Could you be a politician and think on your feet successfully ?

Or are you just the usual NPC ?
Here are the recent FULL FIVE ways of inner thought:
1. inner speech
2 inner seeing
3 inner feeling (emotion)
4.inner sensory awareness
5.inner unsymbolized thinking

To see if you truly are gifted, an old /pol riddle to be solved is presented /pic related
Make your answer, and explain why it is your answer, pics allowed

I suggest 95%+ won't have the right answer, and most if not all will argue the correct answer I will present at some time during the thread. If you've copied my answer given previously, I will know.
Adept thinkers ready for a political run, begin !

Attached: IQ TEST FOR POL.jpg (511x288, 26K)

bump for thinkers time to solve

It's A. That's the only one with a novel and valid permutation of the top two rows. B is novel, but not valid because its second row has three balls, which is invalid according to the pattern already established. C and D have permutations of rows 1 and 2 which have already happened, and thus are not novel.

For anyone who wants to be able to do these: the purpose of them is to test your ability to infer rules which are not explicitly stated. You have to look at possible horizontal, vertical, whatever patterns in the sequence of images, and find the answer option which fits the pattern.

OP wants the D

It's A. That's the only one with a novel and valid permutation of the top two rows. B is novel, but not valid because its second row has three balls, which is invalid according to the pattern already established. C and D have permutations of rows 1 and 2 which have already happened, and thus are not novel.
>For anyone who wants to be able to do these: the purpose of them is to test your ability to infer rules which are not explicitly stated. You have to look at possible horizontal, vertical, whatever patterns in the sequence of images, and find the answer option which fits the pattern.

Its D fight me

D lamo

but the real question is are all deaf people NPCs because they dont know how to talk to themselves?

>1. inner speech
>2 inner seeing
>3 inner feeling (emotion)
>4.inner sensory awareness
>5.inner unsymbolized thinking
I have all of these, but I couldn't figure the puzzle out immediately.

I still don't know it btw, still looking at it.

It's D

it's D. I think you need to be good a visualizing to solve it aka move the balls and squares in your mind.

D matches top left but C matches none - lest you use horizontal flip, which if you allow, means A is a vertifal flip of 3rd top row


D is incorrect, not for that reason, though that reason is also incorrect

take your time

D -- empty spaces shift to right

The top Horizontal row has no precedent for staying the same. And there is no strict vertical patterns. I discerned this almost immediately

you should state why, so I can pick you apart

You said it's an old pol riddle.
Does that hinder me because I'm a newfag and I'm out of the loop?

Separate it in two gropus, top with 4 balls, and botom with only 2 .

They care the same patron but start at different points.

this is a common NPC answer

I know you brainlets may think its d. Since you are simply shifting them, but why do you think it correlates just to shifting? A shift by 1 to the right for each square. But thats wrong can you geys find the real answer?

Attached: images (10).jpg (222x227, 6K)

look at the empty spaces, not the filled one. they shift one frame to the right each iteration. They cycle through like a treadmill if they fall off the frame.

No it was posted here before - maybe close to a year ago where my solve was done.

Ok stick around a bit for the real answer
then we'll see if you can comprehend it or have another bitch fit

Good catch it is easier that way.

Salty brainlet.

Attached: images (9).jpg (226x223, 8K)

Found the NPCs

internal visualizers confirmed

>The correct answer is an npc answer

Attached: 1480635434288.jpg (699x485, 68K)

I'm saying D satisfies the pattern. It's parsimonious. I'm not ruling out other translations, but I'd need more time to discern.


My speech issues are worse than Rubio's. Would never happen in these days

Only NPCs mass quote

The picture is fine the way it is. It serves no value and should not have any more resources allocated to it.

tardticipation trophy awarded, congrats

6.inner masturbation
7.inner diarrhoea
8.inner vomit

B ? right top left and bottom

Attached: 1532729587847.png (665x574, 266K)

>The correct answer is an npc answer
Yes, thus there are they lower than the normie

t. NPC

Implying truly great thinkers would be dumb enough to become politicians before businessmen.

oh fugg A is correct too like this user said but also is impossible to D to be wrong.

