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oddly high quality for burger king

I'm getting wood

as a former Burger King employee I can confirm that this particular sandwich was one of our best ones. The meat used is extremely good, and the steak sauce and french fried onions make it extremely nice.

enjoy OP

doesn't look like it's even sold anymore though so this picture must be old. I'm sure the new "steakhouse" burger isn't the same. The one with the square patty like the picture is the one that was insanely good

what is it? doesn't seem like a normal item on the menu. looks good

I wish burgers were as well made here, but alas they're all staffed by niggers.

Foot lettuce?

Burger King steakhouse burger, it's hard to even find pictures of it because it's from like 2011. The new one doesn't appear to be the same, it looks like it just uses a normal whopper patty

This one had its own square shaped patty that tasted so good you could eat the meat by itself you wanted to, unlike the whopper meat

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Two test tickles