This guy was replaced at the Rally

Did the Secret Service DISAPPEAR him?

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fuck that nigger

the women who replaced the green soicunt and ugly sister are both hottttttt

85% sure they were mossad.

When Trump said we will win, we always win. He smorked, and shook his head no. Also, he's not the only one to get removed. The other 2 infil were also removed as well. There was a fake Trump supporter in a red maga hat with glasses on. And a dude with a montana shirt on, that are no longer there either. They were ALL there for mal-intent. Go back and watch the vid.

Wait until you see how he reacted to Trump talking about scrapping "The Iran deal". Watch his reactions the entire time...

Requesting Webm of them getting replaced.

"For the Rich" or "For the reich"

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Definitly mouthed “for the rich”

Was he doing that shit the whole time? Guy looks like a bit of a fag.

>mfw they got that hothead outta there

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these 3 all got removed

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Anyone got a video of the removal? I should be watching, but I fucked up. Dammit. Sorry guys.

these two giant secret srvice guys in sunglasses walked up to him and asked him to move. he woudn't and one grabbed him by the back of the neck.


the skinny one flipped the camera off on his way out and the fat one dabbed while the chick screamed rape

and then Trump said "he cute"



Why the fuck do anons no longer list links. Unless there’s a source, it’s fake fag

it would be epic if one of these wimps rushed the stage and secret service didn't react in time and the don slammed them himself. he's a big guy

I watched it, people came and took their place. It was very noticeable because the people directly behind trump rarely leave or give up their seat.

It's not fake, but I hear you. Everyone is being lazy, and no one has posted the video yet. I guess you had to be watching the rally.

they were socialists, guy put a "socialist rose" sticker on some time before removal



I have the video but I'm too lazy to post it

It was a mossad frame job because the democratic establishment is dying and they need to make the DSA look bad. Also they're anti zionist.

He's a pussy he couldn't even strongarm Justin Trudeau or Macron, he literally tried and failed and is weaker then a drama teacher and a french manlet. He'd probably shriek like a girl.
49:00 & 57:00

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Virtue signaling and probably wants to end your race


Get and Based. Thx user.

Thanks user also checked

Holy shit
He looks fucking nuts
That is genuinely spoopy

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>if you only knew how bad things really are

HOLY FUCK I KNOW THIS GUY! Hes a literal pencil dicked nobody that I met in gender studies.

Yeah the reaction to the Iran deal part was telling

Is it just me or are his eyes turning slightly red when he says that

Thanks, hombre.

Shut the fuck up faggot

he's 72

The second two getting booted.

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Sit the fuck down while your betters are talking nigger

Nope, was diversity female supporter time

Stick to molesting innocent dogs and cats politics isn't your thing leaf

You guys are on a roll, kek!

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So they kicked out the fagoo, and then later on decided the other two had to go as well? How weird.

Based. New girl much hotter.

We know rabbi

Do you guys think CNN and/or MSNBC will use this for spin material?

I like how shes obviously telling them to fuck off, turns around, smiles then claps.

He does keep a gun in his podium for such an occasion, so it's not too far fetched...

>decided the other two had to go as well? How weird.
Cause it's not like trump security would be watching and monitoring.. Running checks and being situationally aware.

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Dude has the same eyes as the psycho girl at the "Anti-Whoever Trump Is Gonna Announce As His Supreme Court Nominee" rally

I hope this is true, watching Trump shoot some fucker who tried something stupid would be Andrew Jackson tier legendary.

xD guise im gonna go to a trump rally and meme behind his back infront of the camera lol!!!! thatll show them for voting trump!! haha!! lol!

pic related

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Playing devil's advocate here, they were just regular assholes and Trump's people wanted more attractive people to sell the image better. After all, Trump IS a salesman at heart, and treats America like a job he runs. Finding attractive people to be the face of your company (or in this case country) would be a far more simpler reason then "crazy Antifa agents try to assassinate the president".

Probably, threatening the prez is one thing, doing it directly behind him while making crazy eyes is a whole other ballgame.

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she an NPC?

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Damn look at that giraffe neck kek

He mouthed "single payer" earlier when Trump mentioned repealing and replacing Obombocare. The guy is 100% Bernout soiboi.

Could you imagine the headlines

>Trump strangles would-be Assassin in front of millions"

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fig. 1, 2. Marxist Mind Virus infection, final stage. Incurable.

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Brown haired brown eyed guy wearing the Jew star was mouthing negative comments as trump spoke. they all 3 were together and kept checking the live stream for camera placement.

What the fuck was that about?

Wouldn’t they have taken care of it beforehand? C’mon user. Think just a little bit more.

I dunno, maybe they have some poorly paid fucker finding people to put behind Trump, without really bothering to adhere to any criteria. Sort of like hiring some high schooler to drive down to the home depot to pick up some "unregulated labor" to tend to your gardens.

>the Iran deal

Can you tell me about it? I’m deaf.

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Rachel Maddow looking handsome.

it's like you're completely ignoring why they were suspicious

Iran deal was the only goof thing Obama was working on. Israel hated the Iran deal.

It's just faggots being weird, you absolute normies.
>hurr this guy is sperging out. QUICK SIC THE SECRET SERVICE ON HIM!

31:31- he starts making really odd facial movements, shifty and he mouths something what is he saying Jow Forums?

No they didn't. Notice how there's no regime change anymore? That's because Trump is smart and Netanyahu is a low IQ inbred retard.

Okay so what will Happen to Iran?

if you look at the whole thing, he's actually talking with the maga hat chick with the glasses, I think they came together, she might be trying to redpill him

The better question you should ask yourself is what is about to happen to israel?

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I believe more like regime changes for better.

He's lucky Jow Forums didn't call in an airstrike.

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they were not enthused and he seriously reminds me of james holmes flavor of crazy

idk, might be wrong, he did make some strange faces while they were still there but 4 eyes and the white shirt guys were clapping, and he seems to have been with them, even though he got deported first and alone, are there fucking places for that shit, like numbered, did they just take those two chicks places, or is it really that fucking weird as it seems?

Right, Iran has only been asking for the Middle East to form a denuclearization pact(Israel has illegal nukes they stole from the US and they helped Pakistan get nukes) and Israel deployed Stuxnet on a developing Iran nuclear power plant. They don't push regime change because too many people know it's BS and it's unpopular. Maybe we they a better hand on controlling social media they can go forward with it.

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I smell a rat, or I mean DemocRAT

lol that's embarrassing
paying crisis actors

these kids look unstable and there are a lot out there just like them

sanpaku eyes, very real danger

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maybe SS knows something we do not

Watch 24:20. When Trump talks about making the country better, military stronger, and beating terrorists the guy starts making WTF faces and shaking his head no while laughing. They were kicked out because they went there to protest not support

that red faced faggot giving the blonde the stink eye because whatever the idiots were planning got foiled, I would love to know what she said to them

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the montana shirt guy had a fake hat

>has smoking hot plants on standby to kick out assassins
My fucking president

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The dude literally oozed psychosis.

Thankyou big pharma