Paging Aghoranon:

Paging Aghoranon:

> I think some schools of Buddhism, and Shaivism, and Skaktism have preserved the teachings, but in a general way. It's hard to find a real teacher, and you need a real teacher. For me, the Kagyu and Nyingma schools are the best entrance, mostly because they don't tolerate fakes. But even in those schools, the real thing is hard to find. And even if you find the real thing, the community of students is likely to be made up of sjw types.
> I like Evola, but I don't think he got it completely. He champions the masculine current, and hates the feminine. I would say that the way the feminine is understood today is dangerous, but it isn't the real feminine. We need both.


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I know you mean with Evola championing the masculine over the feminine -- I think that was a tension he held internally and it showed in his work.

For much of his life he advocated for a hypermasculinity that, in his view would have helped its adherents resist the pathologically feminine Kali Yuga. Juxtaposed against te rage of Kali, you can almost understand his stance on masculinity.

But looking at his autobiography, The Path of Cinnabar, gives you a different view. I still need to read it, but it gets its title from the alchemical cinnabar, which represents a combination of the masculine sulphur and feminine mercury. He saw the need for balance between these two elements in his life, but that may have only come with old age.

A problem that I have is the I'm going down this rabbit hole and I feel like me doing it alone is asking for trouble. At the very least I need to find like-minded people, but it would be best to find a guru. In the last thread you said this:

> I think some schools of Buddhism, and Shaivism, and Skaktism have preserved the teachings, but in a general way. It's hard to find a real teacher, and you need a real teacher. For me, the Kagyu and Nyingma schools are the best entrance, mostly because they don't tolerate fakes. But even in those schools, the real thing is hard to find. And even if you find the real thing, the community of students is likely to be made up of sjw types.

I'm curious about your experience with these schools, how they related to your previous beliefs, and how you feel about whether this is an individualistic or communal journey.

The figure of angry women driven by sex power is not only revealed in the Indian religion. Buddhism is a religion particular relying on combining and accumulating. The figure driven by sex is an image of image. Jung described a figure named anima, which is then called devil.

The most interesting female figure is not Kali or Durga, but kanzhoima I think. Not only most closed to Christian but because it has less religion preference.

The way I think is the same as Jung. Freud once said to Jung that in this time we need to fight mysticism. Jung viewed religions as tons of images that contain tons of psychological meanings.

Which, I think it's pretty much the case. The most applicable one is the female figure. Once I saw Fellini's films I've been completed convinced by their theories, and astonished by how narrow we are and used to be.

Everyone will occurred that image, the angry female figure driven by sex, possessed and at the same time is the devil. You are not alone, but only a reflector of the ancient heritage.

I don't follow, what has buddhism to do with aghoris?

Tibetans in the States won't ever teach non-Tibetans any real Tantra.

Nothing that I know offhand. I was speaking to an user in a now-purged thread and he used this image to introduce his point.

Unsurprising if true, but I wonder how you know this.

It's been a while since I read Jung, but doesn't 'anima' just refer to 'inner voice', usually corresponding to the opposite sex. So a man would have a female animus, and a woman would have a male animus. I'm willing to hear more if you want to share.

> the angry female figure driven by sex, possessed and at the same time is the devil. You are not alone, but only a reflector of the ancient heritage.

This hits close to home.

Study Buddhism academically


Google returns almost nothing about her. Can you recommend any resources?

Are you saying that you do, or are you recommending that I do?

If you're a scholar of Buddhism, I'd be interested in hearing about your roadblocks.

The most approchable to that one in the film industry (as far as I know) is Andrzej Zulawski's possession. The most mysterious part as far as I think, is that this condition always happens at subway, train station, on bus, etc. This is the mixture of both religeous part and modern society part. I am Chinese, the news about women losing their control at public transportation seems like the ancient achievement or something.

This is all I can share. I think we are not indians (American), so we don't carry on the responsibility that if we don't worship the sun the world is gonna destroy. I think maybe some Brahman got some truths hidden in their heads, that's not the right direction we should head in. I always read wikipedia on toilet, that's what I do. You American also have characters that both indian and Chinese cannot understand. The truth never matters, but feeling the image through uncounciously thinking is more interesting.

