It's completely obvious that Trump is a white supremacist. You still don't see it, sweetie?

It's completely obvious that Trump is a white supremacist. You still don't see it, sweetie?

Attached: WHITE-POWDER.png (983x548, 2.95M)






why is Jow Forums such an (((echo chamber)))


>yfw brainwashed commie libshits who constantly claim to be smarter than the "rural and suburban retards who voted for Drumpf" buy propaganda produced on a Venezuelan Zoo Animal Recipe Forum hook, line and sinker and are now unironically spreading said propaganda to the normie masses
Best. Timeline. Ever.

Attached: a47RKIz.jpg (1800x1000, 85K)

Great! Me too



Attached: implying_it_shows_signs_of_slowing.png (1440x900, 1.13M)


the three antifa clowns in the back would agree with you


Jow Forums created this meme and now you come to Jow Forums to claim this is proof. Kek

Kek confirms, Trump is a white supremacist and this is a good thing.

...and that's a good thing.

ANTIFA, and the violent left invited this kind of thinking. You pick the smarter of two evils -- it's always the right side.

>posts on Jow Forums
>claims "x"is a huwite soopremistsis

Sunset always gives energy.

How can you be a Zionist and a white supremacist?

Attached: iranisnext.png (1024x957, 587K)

>antifa invented groupthink

there are a lot of retards on this site, but man

vomit onions boy

Are you aware of what a pendulum is? When you create group think within colleges pushing communism you don't think the smarter, and functioning American's are gonna start thinking the opposite of everything they do?

Consciousness swings like a pendulum, and when it swings hard left it will swing back equally far right. I fucking swear user use your god damn head.

Go fuck yourself...sweetie.

they're in fucking MONTANA LOL what do you expect?

My cells are feeling sleepy
So sleepy

el oh el
u get it

Attached: JFC.png (701x197, 51K)

Get off this board