NPCs are real and they’re walking among us

Sometimes at night I’ll go for a walk. I often catch glimpses into my neighbors’ homes and get a look into their family room. I always see an NPC sitting on the couch. I see them staring at the TV in an expressionless state. Then at 10pm they walk up to bed. And they probably don’t think about anything while they’re lying there. They’re nothing but base impulses. If you asked them to write a diary they’d do nothing but describe the routine of their day. Maybe mention what made them angry, or happy. But that is all there is to the NPC. You can tell they’re devoid of any internal dialogue or self awareness. The Jews want to control the NPCs and they want to make them liberal.

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You're not real either.

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heh stupid sheeple


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How generic. That’s something an NPC would say

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1/4 people are NPCs. They monitored their brain and facial expressions. They had no internal dialogue

Someone here is an NPC then

it's called oblivion, everyone has their own form, you'd go fucking psychotic if you didn't switch your brain off for a bit everyday, you already do it to a degree as well, sleeping

Stop playing video games. Take a shower, go to bed, then wake up and exercise. Start eating well and casually socializing with people you don't know.

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NPC = goyim

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But isn't it true that the npc theory is being massively misrepresented hear, and that most everyone has an internal monologue which is similar and ubiquitously understandable, but most people 'tune in' or experience that inside voice less frequently than some people, or not?

this is like the thousandth NPC thread today. Wtf?

I found the NPC

Fuck u CIA nigger

It's a worldwide epidemic.

Internal dialogue is what no life losers have because they have no friends

>Stop playing video games. Take a shower
And you stop telling me what to do. You're not my mum.


So your that weirdo NPC thats walking around at night on GTA. Always wondered why they where out walking at night, just observing the other NPC's

I found the /v/tard NEETs who have their heads jammed so far up backsides that they can no longer empathize with other people. Try going outside every now and again, niggers.

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can we at least get a link to the study?

"All usual social occasions are vain and futile" - Spinoza

Implying they aren't all power plays and people one-upping each other if they're nothing more than acquaintances.

Why are the shills pushing this NPC/p-zombie meme so hard today? Its like every other thread topic is this shit.

No one of them would actually just be sitting there. But it would probably be a nigger most of them are complete NPCs

What makes your base impulses more specialer than their base impulses?

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bitch i get to sit at home all day, collect welfare, smoking dat top shelf shit, eating dominos. No reason to go outside

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It's funny because it's true. Pic related was all about how humans are flawed automatons going blind most of the time with zero self-consciousness. We just can't know it because we are tribe on island with nobody about our level to compare to. Until we suddenly have. Then we are fucked in so many ways we don't even understand.

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>more specialer

They have no inner speech or self awareness. They do nothing but satisfy impulses

You are not special
You are like the others
, 'cause despite you know the thrut you don't do anything for change it, in fact, your type are so far worst kind of npc.


>my thoughts are more profound than others

t. a very smart guy

It was this way last night also. In fact that's when it started yesterday late afternoon/night...I'm pretty sure.
I'm with you though, WTF is going on?

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Spics are NPCs. Who was the last Mexican intellectual scientist or philosopher. All they do is mow yards

More like 3/4 are NPCs.

They don’t have any thoughts at all. They did a study and sat people in an empty room, and 1/4 people didn’t experience any kind of inner speech or dialogue. They’re philosophical zombies

Do you guys have trouble falling asleep? I can't seem to shut the voice in my head up so I can get a good night sleep. Am I the only one?

If I recall correctly it was just some guy asking 20 random people and then posting about it on his blog

samefag spamming this thread
I can tell from the images you use every time, and the fact you spammed yesterday

When I'm lying in bed about to go to sleep sometimes I can hear voices in my head, it's not an inner monologue in my brain, they are super loud, almost as if I have heard them with my EARS

why is this faggoty meme being shilled so hard?

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A lot of the threads get removed. It’s not shills it’s just a funny meme. But maybe you’re an NPC so you can’t get it

do u ever get sleep paralysis

It's not fully do to with intelligence.

There's plenty of high IQ people that are basically NPCs. They feel and respond on feelings.

You are the NPC because instead of doing anything relatively interesting or fulfilling you are regurgitating some stupid fucking meme that sprang up from a pop-sci article written in 2011. You stupid niggers didn't even read the actual thesis. You ARE the NPC's you fucking cock clamps

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How do we identify and avoid NPCs, while surrounding ourselves with real people? What hobby or activity is likely to involve only realies? Chess, book club?

Very rarely (does this word exit?lol). I had one just few days ago tho

Hey, I have that same PC!

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>it’s just a funny meme
summer time's over. stick to fortnite and fuck this gay shit

Canada sounds awful.

Spoken like an NPC. My goldfish is less of an NPC than you

(not so) R A R E

usa sounds worse and is much more dangerous

Stop saving thumbnails. It makes you look stupid.

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I am also an NPC, I was designed to only comment about how I am an NPC. Hello friend, I am an NPC.

this can help solve your problem

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>Stop saving thumbnails
Stop telling me how to live my life.

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I don't even need to click on that to know it's too small for me

from now on, replace 'normie' to NPC. Look how triggered they get. Its almost like they been found out and it literally corrupts itself. How can we can take advantage of this?

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The one thing an NPC can’t do is say the words “I’m an NPC”. NPCs don’t know they’re NPCs

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IN order to shut down Jow Forums, it has to clearly produce a shooter.

What if the CIA came on Jow Forums and promoted the idea that some people are 'less than people'.

Then some anime watching tranny-jerking weeb might hurt someone. BINGO - you have your ammo to 'ban' Jow Forums.

It's not enough there is a LGBT/X/Paper and Origami page . . . it's this page they need direct culpability from. They need to shut down Jow Forums as the repercussions would be massive for the 'right'; as scarecrow to burn in label and motif, over social media.






