
Why can't we all just get along Jow Forums?

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shut up centrist we're in war mode now the libs crossed the line

because we want our country back from the kikes at all costs.


>"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.
stay the course of peaceful defiance. libs will implode under their own hatred.

>Libs attack again
>we make one argument
>they reeee
>we say
can't we be friends
>they say
NO! You stupid bigots!!!11!!
But I'm still good with peace anyways.

Uhhh nah I don't believe copers

he also took a selfie, typed several hashtags, virtue signaled and logged into social media to share it all.

>he's a bitch

>Today I sat by while Democrats fought to seize my property and remove by rights

People like this are the ones who are actually surprised when they are dragged out of their homes in the night by comissars and executed after the revolution. "b-b-but I have nuanced views! huu huu huu!"

Gotta agree in principle...Rational discourse is much better than the crazy passing for the Norm today.

Fuck the virtuous, he who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. I've been waiting for Marshall Law for years fire and brimstone mother fuckers. Once this shit actually kicks off I'm going full killdozer on the democratic party.

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damn you were a busy fucking jew

Or they won't, and you just lose.

Normal = become a flaming faggot

What is it with post-9/11 veterans and growing these stupid beards. They got their DD-214 years ago but they insist on retaining a separate and distinct look from civilians. Marines are the absolute worst about this.

When I EAS'd I just wanted to blend back into society, not continue to stand out. What the fuck is wrong with them.

You are aware that back then the right cheek would have been slapped by a backhand, which is the gravest of insults to do to a man. Offering the other cheek isn't about just taking their shit it's about telling them to come at you like a man so you can open up a can on them.

The text has been translated, censored, taken out of context (like that phrase), and rewritten so many times the meaning is gone.

Is that Gerard Butler?? Anyway, he is right. Like Rodney King said, can't we all just get along? Leave politics out of everyday life.

It's called being a fence-sitter who's too scared of offending someone

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Who is "Marshall Law" Or did you mean "martial law"?

Because the left won't.

We tried getting along for decades and all it did was weaken us.

The left cries as it lashes out. We have treated them with kid gloves for too long.

So we are sinking to their level, and will no longer offer them the civility denied us.

They want the thank (((you,s)))). I was a former 18F. No one would ever know by how I look.

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I'm a no good phone poster. I shall seppuku after the day of the rope in the name of the frog god.

Today I shopped with Simon who will soon be Simmone for a g-string at Victoria's Secret. We had strawberry acai refreshers at Starbucks. Afternoon delight attending Moneek and Alice (interracial lesbian wedding vow renewal with their three multicultural children followed by a protest against the Christian bakery who refused to bake a special cake for the occasion of a pink vagina. Service was performed by Imam. Reception held in San Francisco Red Light district with all homeless and illegal aliens invited for Twinks. This rainbow has no end.

How many more people have to DIE before we ban guns? Blood is on the hands of the right!

>why can't we all just be normies?
i was cursed with this thing called "curiosity"

Lol, that pic.

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Give me a fucking break, how many people die every single day from hospital error? Hospitals cover, nurses don't tell, doctors breathing nitrous in the O.R. Get a brain and now go clean your room before dad gets home.

This dude's trying too hard to not appear gay, like henry rollins.
I would love for everyone to get along but it's not going to happen. His mistake is thinking that with centrism you get along with everybody.
Leftists will think this guy is a nazi redneck because he carries a weapon, eats and in-and-out, believes in god, and drives a ford.

Its not easy being a powerbottom, honey.

Guns were MADE for killing. That is their whole purpose. I see no reason why a citizen needs anything other than a single shot 308.

You dont need handguns to hunt. You dont need an AR to hunt.

God you shills are trying too hard to look like trolls. Budget cuts leave hiring faggots like you huh?

Exactly, so many of us are desperate to put that time of our life behind us. But these cunts are the same guys who were getting NJPs all the fucking time when they were in the service, then can't let it go once they finally leave.

I bet he moisturized himself at some point during the day too. What a faggot.

>just chill out and let your race die

centrists are just pussies who stand for nothing

i don't care if i need it or not, i want it, i can afford it, and i'll have it. feel free to come try to take it, though

Seems like what he is saying is offending both sides if anything.


but what if centrism is the must successful mode of government, and a true synthesis of right and left wing ideas is going to leave us with the best world? then you stand for something

>Today I did X and Y
>Haha can’t we just get along?
>Also, don’t forget to leave (you)’s. I need my e-dopamine fix.

Imagine being this much of a faggot.

This. Based leaf.

>feel free to come try to take it,

You'll just get ruby ridged by the ATF and theres nothing your AR15 pea shooter can do about it!

>turn the other cheek
I'm sure your wife's bull appreciates that supreme gesture of cuckoldry.


It is unlikely that the left and the right are each 50% correct about everything
The real world doesn't work that way
Anyway, what if the left started eating children and the right started killing minorities?
A centrist would then back each group's new behavior
What they "stand for" is a variable; they have no specific values of their own

>virtue signaling
Das Gay

This must be said. Most of us do all that stuff and don't make a big deal out of it. On the other hand, it's kind of nice to have it confirmed once in awhile. Hell, I even look like that dude. He should immediately remove himself from all social media so as to not give lie to our ways.

