
So when are all these whiney white people going to come to terms? With the fact that all this instability in their country is a direct result of bad karma. The United States is a nation of bullies. In the past white America enslaved and lynched Africans and mass murdered Amerindians. And now they want to say that they've "changed" and that they shouldn't be judged by the way they've abused people in the past.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Muslims still enslave Africans to this day. Western slave trade was about 400 years in comparison. Every nation fought with others / natives. You're retarded

We are not sorry.

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Get naturally select'd bitch!

I agree, the establishment of the United States was a fundamentally immoral endeavor.

I bet your ancestors wish they had built a wall around Plymouth rock.

Actually, all this instability is a direct result of the fact that they stopped enslaving niggers and genociding spics. If they go back to doing that they'll be fine.

I wasn't referring to those blood thirsty Aztecs.

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>name the country
>the genocide of one race ans the enslavement of another
The Ottoman Empire

OnLy WhItE PeOpLe DiD SlAvErY

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pretty much most of europe when rome decided to conquer everyone lul

Karma is not real, go back to plebbit.

ok, turkey

The man in that photograph is Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe. He was cheated out of his land and died of a broken heart. So yes I do know who that guy is. Retarded ass poster.

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We don't give a damn. I won't apologize for a single fucking thing, because you know what? I'd do it all over again just to say I did.


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Turkey - Istanbul is originally a Greek Christian city.

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>name the country
all of them

belief in karma means youre capable of evil op why would you be evil?

Move to South Africa and even up your "karma" user. Help with the progression of genocide. It's fine, they're only white farmers. What could go wrong?

The modern Americans are not guilty, because all of that happened in the past, you know?
Are you fucking calling me a nazi or your fellow Americans murderers for something our grand-grandfathers did?

Regardless of your beliefs, it's not logical to hold descendants accountable for something their ancestors did. Did they live that life? No, they didn't. You can't make me feel guilty for something I didn't do. Quit focusing on the past you can't change and focus on what you can change, the current situation for natives. You're just looking fro a scapegoat still and you think if the scapegoat is taken out that your situation will change. There's nobody forcing natives to drink mouthwash for it's alcohol content. They do that voluntarily. That's something called internal affairs. People like the natives in Alaska that got in on the contract for ICE have the right idea.

What did white man do in his previous life to get such good luck in the first place? Or rather, what did Natives and Blacks do to deserve bad karma?

Whites have already learned to beat karma a few centuries ago so we can drop nukes without repercussions

lmao u dumb nigger

Name one people to sacrifice 600k of their own to free another race from bondage

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fuck off. the irish built this country. the niggers harvested crops. the irish actually built the fucking place. and fuck off with this "genocide" shit. those east asian fucks that walked across the landbridge 12,000 years ago weren't even the 1st fucking people on this land mass. so they ain't fucking natives. jesus christ i'm activated.

So you're deifying your movement? Seems a little deranged don't you think?

name one country that wasnt

Yeah of course, and I'm the emperor of China.
Fact is, you can't blame us for what our ancestors did.

Civil War was not about abolishing slavery

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wyte bois gettin MAD

we taken you country AND YO BITCHES HAA HAAAAAAA

>convert to the native religion of your region
>appease the spirits with rituals
>no more karma

>Name the country
every country

then time to convict all niggers of rape, slavery and murder(especially genocide).

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Every civilization is based on genocide and enslavement. Our ancient ancestors raped and pillaged opposing tribes all the time. So all of human history is founded upon death and misery.

The American Indians were brutal savages who were at war with each other and white Europeans. Why should anyone feel bad that their ancestors won a war? Americans didn’t enslave anyone they bought those niggers fair and squar from Jewish traders who in turn purcahed them from other niggers in Africa. And those photos of lynched niggers you’ve seen? Most of those guys were lynched because they were guilty of committing some crime. Back then all you needed was 12 people and you could act as a jury and sentence someone to a lynching. Imagine if you and your antifa pals had this power today - you’d be stringing up everyone who has a trump bumper sticker or MAGA hat.a

I'm supposed to feel bad for inferior races getting rekt? Shieeeeeeeeet.

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The idea of owning land was completely foreign to the natives. They weren't even smart enough to claim it so how could anyone steal it?

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The native savages in these lands deserved what they got.
t. Descendant of Native American Royal Blood

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What sins were blacks paying for for slavery to be a thing? What did the Natives do?

>instability in their countries.
But white countries are the most stable countries.

But that's what it did.

They had been in the Americas for thousands of years and never developed a written language or discovered metal. They were neolithic tribes at a time where the rest of the world had rifles and were writing operas. They had a land of immense bounty and resource, and they were still living in tents and using stone tools.

