Anyone else lost all hope? Everything is just crashing down around Trump. His staff are betraying him, the Democrats are set to win the house and Senate, and his approval is at an all time low. Leakers are crawling out of the woodwork exposing how incompetent this administration has been, and I honestly believe them considering what little has been done so far. There's no wall or healthcare replacement which are the two biggest promises. Everytime Trump does something on immigration he gets cucked by judges. Hillary still isn't locked up. The swamp is bigger than ever. The only thing that has been done is tax cuts for bezos. Americans whites are still dying out. What happened bros? Trump was supposed to defeat the Jew, save the white American race, and lead us into a golden age.
Anyone else lost all hope? Everything is just crashing down around Trump. His staff are betraying him...
Red hats on suicide watch lmfao
they control the media. relentless lefty attacks 24/7 is why he can't get anything done
>Republicans control three branches of government
>cant get anything done
He was a failure as a president the moment he finished the oath of office and did anything other than pull handcuffs out of his pocket and slap them on Hillary.
Nah. I’m getting a major boner for what’s to come. If we make it to 2020 wide spread political violence, that rivals the days of rage will be the norm.
P H Y S I C A L L Y. D R I V E. B Y. C O M M U N I S T S.
Jow Forums swindled and cucked again
I went in knowing what to expect. I'm not a democrat, I knew what I signed up for. He still makes them frothing at the mouth angry, so before they elect their socialist grand-stander and spark the chain reaction that sends the world into the next kind of bronze-age collapse, I'll just enjoy my man do what he do.
You'll all be killed when whites rise up.
Grow the fuck up, manchild
>Anyone else lost all hope?
Only for all the delusional retards that praise John McCain
>can't get anything done
What fucking planet are you living on?
>His staff are betraying him
no faggot...only the kikes like you are
You make no sense. You voted for an incompetent, corrupt cunt just because? Why exactly?
highly realistic shill thread....reddit tier crying desu
yes, concern shill. it's over, blompf is finished for sure this time
>defeat the Jew
Said the fag on Jow Forums
Whatever, manbaby. Keep raging.
Typical millennial attitude. I know it's not your fault though, you've been conditioned to expect things quickly and living in the age of "on-demand" and convenience above all else, you might have lost the ability to think in the long term. All good things take time, cunt, especially when it comes to crushing the yid for good. Exercise patience, the same patience that came before the rise of social media. Our time will come.
>relax, cobba
Is everyone you don't like a "manbaby"? Was your dad a manbaby?
implying they'll rise up instead of being replaced by half white/half black creatures
Its just a play you fucking boomer get over yourself your trump will be fine.
Nonsensical post. Try again.
Imagine wearing a shirt like that with no body definition
Stop paying attention to the news cycle. I never even keep up with all of the US political news. I absorb a little of it as I can. It's literally mostly staged and scripted fake news. It's all designed to keep you in a state of perpetual fear.
"The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.
...Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle."
THOMAS JEFFERSON, letter to John Norvell, Jun. 11, 1807
Your self defeatism is marking you for termination. You think you'll be safe from the day of the rope because you're white?
Only the finest 1488 will reign victorious.
You been saying this shit since he announced his campaign, you been saying this shit since he won the primary, you been saying this shit since the debates, you been saying this shit since election night, you been saying this shit since inauguration, and you’re still saying this shit now
Learn when you’ve lost
This is what a thread looks like made by shills, for shills.
Yeah I’m still voting Trump on 2020
Okay, manbaby. Is this one making enough sense?
Time to buy a helicopter, frens.
>concern trolling
>1 post by OP
kek a roo
all fields etc etc etc
Doubling down on stupid, cant be man enough to admit he was wrong all along.
>they're all incompetent, corrupt cunts
Why do you think we got Hillary and Trump?
Do you really honestly think either of them was fit to lead? Do you think anyone who wants power should have it? I've already seen where the money is pooling toward, and I know the result of it. Socialism/communism might win, but it doesn't matter, because it always destroys itself, and since America is so ingrained into the rest of the world (foremost the world economy) the rest of the world won't last in the shape we ever knew it in.
Democrats win. You''ll put all the minorities in place because they can't be allowed to think for themselves (like Ben Carson), women already think killing their own children is a right and not a service and can't see how that's just men controlling them, you'll re-institute slavery under the guise of balance for historical wrongs that cannot be fixed, and you'll do it because healthcare is a "right" and not the labor of another's hands.
You've already caused the worst things in this world, and you do it believing you're the good guys.
You deserve Trump. You deserve what will come after him.
shills are rabid today
I'm waiting until midterms before I lose all hope. If the dems get a majority in senate or congress, then yeah it's time to go full blackpill. I'm just glad I only have to wait about two more months before I know if all hope is lost or not.
I can't lose hope as I lost all hope 15 months ago.
By June 1st of 2017, I could see that the border wall wasn't happening, I could see that the DOJ wouldn't be cleaned up, that folks like Lisa Page and Strzok were still at the DOJ, still covering stuff up, that the Inspector General investigations would lead to nothing.... the Deep State is just too powerful
Goddamn what a shit fit tantrum lmao
Take a fucking look at the left you spastic cunt , what the living fuck are you even talking about.
