What’s happening in Sweden?

Why does their currency perform smack in the middle between Myanmar and Pakistan?

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Because they have just enough refugees from pakistan and myanmar to be on par with russia.

Russia wasn’t prosperous before, Sweden was.

They say our currency will stabilize soon, but I think long term we will switch to euro. Maybe will happen in the next 10 years.

because thats worked out ao great for the non german countries. They kill you with durkas and then you beg them to financially enslave you

As time goes on EU will be more and more powerful, so not like we have a choice. How else to compete with worlds rising superpowers?

Our government is fucked but I hope it's because of a plan to increase exports because we have some advanced industry and quite a few natural resources.

After Brexit, more European countries are likely to leave. Look at Italy's government. If they had a referendum, how do you think the Italians would vote? Poland and Hungary are also in a rattled state after having migrant quotas forced upon them.

>EU more and more powerful
Kek, all the major EU countries are less than a generation away from collapse.

>import the third world
>become the third world
It's really not more esoteric than that

Russia actually did a good job with paying up debts. Their economy might've taken some hits becouse of syria and ukraine conflicts but they are still in much better position then most of western world and surely those most progresive multicultural future shitholes.

poverty isn't as big issue as divided country and no respect for law as we see it in western europe

Because "muh exports", while ignoring that Swedes are bankrupting themselves while on vacation, and it will only get worse.
>Catacuck shilling for big daddy EU
Yeah we know that you love to suck globalist cock. Still it doesn't mesh all that well with your separatist ambitions does it? Get independence from one state only to jump in bed with another, larger state. The EU is screwed in the long-term as the majority of Europe will come under nationalist control. It will implode from within. In the end only the worst of the worst will be left, like France and their welfare dependencies Greece, Spain and Portugal.

how EU will be more powerfull? if brining in milions of niggers could be making superpowers, africa would be at least one

They bark but won’t ever bite.

The whole EU is our bitch, you either join or get steamrolled

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>Why does their currency perform smack in the middle between Myanmar and Pakistan?

Because with those immigrants, the country might as well be situated between Myanmar and Pakistan.

>Polish education

Russia is perhaps the most multicultural country in the world, with non-muslim population falling as we speak

Go learn geography

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Here’s the real answer Jow Forumsyp brainlets are incapable of proving

Elections ahead

The far right and far left are both strong in the polls, investors are unsure of Sweden’s future policies and pulling out of the krona

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Came here to post this, well done kraut.

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Anyone investing in Sweden today is an idiot.
More than 80% of my portfolio is shorting large swedish construction companies.

Sweden also has the worst economic growth/capita in the EU, which isn't a very good thing

>What’s happening in Sweden?
>a mere 15%
you cucks know nothing

Teach us about prospering economy Venezuela

He is not bragging you idiot

This. Gonna help tank Sven economy. Maybe when they're 3rd world poor, then the 3rd world shitskins would move out. Hopefully to Krautland.
>Repeat the process

The swedish govt has always been financially illiterate. It tries ro peg its currency against a stronger currency or it inflates the shit out of it. There is no sound monetary policy to be found.

And that's a good thing.

but they punish them for crimes and dont treat them as foreigners that needs to be praised.

when chechens had issues they lost 16 000 militians and couple times more civilians, when turks in germany have issues you tell germans to be nice to them and dont mention what they do to native population