Banned again

Banned again.

Corporations now rule free speech, makes me wonder how long before they ban pol.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kill a Jewish child

Honestly what is the genuine answer to this? On one hand these are private companies with the right to do what they want. On the other hand they also have an oligopoly on social media. I think that our current laws really don't have an appropriate way of handling social media but I also don't know what is the appropriate way to do so.

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The First Amendment is a negative right. It states that the government cannot restrict speech. Read: a private corporation can do YOLO.

>Corporations now rule free speech
Sounds fine to me.

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Well considering Jow Forums doesnt exist as an account on social media, it really shouldnt be a worry to you. But we both know you're not worried, you're just here to blackpill and generally be a faggot shill nigger, arent you

this is what the braindead public wants

>rule free speech

Alex "I suck tranny cock" Jones is entirely free to set up his own website and social media feed

i honestly hope one of jones crazed fans goes apeshit, this country is so fucked beyond repair that only pure chaos can save us now.

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The answer is to make your own competing website with actual free speech. But then you'll run into the REAL problem- the owners of all the servers you can rent are kikes who will shut you down if you do something they really don't like.