Attached: 1532909939206.jpg (246x232, 4K)


Hmm... Are all of them correct?
They seem to all work.

incorrect, though shows a dumbass effort to win
participation trophy level awarded

lol it's D, because the blank spaces move always on field to the right

we're at pol, a businessman is our political president


Also the correct answer
>being dumber than an NPC

I think D. Pretty gay test, though, don't really see how this proves inner speech or whatever.

he has been corrected for his error
pay attention deficit disorder

d faggot

If you don't have money you can't afford principles.


No one has the answer yet, and there is only one

Yeah great genius, i bet your online IQ test show how intelligent you are

Attached: 1532991665253.jpg (1000x1502, 256K)

Yes you won. Idk if you bullshitted though

Attached: tenor (8).gif (330x236, 268K)

that's the dumbtard npc answer normies are expected to come up with

He just said I didn't.

Based kraut.

npcs use logic?
sweet as

several have shown visual cortex work for the npc solve

>>blah blah american education blah

So he became a businessman BEFORE a politician like my comment said, right faget?

you may judge me when I post my answer

Really don’t need your permission to call you an enormous faggot, user.

many politicians ride the seats to become millionaire businessmen - the revolving door you dumbass


Well the answer is that there can be many answers. Multiple answers. Since you csn fill them by no groups or groups of 2 which would make you have to actually explaine your answer. Since there are no specifications asked the answer is all.
>Muh correlation yes you could say its illogical not to use, but in reality its just a bunch of bawls on some squares

Attached: 1526920651533.jpg (229x221, 13K)

ok for effort, incomplete pattern therefore incorrect

rolling the blank spaces right is the only "accepted" answer by the NPCs normies, the average, the idiots... which most cannot even accomplish

That is what I intuit. Tried just looking at the tops without the answer key first. Clearly its "moving"
Over thought it, brain started to hurt...looked at answers...oh its c.
Ever seen the movie contact?
You know when she first went through in the chair that was not included in the instructions? Everything was all shakey, but when the chair broke, everything became smooth and brain was like the chair mod, then I looked at the options, and it got smooth

Its C

Is this a motherfucking slide thread? Anyone with basic skills should be able to realize in under 10 seconds that the light grey squares move as a whole. They shift 1 space to the right each frame, fading out on the right and appearing on the left. It is D. I would be a horrendous politician, but if you can't understand this problem you may as well be a negroid.

a large explanation trying to cover the groping for a win... the non B student already tried that one, though you have surpassed her.... you are INCORRECT


It’s either C or D. I contend C.

Its top A. Everything in the top row just moves to the right one column and wraps around to the other side.

>hurrrrrr D is wrong because ur dumb
D satisfies the pattern established in the images. It appears that the pattern is translating to the right in each iteration, and wrapping around to the other side. Since it's a 3x3 grid there can only be 3 unique states, ruling out the others - plus the other options do not match the pattern of filled and empty squares.
Here are some example reasons A, B, and C would not apply:
First and second rows are not aligned, which does not match the uniform translation in the example images.
First and second rows are completely different, involving either multiple translations or a flip/rotation that are not implied in the original pattern
Either only the bottom row is translating, or there's a flip involved, which is again not implied by the other stages
The only condition I see that would make D not apply is that all stages must be unique, but adopting that rule breaks the other patterns present.

We're losing interest OP, delivery time

Attached: 1535067387393.jpg (461x416, 24K)

>incomplete pattern

Attached: 1522123518442.png (450x443, 102K)

I like how this is a "slide" puzzle.

My guess is D; the circle is "on" for two
Frames, then off for one.

In the other thread, you've said that A, B, C, and D are incorrect.

Is it a trick question?
Is there a completely different abstract concept that answers this?
Is there an answer?
Is this a slide thread?

I reversed image searched the puzzle and found a link to a Jow Forums archive where this was posted. It was posted this year, 2018, so it wasn't the one you claimed was posted about last year. There was no answer to the puzzle too.

Is this puzzle answer less, but you posted it to see who would deeply think about it to prove they aren't an "NPC"?
Am I just overthinking?