You have CNN basically praising ANTIFA every day , Chris Cuomo basically saying they are perfectly decent people in the movement whilst the ANTIFA yell about punching anyone right of Lenin, they practically make ACTUAL nazis look like saints for fucks sake.
In what fucking universe would any sane white person vote for their own eradication and demise with the democrat party , please fucking explain to me, the level of white'cooning' self hate is off the fucking charts with you people, you can't even accept a fucking wall for a border with Mexico lmfao, that's how fucking mentally deficient you people are.
Voting for Trump 2020
Voting for Trump 2024
Voting for Trump 2028
Voting for Trump 2032
>has no answer, no retort, no balls
>oy vey!
>I was a 100% real Trump supporter guys believe me
>However, I can no longer support him because [insert leftist talking point]
Lmao what a kiker
Bad shilljob.
>no wall
8 miles have already been built, shilltard
Never despair. Never, never despair. It is always darkest before the dawn. By giving into despair, you make yourself weak and others around can sense this. Rise above it all. Look beyond what you can see and know that we have already gone further than we dreamed possible. Make yourself better and your view of all things will change with it.
Youre gonna have to try harder than that jidf
Least I won't have to worry about a rape allegation because the sex sucked.
You, on the other hand...
You seem really irate. When is the last time you got laid, user? I sense repressed sexual undertones from that irrational tirade of yours.
>has no good bait, sux dik, will die young
tldr, concern troll.
Haha, no. The media is desperate, Trump is winning.
>sex sex sex
Youre not getting any, are you, user?
High amounts of testeone fuels rage and rage is an endless source of mental, physical and spiritual power, it’s exactly like fire.
I'm a married woman, rapist troll
Trump has hired more CFR rats than Obama.
Trump's Treasury Secy is a known felon.
Trump's Commerce Secy is a Rothschild traitor.
Trump allows John Bolton and Henry Kissinger in the White House.
Trump supports both Zionism and the Yemen war atrocities of the House of Saud.
Trump supports the Federal Reserve and America's sovereign debt is increasing rapidly.
Wealth gap is exploding under Trump.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, oh..but the MSM hates him and his flamboyant tweets covers for all this bullshit. Drain the swamp my ass, build the wall. The liberals are cancer, Trump is a salesman, Republicants are closet Liberals, and we're back to getting fucked over.
>high amounts of testosterone
The cringe.....
No hope but the end of the rope my frend
Sure you are, hon.
Republicans are not his allies retard.
Yea I’m sure you kikes have profiles on all of us. You can post the real picture that you have of me anytime.
Absolutely hysterical.
Who did you vote for then, red hat? Didnt you vote republican? You voted for daddy trump’s enemies? For shame!
show us yer tiddies anan itt post both snaggle floppies
tiddies itt yers post both naow plox
Omega-tier cringepost
Go ahead, dont forget the timestamp.
Oh the irony
post them tiddies for us cuntbrain
That only made sense in your head.
Before Trump no one who worked in a professional career would dare say that illegal immigration was bad for fear of being branded a racist and losing their job. A lot of people couldn’t even bring themselves to speak in a politically incorrect way to their friends and family. If nothing else Trump has shattered the Overton window and does more on that front every day. We also aren’t at war with Russia, we still have guns, and the economy is booming. Maybe Trump won’t complete the take down of the global cabal and put Hillary in jail by the time he is through, but at a minimum he has given us a chance to believe and fight. It may be up to us once he is gone, but he has given us the narrative, given voice to our beliefs, and he fights. If we can’t finish the job after he leaves that’s on us. And he still might get it done anyway. We would be UK right now, going to jail for posting on pol without him.
You said you’re a woman, so go ahead post them.
both tiddies itt we know the're rancid but go ahead and git'em pics
go ahead and post both tiddies anun
tiddies 2x itt
>1 post by this ID
>Trump’s overt racism emboldened closet racists to speak out
Wow, what a legacy, such maga
Why don’t you post your actual opinions so we can debate like men? Why are you afraid of the truth? You can only get into a petty little tirade of throwing out insult after insult, and it’s honestly pretty tiresome.
both tiddies whip'em out itt
I voted for republicans because the republican VOTERS want Trump’s agenda passed. Therefore they have to at least play ball with him to some extent and pretend to support him to a minimal degree if they want to stay in office. That doesn’t mean a huge portion of them don’t undermine him behind the scenes every chance they get.
The fuck are you talking about? Scroll up, you cant even follow a thread correctly.
this wat it likes talkin to cuntbrain so post yer tiddies itt real nice
every thing in the white house is just dandy ask me how i know.
show us yer tiddies flop'em out itt nice like
Scroll up. You refuse to engage and only continue to posture and insult like the mental midget you are. You lost this argument long ago and don’t even know it.
Oy vey
No retard. It enabled us to discuss the ways that illegal immigration destroys the job prospects, education, economy and safety for young aspiring black and Hispanic citizens. Just one small example.
now post them floppyjacks itt
You’re suggesting we non-crazy whites should band together and exterminate you racists before you do the same to us? Yes?
>the Democrats are set to win the house and Senate,
lol nice one
All you’ve been doing is throwing out catty insults. Post your ideology so we can see how backwards you are. Tits too cunt or it’s back in the kitchen