Slav Kiernan Shipka cast in adaptation of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina for Netflix

Fellas... (((They))) wanna turn my favourite comic book waifu Sabrina into a slav. This is fucked up. Her name is Sabrina Spellman. That is a germanic name. She is a pure anglo-saxon Aryan maiden, not some slavic subhuman.

I never cared about picking slavs for white roles before like I don't care if Milla Jovovich plays Resident Evil. But a slav playing my favorite comic witch waifu.. That's fucked.

Don't let this happen bros

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>muh D&C

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no body cares about your Sabrina fetish, SAGE

90's Sabrina best Sabrina

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get a rake



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clarissa > sabrina

your 6 somehow got turned upside down

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> hating on kiki

Blow away dirty leaf.

>le leaf flag xdddd :^)

>still leaf

Your OP is either a low effort shitpost or you're actually retarded.

Spellman is a Germanic name. she is not a slav.

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>cares about shitty Hollykike TV entertainment to start with
>Slavs are not white Jow Forums meme
>says Shipka is Slavic even though she's only 25% Bohemian and the rest is German and Irish
>implying (((Spellman))) is not a common Ashkenazi name
>ignores the previous Sabrina actress Melissa Joan Hart was literally a jewess
>slide thread

>born Chicago Illinois
Seems like American to me. Where are her parents from? And what kind of a slav name is Kiernan Shipka?

Veronica is best waifu!

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I liked this show a lot as as a kid. Rewatched a few episodes as an adult and realized I really just wanted to fuck her and the show is only ok

>Divide and conquer

White is White.

Slavs are the purest whites

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Her tits are too small desu

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Oh, its the qt from Blackcoat's Daughter

uh oh

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Holy shit! Sexy if true.

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I still can't believe Archie made this

Indeed. It was also neat to see Betty being a nutjob in this day and age.

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That's not Cheryl, you fuck.

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>Kiernan Shipka

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