The smart natives married into White families which is why so many Americans have a few natives in their ancestry (like me).


Why is it that Whites being killed and replaced in their own countries is karma, but what Whites did to the American indians and blacks isn't. What sort of wicked devilry did those Featherheads get up to that we were the punishment.

Didn't even know I had it until a few days ago, maybe the mutt meme isn't too far off. Though I do have blue eyes, extremely pale skin and freckles. That Laughing Water lady is my 8th Great Grandmother so all the Irish, German and English probably snuffed out the muddy parts. At least I can't be accused of having white privilege from here on out.

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And neither will be the immigrants.

Native Americans are Ye Olde Whiteman.
They let a bunch of nonconforming isolationists into their territory until they were already overrun and it was too late to stop.
Now they barely exist.

On a personal note, two native women I know are both breeding with mixed race Hispanics and further driving their race to extinction while blaming whitey as they do it. Not even disingenuously, they genuinely do not see a contradiction.
As for the nog, we all know the nog first approached the whiteman offering to sell his kin for shiny bits and nice fabrics.
Niggers getting mad now is like a crack dealer going clean bug getting mad cause the neighborhood they destroyed didn't do a 180 overnight with them

history books were written by white men would have included anything that paints the white man as being anything but superior. do you remember reading about kangs or ancient Atlantians being black in school?

Who the fuck are you talking about?

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Just about all of them

White people kill gods.

>first approached the whiteman offering to sell his kin for shiny bits and nice fabrics.
Shameless lie.

>a land of immense bounty
Literally the largest, best, most securable, contiguous piece of land on the planet. It was only a matter of time before a superior society came and claimed it

The elite did that, most whites were poor and starving, eating potatoes. The middle class only existed for like 60 years, the majority of the country were poor peasents

Is it Israel?

Ours? Most American countries slaughtered Indians and used black slaves. And while in other places was hard to find other races to enslave and genocide, i'm sure both Africans and Asians did a lot of both.

And the Chinese will claim it, mark my words.

Subsaharan Africans did nothing but go to war with neighboring tribes and enslave each other for control of termite mounds.
When the whiteman arrived, offering to sell a defeated enemy was as natural to the African as selling bread is to a baker.

Fuck all those blacks that died and got enslaved.

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It's the truth nigger, Natives sold large swathes of land for shiny beads to English colonials. The Spanish took everything else by force, meanwhile.

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>name the country built on the genocide of one race and the enslavement of another

Literally any nation that amounted to anything at any point in history. Victors shouldn't have to apologize.

dont worry karma comes around

and its biblical prophecy that whites get genocides

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Literally butthurt.

Please tell me what race of people didn't enslave another group of people? Or didn't try to take what belonged to someone else?

Fuck off nigger.

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No, we haven't changed. We would do it again tomorrow if the conditions were right.

Satan then 911 confirmed. Africans were enslaved as punishment for the rape and pillaging their own continent for thousands of years. Karma is a bitch. Next time, try to invest in development and get feudalism right away, and you won't get colonised. Good play though. Good luck next time.

Friendly reminder.

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Zimbabwe and South Africa
Both had blacks in almost enslavement and genocided white people.

>hurr durr, they wuz war with neighbors and shiiiiet..
like you fags were any better!

Conquest is a bitch.

Tribes are fighting each other to this day in Africa.
While Europe nowadays is relatively peaceful and stable.

Now that I really think about it, a vast majority of major nations were built on genocide and enslavement. Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, England, America, nearly all of Africa, the South American native tribes, China with the Mongols, The Ottoman Empire.

>have treaty
>violate treaty
But Muh treaty


Euromericans in their truest form.

Israel as well.

how bout every one that ever existed. these lefties are such pompous, history deniers.


It is you that deny history.

Pure propaganda

The Native Americans were fighting wars with each other. The White man tried to civilize them & even Christianize them but they did not want it, so the White man left them to their own devices.

As for the negroes, they were enslaved before the White man enslaved them. African tribes were enslaving one another, & the African tribe leaders saw they could make a fortune out of selling their enslaved captives.

Nice try

so little turtles war never happened? niether did the Iroquois war against the three fires confederacy or the crow conquest of the west?


you should also make the "natives" apologize to the genocided people of Europe who came here before they came from East Asia.

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Greeks and Armenians were horribly treated, among others

Mexico, Brazil, most middle eastern and Asian countries...

the ottoman Empire?


>bad karma.
doesn't this imply that native american and nigger suffering is a result of bad karma from their past tho?