Are you happy you MGTOW incels??!?!
MGTOW Look what you did
What if this was your sister?
and she had to selfie and post it.
Only because the baby is white.
Care to explain?
This is MGTOW incels fault.
Gee isnt it convenient that a reporter was on the bus with her that very moment to catch a photo of her and write a story about it.
Who takes a baby on a train at rush hour?
Children of the damned.
Was a movie from 90s
I would wonder why she kept our abomination child.
>after no-one offered her a seat
All she had to do is ask for fuck's sake.
But no you get way more attention complaining about it on the Internet instead.
ok but how does that relate?
Well the mother be damned apparently
It was a selfie on her phone ya dummy
why are you talking about inbnails here reddit? we are project mayhem
She took a selfie you daft cunt
Why shouldn't she stand? Men are women are equal, right feminists?
Equality when it suits me.
Hope she gets her ass kicked
She is a feminist scum, she can deal with it being strong or some other retarded shit
Equality cunt
Why is she taking a selfie about this so called "incident", is she really that hard done by for fucks sake?
I always give up my seat for women with kids and the elderly, this just makes me not want to to be completely honest, self absorbed fucking twat.
Fuck mate, last time I breast fed a baby on a bus I got thrown off.
Better than a mulatto.
A real Progressive would have offered to perform an after-birth abortion. Having white babies perpetuates white supremacy. She must be a Nazi.
If those eyes ever looked at me in person, I'd slap them.
I’m surprised she has a white baby
You wanted equality. You got it. And this is what it looks like.
She probably rejected someone's offer of a seat to become a meme
Someone with a baby, and somewhere she had to get to? It's not that fucking mysterious of a motivation.
You're right madam, chivalry is dead... and women killed it.
Poor her, everyone knows it's everyone elses responsibility to care about you and your shit kid.
>Riding public transit with a child.
Yeah she's probably a single mom too.
Who gives a fuck, i used to give my seat up for old women when i had to use crutches for 3 months, fuck that whore.
>why get attention on a bus when you can get super viral attention online.
God I hate women. gay is the best way.
Are you fucking kidding me. Feminism and the left did this. It might have been a micro agression to let her sit down.
this is what equality looks like.
thank you feminism
She was fishing, if a man had offered her a seat she'd be posting about how "racist males assume a woman needs their fucking help just because she's a woman."
Had a woman offered her a seat she'd be posting "strong women stick together while sexist racist beta males twiddle their micro dicks"
let me tell you how this went down
>be a stupid social media whore
>sitting on train with baby
>bored out of her mine
>thinking about what see can do to get some attention
>her stop comes up
>before leaving train snaps a picture of herself stand at door with her baby
>makes up some bullshit
>instant attention
>A solid black sleeve
Bet the tattoo "artist" charged it at least a grand too
>KOTH tats
These trannies are pretty based tbhfam
So many MGTOW incels.
They only have themselves to blame.
so many lonely feminist
Kick her and her squalling lump of flesh off the moving train.
No woman is ever getting a seat from me again as long as I live.
Men, don't do things for women in public. That is what the state is for. Don't reach for things in high places for women. Don't offer any public protection or social protection to women that are not in a previously established sexual relationship or are related to you by blood.
Women pay taxes so police can protect them. It's simply not your job. Stores hire men to get things from shelves for short bitches.
Don't give your masculinity away.
Last time I offered a pregnant woman a set on the bus her boy friends said 'Yeah, you better.".
Don't plan on doing it ever again.
She'd be in an SL550 not a train
Good, fuck her and her toxic gender norms
He's a white male. Get used to it kiddo. You're not special.
>t. white knight
She has a baby user, you aint gettin that pussy
I do not believe in mgtow. So you can remove me from that list
>You disagree with me so I must give you a label, not unlike my archrival der fuhrer did to the Jude's!
;fucking lol... dont fuck with us reddit, we dont care anymore... hopefully this chick goes nat soc and supports the kill of all the beta baseboy faggots who unironically want gender equality. proper men have manners, faggots and numales are selfish immature kike puppets.
Gay is not the best way. I would rather do a heil hitler (fuck mary) and take over other countries women, and then make our women jealous while doing so.
>allowing women to have rights
That's where we went wrong.
equal rights
equal lefts
Only a blown out roastie whore of a single mom would bring a small child around niggers, beaners, and muzzys on public transport.
Tired of these cumdumpsters using "muh boobs" for ever fading irl (you)'s.
>the cunt still has the energy to take a selfie.
Maybe she should stay at home then?
>Jow Forums complains about MGTOW yet Jow Forums openly brags about race mixing with minority women
It never gets any less autistic.
Stand. I didn't fuck her. Why do I care?
i wouldnt let my sister ride a train with her baby FOH nikka
MGTOW is the future
>Dave Chapelle is a Mgtow incel
No roastie, the world votes against you because you’re shit and you believe in nothing of value. Only the rarest woman has value that transcends the meat she’s made of.
Cant be, the kid is white
This is the world you built, deal with it
I'm not getting incarcerated for assistance-rape
which minority women? whites? least whites of anything desu... I love minorities
Chinks on the other hand? fucking billions of them...
Wrong, 40 year old married and have 3 boys.
>breastfeeding on the train
when is this public breastfeeding degeneracy going to end
yet she still has an ability to take a selfie
OUT slag OUT
Have you taught them how to saw somebodies head off yet Paco?
Women asked for this.
Whiteknight lol
my sister would feed her child before or after using the den of filth and disease known as public transit.
depsite their prevalence across the world, my mother did not raise any entitled retards
There you are Kelly, ya cheeky cunt.
pls dont cry mummy
Nobody forced the bitch to have a baby
>I'm a strong independent woman that can compete with any man!
>I'm a poor, vulnerable, oppressed creature that needs preferential treatment
Women switch between theses two states depending on convenience. When they need us, they cry like babies and we rush in to help them. When they no longer needs us, they spit in our faces and call us oppressors.
does this guy not understand leg meta??
Minority women means "non-white women".
Jow Forums complains about MGTOW destroying the white race yet Jow Forums brags 24/7 about their relations with non-white women.
It's hypocrisy.
>40 year old married
then how are you going your own way?
Yep, cuck confirmed. These guys are such gigantic faggots.
They use it as a passive aggressive act of social dominance now. Feeding the baby is only a convenient secondary effect. They don’t realize what position they’re headed towards at full speed.
Who cares? Shit happens.
Well, shit, what was that little feminist slogan that was so popular a few years back? "Women are not vending machines you put kindness tokens into, and sex comes out"?
Well by the same token, men are not vending machines you put ABSOLUTELY NOTHING into and concern for your well-being comes out.
Shut up Bobby
you think a bitch in the current year would let go of her phone for any reason?
>offer seat
>fat woman offended you thought she was preggo
Not worth the risk
why would you even have a kid if you dont have a car?
children of the lie
CIA niggers glow in the dark
"When a lovely lady did get up to offer me her seat, another sat in it, put her headphones in and closed her eyes."
Yeah, men didn't offered their seats, a woman stole the one who another woman left for her.
Women are the worst to another women.
THANKS FOR ALL THE YOU's. I lied about being a white-knight.
Fuck this roastie and her stupid baby.