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you can study this stuff on the side as a hobby but if you want the real deal you need a master.

Dakini, some kinds of general names for female figures.

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I study it. I don't personally study Tibetan stuff but I work with several people who do. Since it is a small field, everybody knows one another, and stories get around pretty quickly. Tibetan lamas have no incentive to really initiate westerners. When they appear to do so, it is usually after receiving a generous donation from them, or, if they are a total qt, then from having them become a tantric consort, i.e. low key sex partner. They are actually super strict about their actual teachings, so much so that if you decide to translate and publish them you can get blacklisted by both the tibetans as well as "scholars" who are also practicioners. For an example of the bat shit crazy stuff these types spew check out anything Uma Thurman's dad Robert Thurman has put out in the last 10 years.

Jow Forums is an esoteric monism board

Normally I'm just undercover on Jow Forums but it bears mentioning that I'm a Caribbean Black guy. Recently I've been giving a lot of thought about how my race factors into how I should pursue esoteric topics, but I haven't been able to come up with a coherent answer yet. Truth is that I haven't found the ontological depth in Caribbean or West Africans religions from what I've seen so far.

My feeling is that I should continue my dive into different versions of esotericism and later synthesize what I learn and experience with the mysteries of the Caribbean and West Africa. Unfortunately, don't feel an affinity for them yet.

I agree with you. I'm not socially retarded, but I don't think I know how to find a master, or even who I'm looking for.

If we have our way.

That sounds about right. I remember finding some *rare* Tibetan chants on YouTube and nearly every single comment was yelling at the uploader to take it down.

Thank you.

> I think we are not indians (American), so we don't carry on the responsibility that if we don't worship the sun the world is gonna destroy.

I keep thinking about this point. Does this imply that the priestly caste of each ethnic group is responsible for sustaining some aspect of Creation? I know this is unorthodox, but I'm allowing my mind to roam a little bit.

I think it's a recursion of causality. If the most devout indian give up their religions, there may be some kinds of decaying. Or is it the decaying prevent a race from streching their healthy mental activities.

Plus I do believe in the responsibility of each religion... Maybe it sounds like anti globalism or something. I'm Chinese I feel special but nothing special, it's a contradictory. To more explainable things, I always think Japan carries on the job of creating artificial intelligence or something (Fellini got the same image but maybe I think too much). I don't have super vision or something either.

A major motivation for all of this is not only for personal spiritual growth, but to help create to a spiritual foundation for Black descendants of slaves across the Americas. Part of imperialism was severing native people's connection to their sense of divinity, and I want to work to repair that.

There is a widespread urge for this sort of spiritual repair in the community, but unfortunately con artists and false 'neo-spiritualists' are exploiting that righteous urge for their gain.

The image I always think about black people is the motherhood... Those who sing songs and pick the fruits under the moonlight, with the breast that stands for a mother, as amiable as a mother... Something like that. Sometimes I think black people is most distinguished, women are like mothers, men are like children... Something like that.

if you actually believe this stuff i would recommend Shivananda yoga and self study. progress as far as you can in this life and maybe you'll meet a master in another. The days of going to India and finding authentic spiritual teachers are pretty much over.

>Mahakali on cover

Dude just follow the Belur math's vedantic path
You are not fit for the Aghora path


I think I understood about 75% of what you said.

I'm not sure if you meant it as an insult, but a real issue in the Black community is the gross proportion of men that act like children and refuse the physical and spiritual burdens of masculinity. The result is Black Women having to play the 'mother' role for people they should be playing 'wife' or 'consort' role for. The result is men who cannot be fathers or builders, and women who are overtaxed because they need to be mothers to men they should be partners with.

Is there a particular reason why you recommend that type of yoga in particular?

I already have my daily practice, which is a novice level routine at this point, but I think it's more important to develop the discipline at this point than finding the 'perfect fit' for me. I had my eye on Hatha yoga due to Evola's recommendation and Shivananda yoga is a subset of that.

Say more about this? Belur math is closely related to Shivananda yoga from my research. How is Belur Math regarded in your world?

I don't have a desire to follow the Aghora path.


