Infiltrators confirmed! Not a drill!

So i carefully watched the entire thing. At 58:32 the guy loosens up his muscles, and he looks over to that female on his right. She quickly stares him into his eyes with dissaproval and tells him "Not yet".

Check it out for yourselves, 58:30

Jow Forums was quickly to point out their strange behavior, and the Secret Service seemed to pick up on it. All 3 of them were quickly removed from the scene.

NOT YET Jow Forums. NOT YET. 58:32

Attached: NOTYET.png (652x373, 313K)

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I remember her saying that also, pretty shifty crew there right from the beginning. glad they got taken down, and replaced with a couple hotties and a ham.

holy fuck that girl who replaced that cuck is hot

Watching it now OP, ill tell you what i think.

It was Mossad trying to frame the Democratic Socialists because they're antizionist. 2 in 1 deal.

When Trump said we will win, we always win. He smorked, and shook his head no. Also, he's not the only one to get removed. The other 2 infil were also removed as well. There was a fake Trump supporter in a red maga hat with glasses on. And a dude with a montana shirt on, that are no longer there either. They were ALL there for mal-intent. Go back and watch the vid.

Wait until you see how he reacted to Trump talking about scrapping "The Iran deal". Watch his reactions the entire time...

Attached: 1517784240362.png (1126x742, 651K)

wtf are you talking about OP looked at 58:30-32 and havent seen anything odd or out of place

Damn, i think you might be on to something here user.

they were DSA (Democratic Socialists of America). Flannelsoy attached pic related to his shirt around 54:20 and appears to point to it it at around 1:03:58

Attached: 1536294279674.jpg (2048x1945, 189K)

Attached: 1528106274153.jpg (1193x791, 174K)

58:29 - 35 then. Whatever. The dude looks at her nervously and she tells him "not yet" very clearly. Implying they were up to something bad.