>Jow Forums

Three strike rule before handlers have the CIA embedded media run wild with it as potential headline. The dronish left will eat it up, as its more fuel to hate white males and republicans.

It's a trap


It’s probably a lot more offensive to be called an NPC, it’s like calling some a retarded animal

>inculcate ideas of generalized dehumanization in conjunction with "we're in teh matrix, bruh"

It's would be the sorta thing to point at if trying to convince people that Jow Forums is an incubator for James Holmes type behavior.

It can’t be a trap, mods have been removing NPC threads the entire day. The meme is not the kike’s friend

>I don't even need to click on that to know it's too small for me
Is that the response you got the last time you sent a woman nudes?

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we are going to build a wall with u leafs. u fkin faggots

Das rite, game over.

i cant control myself im the product of electrochemical reactions of my brain, it just happens automatically

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Femanon here

Are you an NPC that somehow became self aware?

Yeah, and I shit gold nuggets.

I don't actually know I am an NPC, this is a predetermined response.




I'd advice you not to tell your doctor about that. You'll be turned into a farm animal if you do.

The best thing that could ever happen to this world is Jow Forums being shut down
Just imagine all this shitposting spilling into the real world, worlds would collide, a new era would begin, anime would be real within a week, my waifu alienfu manic pixie dreamfu would cuddle me every night and I could finally leave the cuckshed, I could RISE UP in more ways than one if you pick up what I'm putting down.,...
....I'm so horny and lonely.....

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show feet

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Hello friend, I am an NPC.

Mutts are not humans anyway

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First you have to understand that the NPC/PC distribution follows the Pareto principle which means that the population is composed at 80% of NPCs, with that in mind let's move to the method to identify them.

>NPCs have an IQ under 110 outside of very rare exceptions (opposed to PCs who are almost all 110+).
>NPCs have extremely low creativity, typically the Jow Forums NPC never created any meme for example
>NPCs have no real curiosity
>NPCs eagerly follow trends and pop culture as it tells them how to behave
>NPCs have no moral compass and strictly follow the current social consensus (this can be hacked however with the good tools)
>NPCs love trivias and junk informations because you don't need to process it while it enriches their database
>NPCs have no inner monologue which means they never explore ideas by their own
>NPCs update their softwares by watching TV, listening to radio or checking MSM websites (notably things like Buzzfeed), it allows them to keep up with the dynamic consciousness of the PCs by constantly spewing new informations.
>When trying to dicuss something a bit deep the NPC will likely remain silent and freeze like you didn't even talk, if the PC decides to continue the discussion the NPC will often try to cope by launching words like "maybe", "you think ?" or "I don't know" without ever contributing hoping it will kill the conversation.
>if you try to discuss something controversial the NPC will display visible discomfort and his program will try to shut down the conversation or let it die, some belligerent NPCs can even display anger or try to shame the PC with name-calling.
>however NPC are not rigid and under the influence of PC can be partially reprogrammed. A good example of recent successful NPC hijacking is Donald Trump, with the support of a group of PCs he managed to hack a sizeable portion of american NPCs to follow him, a good sample of those NPCs is Jow ForumsTD however you can find plenty of them on Jow Forums too since 2016.

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>the NPC is a ressource and a tool for the PC, he doesn't have proper decision making besides basic daily routine, you can compare a NPC to the stream of a river which a PC will use to actually build something/produce something.
>Just like in a RTS not all NPCs are equals, some NPCs are very good to accomplish some tasks, other are basically dead weight or even harmful
>NPCs don't really build things, for example History and civilization are really just the product of the work of the 20% of PCs from every generation, each PCs generation building on top of the former one. That's the reason why our history is mostly focused around great figures who were basically the most important PCs of their generations.
>NPCs are not part of the crucial decision making, ever, in fact NPCs more or less act as a passive resistance to change that can be easily beaten by PCs, the meaningful power struggle is only between Pcs.

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I get that pretty consistently. I do not know what it is, but if im having trouble sleeping, i hear that and that usually means i am about to fall asleep

and from what i recall they asked somebody in a room "we will ask what you were thinking in the time before pressing a button when you hear it"

basically end up questioning yourself. well what am I thinking? and just leads into the whole "internal monologue"

Things remaining unclear about the nature of NPCs.
- Can NPCs birth PCs?
- Can PCs birth NPCs?
- What happens if a NPC and a PC breed together?
- When does a human becomes a PC or a NPC?
- Did ancients know about NPCs ? (see caste system established by indo-europeans in India or the pre-french revolution class system in Europe)

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Why would (((they))) reveal this information? Are they extending an olive branch or is this an attempt of weeding us out? Also I don't think NPC's or at least not all of them anyway are not necessarily the enemy, they can be useful so long as you manage to keep your autism under control and not agro them.

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Probably by the age of 7 you can tell if someone is an NPC or a PC. Becoming a PC might not be entirely genetic either, but is probably partially genetic


Can someone explain this to me??Is this the old "people who think in images and visualization vs people who think only in dialogue" thing??

Thanks for the info user, I'm gonna go an hack the system now.
Wish me luck

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You fucking faggots misinterpreted the thesis, but whatever if it makes you feel special...

You'll enjoy this. Worth the read

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NPC spotted

Gtfo this board, faggot

My initial thought is that PCs would never birth another PC, since in video games PCs never have parents, or their parents are always NPCs. However, reality doesn't follow a video game. Also, a person can introduce their friend to a new game thus in a way "bithing" a new PC. I'm not entirely sure either way.

>However, reality doesn't follow the rules of a video game.
>thus in a way "birthing" a new PC

Sauce on the pop sci shit faggot?

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