I purchased my gun after my neighbor tried to rape me. I was dragged, cut, bruised and then he tried to drown me. Yes I purchased a hand gun because I am small and not strong. Right!

trying to get along is how libs and commies were able to push their degenerate shit as far as they have.

great, I needed some lube to jerk off to all those dead niggers

>turn the other cheek
thats kikery to trick the goyim through religious guilt into not fighting back. jesus turned the other cheek. look what the jews did to him.

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>t. guy with nails in his hands
no thanks

you've got the soi-LARPing down pat, my dude. congratz

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What a faggot.

What about my .50 bmg?

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Good to know that ARs are now peashooters and not powerful weapons of war anymore.

Eat less onions

>he doesn't embrace serenity
i bet you don't even meditate

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Nice larp at the gunstore!

>He doesn't realize that the only reason he wants one is because he's scared of the people he talks shit to on the internet

say goodbye to your guns pussy

keep telling yourself that commie, and keep pushing for civil war, you faggots have no idea what youre fucking with

>Marshall Law
We should immediately defund the federal Department of Education and any state run bodies of similar purpose, fire everybody that works there and start over. Nobody that hasn't taught children in a classroom in the last 5 years would be eligible to apply for any job at the new agencies. Nor anybody belonging to a union.

sweet nike ad, kill yourself rat

Cars were made for getting people from one place to another. You don't NEED that Lamborghini or that Ferrari, a 2009 Volkswagen Jetta is just as capable of getting you from point a to point b

why arent you gun fags always prepared by wearing proper fucking footwear instead of your fucking sandals or whatever?

Fuck no. I'd never drive a Ford.
Maybe a Chebby.

>The real world doesn't work that way
fantastic argument user

That's not how centrism works. Centrists agree with the right and the left on things, but those things vary. A centrist can be pro-abortion and pro-gun, and another centrist can be anti-abortion and anti-gun.

and no, a centrist would then oppose both of them

opposing or embracing two sides is not the same as indifference

>Today I ate bacon in a synagogue then a mosque. Why can't we all just get along?

>Centrists agree with the right and the left on things, but those things vary. A centrist can be pro-abortion and pro-gun, and another centrist can be anti-abortion and anti-gun.

i have never said anything about that you nigger

No centrists stand for uncompromising logic, all you brainlets are fine with ideas that break down far before absurdum.

Turn the other cheek means daring someone to challenge you to a duel.

It is a culture war and weak jawed Gerald Butler clone doesn't get it

Exactly. We prefer our ideology a-la carte.

>no not me lol, i'll send someone else to do it

ruby ridge and waco were horrible publicity for the US government. they never want another again, which is why they now maintain a more passive stance in these situations.

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No thanks KIKE
We play to win now.

I agree, but lets settle on a Model 3 or Chevy Bolt.

Subsidized to every American of course

show me one of these guys with a full head of hair

Yeah I wore my body armor and flip flops into the gun store... Where they just leave pistols and ammo sitting out in the open.

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this is the real world boomer pol always rages about

Because I was in my house?

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(((they))) did the same thing to Jesus. He wasn't some ineffectual hippie spreading a bland liberal message of peace and love, he was a revolutionary who pursued justice before being executed in a supremely cruel fashion.

add to that the citizens watching and learning. we now know how they respond when the 2A is asserted. citizens wont trust that they will honor the constitution.

Seems like this queer likes to overspend of shitty items

nah, i'll keep my guns.

>body armor

Oh now thats cute

what did they do faggot

Do you expect me to roll over and die for some stupid globalist serving faggot? Fuck your feelings.

i know he's larping but i like to take the bait anyway

you mean besides attempting to normalize pedophilia? besides literally trying to censor free speech? besides infringing on my right to call you a nigger?

Fence sitters get the rope.

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Nigga you eatin at mcdonalds and sippin spilled coffee from the mcdonalds trash.

Aint our fault you're a poor bitchboy and cry about what fuckkng food items somebody spends their dough on

Catch yo breath little faggot nigga

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the point still stands. this issue will go nowhere and libs dont have the balls to fire the first shot. out little system is quite perfect. if you fuck with 1A you will meet 2A, if you fuck with 2A you will get btfo by 1A.

What would you call the bullet proof chest/back plates I'm wearing in that picture then? Are you saying they aren't body armor?

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that's where the pussy is you mewling little fruit
go play outside

no aspergers hes making fun of you for owning it in the first place, because on his liberal arts campus there is no need for that so obviously no one anywhere would need it for any reason his commie infected mind can comprehend.

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>Why can't we all just get along Jow Forums?
Because life is inherently struggle and conflict. You want peace, you want to get along with everybody, then fucking die, only in death is there peace.

oh, i know it. i am glad every day that our founding fathers are the only ones on the planet who believed the right of self-protection and armament worthy of enumeration in a bill of rights. a man is only as free as he is able to defend himself, and to give up your freedom for safety is to deserve slavery and despair. no self-respecting man would ever give up his rights and his arms, and i think our fathers would shudder to think of the sorry state of men today.

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