less Jow Forums, but one of my favorites is Haruhi. It's a fun look at purpose and desires in life, with a comedy backing to keep everything light-hearted.
Liam Howard
My red-pilling animes recommendation:
Eva Gungrave Ergo Proxy Claymore Elfen Lied Dragon Ball Z (many memes here based on dbz, thus required viewing)
>Patlabor a computer scientist designs a weapons station in Tokyo Bay called Babylon that can cause resonant frequencies to hijack the robotic police force
Most of these are good, I didn't know anyone besides me had even watched Blue Sub #6.
I'd say that in terms of Redpilled anime, you really have to start at LOTGH, which is like the entire debate of Liberalism vs Traditionalism complete with the failures of democracy and capitalism and a VERY thiny veiled address of the JQ, all squeezed into one series along with beautiful visuals, outstanding classical score and fun characters.
The light novels were also good reads, though... Light. The best part of LOGTH (Defiance, I think was the specific book) was when Wenli described the Phezzani not as Jews (though their leader is literally named Rubinski and is described as a hideous frog-faced kike) but as a minority from the Mongol Empire who did the same thing as the Jews. The writer was very careful never to say the word "Jew" but you would have to be the dumbest normie on the planet not to realize who he was actually talking about--it helps that the minority he mentioned were literally Khazars.
Another good series is Outlaw Star, which is good primarily because, to get a bit Richard Spencer on you, it represents incredibly well the Faustian spirit of the Aryan. A constant striving for a goal against the conventions of society, an exploratory soul, a total disregard for death and harm, and a sense of the mystic, the unseen and the abstract that permeates and complicates ideas like freedom, happiness, truth, and the pursuit thereof.
The introductory monologues in Outlaw Star convinced me that the Japanese actually are Aryan. That and their food--I could write an entire essay on that, and perhaps I would if /ck/ hadn't banned me.
> Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade I was hoping for a lot more of the right-wing death squad action scenes. I mean, I dig that it was basically “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: The Anime”, but it’s not what I was expecting.
Samuel Perry
Just watched the original ghost in the shell movie. Pretty amazing story about transhumanism and a sort of ancap corporate espionage campaign to supress the expansion of consciousness through technology.
Jack Davis
>Megazone 23 humans are forced to live in a simulated 1980s era Earth by a neofeudal elite. The original Matrix
Don't get me wrong I like action but only if it has a good story
Camden Johnson
I got a new entry that you will all love.
First: have you guys noticed how comedy in general is dead in the west? This is mostly because we can't touch any sensitive subject, or any subject in general.
Well this anime is a comedy about 4 horny teenagers being put in a school prison for being too horny. The shows show lots of creepshoots and sexualizes women in a manner that would not be possible in the west.
It is not an Anime without a meaning, it is mostly about friendship and cameraderie, values that have been trashed out in modern society. Please watch it if you have the opportunity, it will cheer you up...its on Netflix.
yea sounds about right is it just me or does it seem like everyone says the Manga's are better then the Anime's
Carson Reed
>Code Geass alternate timeline where the American revolution never happened and Napoleon conquered Europe, causing the British empire to move to the New World allowing them to foster a greater power that leads to a global Britannia Empire. Aristocracy holds a mystical power allowing them to keep their competition at bay until a prince is exiled where he gains the power of the kings and decides to take over his father's empire
Blue Submarine #6 is interesting because it could be taken quite literally as a story about the white man's demographic crisis and the collapse of western civilization.
The sense of hopelessness and resignment to extinction from the start of the miniseries was disturbing at the time I watched it ten years ago, but acutely familiar now. It's a series about a people whose time has passed and who are now essentially being hunted down by shark-niggers and murdered for not being shark-niggers. The desparate last-ditch attack on the kike responsible is the plot point that occupies most of the show, and while they wax philosophic about building bridges between the two groups throughout, with the Jew dead, it's pretty obvious that the only thing any of them intend to do is live apart where they never have to see each other again.
Also great: BLAM! is a posthuman lovecraftian horror story about mankind after the singularity. The sort of thing which a National Socialist society (and no other kind short of the Amish) would be deathly terrified of simply because we are the only people who actually care about the human spirit and the human soul beyond its utility in markets and productive enterprise.
Also great: Shigurui, a series about dying like a man.
Also great: Pirates of Dark Water, not an anime at all but a really sick TV cartoon from the 90s that I watched back then. Basically Waterworld meets Dark Sun, the best pitch for a western animation since The Real Ghostbusters. Contemporary with that too, I think.
>I was hoping for a lot more of the right-wing death squad action scenes. We can all dream, user. Live action version was released not long ago, I've been meaning to watch it. Maybe there's some nice stuff there that we've missed entirely.
Camden Morales
It's true in most cases because the anime is an adaptation of the manga. And it's usually only in place to boost manga sales. Things are left on the cutting room floor or censored when animated. It really depends on the studio and budget whether or not the anime will be good
Evan Stewart
This place must really be full of underage with these recommendations. If you recommended any of the following,
>Attack on titan >Code geass >HunterXHunter >FMAB >BNHA
Berserk is the only quintessential ""medieval"", story driven anime I can think of. I would check out the manga though. The egg of the king arc is well represented in the 90s series, but if it leaves you wanting more - go for the manga, leave the 2017 series alone. Atrocious animation.
I second parasyte as a recommendation. If you like john carpenter's the thing, its worth watching for the animation alone, but beneath all the gore there's an interesting story about what makes you human and whether your loyalties should lie with your race or your own survival.
Berserk 1997 is one of my top three favorite anime. Read the manga and you're in for a good time. I recommend Parasyte, JoJo's, and the first season of Psycho Pass.
I have never watched Anime before faggot stop getting so defensive about your gay sub culture because your waifu isn't real
James Rogers
Samurai Champloo, Bebop, Thundercats, Trigun, DBZ
Ryder Morales
Of course everyone knows about Blue Sub you spastic, it was on American cable tv
Tyler Flores
Attack on Titan btw. The manga is all about White Guilt. Eldians are literally White people/Germans fighting against America and the world because of their evil ancestors.
Pic related is the first time they meet Black people kek
Gainax's first anime (the studio that made Evangelion), the Chocolate Panic Picture Show.. about niggers ooga booga-ing in civilization and causing havoc. A surrealist racist laugh riot
Last Exile. It's a sweeping adventure/revenge story set in an alternate universe where two countries are at war with each other, but both are effectively ruled by the rich and technologically advanced (((Guild))), who produce, lease, and control the levitation engines that power the nations' flying navies.
It has a unique aesthetic that blends 19th century styling with the Golden Age of Flight, and the rise of WWII era naval tactics.