with the shit going on in Idlib and the sudden outburst of sicknesses, shootings, and politicians being assassinate as well as all the slide and troll threads in Jow Forums recently, I'd say yes
Gabriel Long
I am monitoring this thread.
Robert Foster
That's everyday America, what are you talking about.
Cooper Robinson
Who's been assassinated? If you mean Bolsonaro he'll be fine
Nicholas Nelson
>americans shooting each other >this is somehow a conspiracy and not the ordinary course of events
How does one be employed in the sleeper cell industry? >asking for a friend.
Cooper Cruz
Well anons, the present state of.... well, everything.... only ends in strife, bloodshed, and war. And there is no better way out of this. Hope you guys are ready for a fight. Because that's what matters more than anything. War is coming.
Charles Perry
HARD MODE: Don't mention NPC's and Sleeper Cells in the same post
Uh. I am going intk a major city tomorrow. Should I bring a vest and gas mask and get ready to duck and cover? Actually, may just wear a surgical mask, at least it will cover my allergies acting up.
Jace Gomez
Enjoy getting stabbed and run over by Islamic loonies, Bonger.
Hudson Watson
im not even convinced that shitting in Ohio was real. >Fifth Third’s CEO Greg Carmichael will join Mayor John Cranley at Fountain Square at 4 p.m. on Friday for the community to gather and observe a moment of silence. Fifth Third officials said more details will be released. they only do this kinda shit during the manufactured crap
These fuckers are trying so hard to get guns banned... but it's going to backfire on them when people realize you need guns to protect yourself against the MK ULTRA SLEEPER CELL LIBERAL ARMY OF KILLERS
Daniel Parker
somehow, the chink understood something
this is rare. being a leaf, I would know.
Cooper James
>be podesta >make your password literally "p@ssword". >you're given the orders from satan to activate the sleeper cells >the code word to activate the sleeper cells is literally "sleeper cells, activate"
Andrew Ortiz
Why haven't i seen this on Jow Forums? 2 Russian nuclear bombers intercepted near Alaska today LOOK IT UP
Noah Gutierrez
>this is your brain on schizophrenia wew lad
Blake Gutierrez
How would you even know who is being killed in bongistan?
Nolan Long
>2 Russian nuclear bombers intercepted near Alaska
Really we have to wait though, the worst will come when/if the media picks up on it. If they really do glow in the dark a lot of them probably have orders to do stuff other than mindless violence too.
small note: The rich are in on it, cops and muslims too; i personally dont know what 'they' are, but they will not go to your town without a strong security presence. Homeland Security and TSA, Taliban, were created for this purpose. Remember the warnings about Martial Law? Thats how the princes men come to town, they delcare martial law or Gestapo or Nazi Rule, and put boots on every street. That whay the princes kids are safe, they do the raping and kid collecting themselve. >(they are probably half alien kids of the prince) >It works like the taliban, they arm the church and put raper police in the govt and church positions, then spread like the plague :) >(they built 1000 fema camps under Mr Bill Cunton, and gave the police Armored Personall Carriers, started homeland sec, and fema, and all that other stuff.) >(the plan is to rape enough people to sissify your dna to make brown girls out of you, the browns need ~150 million girls a month to sustain their population for every hair and drop of blood (lol), the future is 'drawing it' and it cant be stopped) >(what a town is: a town is a group of killers that the government cannot get iin to lead, they are throwing duck shit and other micro-ufos in the water)
Jonathan Evans
>(the plan is to rape enough people to sissify your dna to make brown girls out of you, the browns need ~150 million girls a month to sustain their population for every hair and drop of blood (lol), the future is 'drawing it' and it cant be stopped) >(what a town is: a town is a group of killers that the government cannot get iin to lead, they are throwing duck shit and other micro-ufos in the water)
this line of shit ruined your entire post, fuck off drivel liberal.
don't these people realize this is fueling our cause? like seriously my mom voted green party instead of trump and now she's like hardcore trump.. dems literally assume you have autism.. that is only cured by nigger dick.