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> Abrahamic Heresy
How *do* Hindus view the Abrahamic religions?

i enjoy your bravado but i still think jesus was a cool dude it was the 2.0 of his word that was a mangled bastardization that is responsible for erosion of the faith.

> OP is Aryan

The OP is Black. Another major participant in this thread is Chinese.

t. OP


Yeah. I'm not a Christian but I still see Jesus as a world-historical spiritual leader.

Swami vivekananda first brought vedic thought to usa.He also brought yoga.I"ll soon dump some info on it
It is extermely well respected instituition here
t.graduate from one of their schools 6 years ago




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Swami Vivekananda is on my traditionalism reading list. Which of his works is your favorite?

*If* I were to pursue this path, would it be worth traveling to India to learn after doing what I can from the states?

guenon exposed that FOOL

Cringe and bluepilled
Pic related

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He didn't understand Vivekanand

>“Another still more completely aberrant branch, better known in the West, is that founded by Vivekananda, the disciple of the illustrious Ramakrishna though unfaithful to his teaching; it has recruited its adherents mostly in America and Australia, where it runs ‘missions’ and ‘temples.’ There Vedanta has become, like Schopenhauer’s conception of it, a sentimental and ‘consoling’ religion, with a strong dose of Protestant ‘moralism’; in this degenerate form, it approaches very close to Theosophism, towards which it stands in the position of natural ally rather than a rival or competitor. The ‘evengelical’ attitude assumed by this pseudo-religion has earned it a certain success, chiefly in Anglo-Saxon countries; while its inherently sentimental character is well attested by the ardour for propaganda animating its votaries; for, as might be expected, an altogether Western propensity for proselytism rages intensely in these organizations, which are Eastern in nothing but the name, apart from a few merely outward signs, calculated to interest the curious and to attract dilettantes by playing on their taste for an exoticism of the feeblest type.

I don't know know enough to agree or disagree with Guenon, but this is pretty scathing.

Vivekanand was against theo centric civilisations

They are in usa already for 100 years.Here's the link
About books start with "sri ramakrishna kathamrita"

>search guenon
The guenons are the genus Cercopithecus of Old World monkeys.

The funny thing is that in the Black community, the most prolific psuedo-gurus are basically plagarizing the theosophists. It's why pic related is on my reading list.

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Rene guenon is one of the few westerners who understood Hinduism

René Guénon died on Sunday, January 7, 1951; his final word was "Allah"
mtephysics is hack

just kiddin he was good

What about Guenon leads you to that conclusion?

He converted to sufuism as he knew converting to Hinduism was not possible
His book on Hindusim

I'm crossboardin now i"ll message you inna few mins

no one converts to hindu dharma
That's the problem with these people

I've been trolling, but in all sincerity, Guénon was a good guy. I don't know enough about Hinduism to say whether he perfectly understood it, but he was well-respected by many prominent Easterners. I'm sure Vivekananda has some bad and some good about him. But yeah, don't write off Guénon because he converted to Islam. He was base and Islam itself isn't bad, it's the people. White Islam would be beautiful.

Swami Shivananda is one of the few popular yogis that i would really ever recommend to people, and the style that bears his name has the postures that are arguably the most benificial to the body/prana system. And it's focus is on spiritual advancement through yogic disco. You will also meet more "spiritual" yoga types in this group, rather than the weekend warrior types.

Hatha is really good for westerners because we need to learn to slow our breathing. That's really all you need to do at first for deep meditation, very (im talking 2 breathes or fewer a minute) slow breathing and reciting AUM in your head to your breath. Hatha will help get you there, correct your posture, and allow you to sit for as long as needed. The Yoga tradition also benifits from having Ayurveda apart of it aswell, so you can adjust your diet (with a proper doctor) to help get your body/prana on track. There are also loads of scriptures with English translation and commentary in the yoga/shaivism world.

Conversion isn't really a part of the religion


I would convert, but Hinduism has no presence in the US and it's gained a bad rep (because of certain "gurus" who turned it into a hyper-emotional, Protestant kind of thing). Mostly when people think about it, they think of girls doing yoga and weird fags taking DMT. The beautiful side of Hinduism is lost in the West. But that's alright, the more sincere find their way.