Why has it become acceptable for white women to be promiscuous?

Why has it become acceptable for white women to be promiscuous?

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Kikes. Look what they did to the image of the blonde woman.


Feminism virus

sage slide thread.

shhhh.. dont talk about it. just enjoy all the fishy cunts you can get

degeneracy will not satisfy you.

Jews do not have that kind of power. As a white guy, it’s clear to me White women have chosen their own path. The only traditional women left are Hispanics and Asians. Jews too, but please , let them marry other Jews only

Says the unsatisfied virgin

>Jews do not have that kind of power.
Have you ever heard of Hollywood? You know, where the modern woman gets her life advice?

Cheaters suck.

Degeneracy spread and conditioned by the Jewish Mass Media.

it's not acceptable, but some people work hard to create that impression and many women learn the truth too late in life

Because white women are fucking whores

(((Who))) started feminism?

If you can't keep something forever why have it at all? There is no substance.

>what is brainwashing

They start off with disney movies, making girls think the first guy they fall for will be prince charming, and when he inevitably pumps and dumps her, she spends the rest of her life trying to act like she is in control by fucking as many men as possible

first tell me when they haven’t been

to pass the tedious hours of a typical day?

What do breasts feel like, Jow Forums?

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That's a jewess

because white men allowed them to.

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What are your values liberal?


a waste of time


This 10000 times
Why do you think that used up women are always screeching about slut-shaming?

I'm a married man, and I'll tell you too: Degeneracy will not fulfill you.

>Why do you think that used up women are always screeching about slut-shaming?
...because they don't want to be judged for their actions even though everyone is judged for them?

because women like that have a magical ability to justify every fucked up decision or action they take.

I denounce this degeneracy. Now plz gib sauce to glory hole swallow or at least tell me which girl this is. I have to do some research

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>I'm a married man, and I'll tell you too: Degeneracy will not fulfill you.
It seems like the only option nowadays. What kind of woman would honestly date without listening to stupid feminist shit?

You have pay shekels for the video.

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>married and traditional

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Doesn’t matter. It’s on white women for falling for it. They need to take responsibility. We can’t blame the Jewish people for everything. As a white guy, I know it’s hard to accept are whores not worthy of reproducing with but it’s true

wut know feg...done't hab munny...

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I know how you feel desu, it's easy to be young (I assume) and sorrowful about your partner prospects, really you just have to hope you find a good girl. I get wanting to pass the time with sluts to not feel so lonely, but understand that they might keep you from noticing someone pure and wholesome. At the very least just don't pop any cherries user, fuck the roasties if you want. I had to look beyond the borders of my little slutty country and into continental Europe to find a decent woman, and even then she of course still comes with some baggage. It's never easy.


There is only one "redpill"; There is only one reason behind the degeneracy spreading throughout the west: jews.

White men stupidly let white women have too much control over their destinies. African women are good house wife material.

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They only get angry when someone calls them a whore.

Because white women dont usually have to put up with men that beat the shit out of them, ostracize them, throw acid at them, rape them, get them pregnant if they are promiscuous, furthermore a male of one of the other races would be more than happy 'save her' from a life of ruin. worst case scenario if they want to get one of those dumb prizes you can always look for that one guy with all of the issues ;)
women of other races... this isnt a default option for them...

at least this isnt happening in their homes

Attached: only whites will understand.webm (640x360, 2.81M)


You may need this

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I'm still in my 20s, but I'm kind of tired of it.
>You can't take a woman's word at face value.
>The media celebrates cheating on your husband.
>Everything is oppressive, and I hate men.
>Don't judge me, but I'll judge your ass.
I don't get it.

Yes indeed. Blackmutts Americans are utterly degenerates and have shitty family values. Black people from the Caribbean countries, central/south America and African countries have stable family relationships and marriages. They also have culture and traditions unlike afromutt Americans.

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YES. this so much YES!!! the guys complaining are the ones that failed to shame chad in high school for pumping and dumping stacey... and all because they couldnt wait to get a chance to fuck the ruined stacey!!! you created this hell yourself since you wanted to feel like a chad pumping and dumping or you were drooling over the moment of despair from stacey!!

>Multi-dating (dating more than one person at a time.. usualy more than 3) is the culprit nowadays.

So I've been on a few dates in the last 2 months.

Always found out that the woman sees multiple men - what's wrong with that? Well she usually makes out with them - kisses, petting and even has sex with one or more men.

How do men allow this to fucking happen? Why do they allow themselves to be cucked by other guys?

Why would I go to a date with a woman who kissed 2 men yesterday and had sex with 1 the day before???

Some of these skanks actually went ballistic when I explained to them that I don't want to continue dating (dating for me just is going to a bar together, cinema or just some casual setting with other friends.. nothing physical) because they're physically intimate with way too many men.

Two fucking skanks even couldn't remember what we've done on date the last week! Couldn't even remember the things I've said and quoted someone else and thought I said that. When I told them "no, I didn't said that" they just went silent and didn't respond. Lmao got ya you whore!

>how... how can you judge me user! Who made you the judge!?
>bitch based upon my judgement I agreed to a date.. people judge and act upon that.. what's wrong with that? Now BTFO and don't waste my time!


>hey goyim
>check out this pono
>really makes you not wanna breed huh?

>Jews too, but please , let them marry other Jews only

>Why has it become acceptable for men to be promiscuous??????

please answer

Men are conquerors.

So what you really want is property. You want to have a hole to fuck that belongs to you and no one else gets to even see!!!. you should put a price on this hole and you should pay for that access appropriately. or are you waiting for her to actually charge you? what is the price? 2 kids and you pay for everything for the rest of your life? are you going to pay a monthly fee?