If whites are being outbred, how come only whites and a couple asians showed up to my labor prep class yesterday? Do niggers and hispanics just shit out babies without any care at all? This is in San Francisco, don't tell me we don't have taco niggers and pavement apes.
If whites are being outbred, how come only whites and a couple asians showed up to my labor prep class yesterday...
>why do niggers and spics not go to gay ass birthing classes?
Because they're dumb bullshit?
Because you're only ever required to go to birthing classes for your FIRST child, and black women have their first baby around age 13, and they get all their healthcare at the free clinic on the block, at the cost of your tax dollars
>hispanics and blacks being responsible and doing labor prep
really boggles the brain to understand this one
>they heard the word "labor" and they thought it was a job
And you have better things to do with your time? What's wrong with prenatal classes?
because people tend to follow their traditional family upbringing. hispanics use family network to teach and understand child birth. they arent there because they are listening to their grandmas I cant speak for blacks as ive never witnessed black family dynamic. its this or because this place is hella expensive and higher earning asians and whites are the only ones that can afford this place...how expensive was it OP?
It's only $40, free if you're in the HMO which I know a lot of niggers/spics are judging by the pharmacy lines at my HMO.
Someone post the webm. You know the one.
>hispanics use family network to teach and understand child birth. they arent there because they are listening to their grandmas
what the fuck kind of great advice would grandma give? When she was having children it was a totally different experience. This is a labor prep class, not a how-to-raise-your-child class.
so $40 or do some paperwork. that will cause hispanics not to show up. Also because whites especially white women who are harpies against each other would shame the shit out of each other for not doing the 'appropriate thing' of taking a birthing class. hispanics on the other hand would shame the shit out of each other for taking it and not saving the money or not listening to family advice...
Family issues and culture are a thing bro. dont get upset about it. just understand them
Nobody is shaming white women for not going to a birthing class, they went there to learn, simple as that.
As if white families don't give advice. That's stupid. There's no reason a spic can't get advice and go to a class too.
ask a mom how they felt after their first baby on social media. i fucking dare you. ask about what kind of support they get or if they deal with passive agressive comments. listen and have your world blown
go ahead and share instead of asking me to ping random young moms on social media
only faggots do that thats why
>white ppl work hard
Ok. there is a reason that usually feedback boxes get filled with white women over any other group first, they like their opinions to be heard and they think what they have to say is somewhat better, so this leads to whoever is receiving the feedback trying to do things the best they can feeling like shit because oh my god why didnt i do that thing that is somehow better, did i just fuck this up permanently. its a vicious cycle of trying to be perfect because you can never actually be perfect but there is always that 1 !@#$% that is... this pressure builds up to the point where they will pay for $1000+ everything to try to make sure that whatever they are doing is absolutely the best and leads them to take useless birthing classes that mostly waste your time since you could just youtube it.
Its also about giving employment to that lady that is giving the class because she is somehow more qualified than the youtube lady that has been doing it for 5 years, because getting someones attention is more important!!! and someone speaking their language is even more important. Family speaks the language that you understand the most
>labor prep class
reminder that no woman in history ever showed up to classes like this
also its a glorified shit test for the male partners... you dont support me if you dont come to me with this. its a way for them to show their partners they really care and they should care too.
I tried to YouTube it and didn't find anything as good as this class.
You never will. thats the point. ive been able to fix my car from shit youtube videos of random guys doing something similar on other cars. It needs to be the perfect video!!! and especially when women are pregnant... there will never be 'the perfect video'
how dare white/asian women try to do the best for their children! why can't they be more like niggers/spics!??!
asians are nigger/spic tier.
In Florida I did not have a labor prep class for my first. We had a tour of the hospital though.
except maybe japs
>on time
>showing up
None of those terms are compatible with blacks
Damn, they're teaching doggie style? Seems like y'all would already have a handle on that part of the process.
>Do niggers and hispanics just shit out babies without any care at all?
How old are you and you still question shit?
??? what are you talking about???
good for them for trying, just stating its hard under those circumstances to truly assess things well. lots of hormones and emotions.
but just because a certain group of people do something (even white women) doesnt mean its the best, doesnt mean its the best for everyone.
this was a question of why certain groups of people were missing and me trying to explain that the best for hispanics is different. and that usually its because of cultural, economical, differences
You only go to that class ONCE. If you already had 5 kids, you wont go for your 6th one, you understand?