INTP Ubermensch reporting in

Post them, faggots

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I'm practically both INTP and INTJ though.

>Be retarded enough to believe in "personality tests".
Fucking astrologers keep trying to stay relevant.

>There is no value or information to be had from these tests.
I consistently get either INTP and INTJ each time I have taken the test. Last time I took the test was about a year ago.
Also astrology unironically has some merit if you understand the development of children and how the order in which a baby/child experiences the seasons can have affects on their temperament and such.

>every time there's a mbti thread on Jow Forums people post this shittiest of shit test
This is how I know most people here are barely 102 IQ brainlets

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>Doesn't know that this specific test was created by a housewife and her mother. Neither of which had any education or training on anything closely resembling modern psychology.
Found an astrologer. This tests is called the "Myers-Briggs" test. It was created by Katharine Cook Brigs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. Go do some research on it so you can show yourself how retarded you are for believing in this shit. When you start your research, you'll find information relating to Carl Jung - an actual psychologist... who has denounced this test.

any source on that? its something i observed but it could ofc be just bias

Post IQ

The only people who think this test is bullshit are people that don't like their results because it doesn't match with their self image.
Companies that assign jobs and tasks based upon this have higher productivity, higher work satisfaction and thus profits, compared to those that don't. It isn't anything like astrology. It takes personality traits (if you like being around people or not, etc.) and gives you a basic idea. Once I got people who knew nothing about my results, to read through all of the descriptions of the different combinations and then guess which one I was. They all agreed that I was INTP without a doubt, but with some ENTP traits and they were absolutely right.

So stop projecting your insecurities onto this test, if you're an ISFP degenerate then just learn to live with it.

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>welcome fren

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>died before mbti was created
Ok nigger

Not paying these kikes money but my sister got around 125 on hers so im near that range.

>The only people who think this test is bullshit are people that don't like their results
Stopped reading there. I don't know what this bullshit test would say of me. I have a father who actually does psychology, professionally. I've known it's bullshit since pretty much the day I found out about it.

>Stopped reading there. I don't know what this bullshit test would say of me

I stopped reading there. You never took the test you don't have even the remotest justification for being critical of it.

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ENTP reporting to shitpost in you are face

ENTP's are like INTPS without the social ineptitude

It is a free test, brainlet.

INTP checking in!

>Hurr durr.. what is "he came up with a theory then later said 'this is bullshit' which was eventually used by a housewife and her mother to create a bullshit test.
Gee. You're smart. I bet you also believe there is such a thing as an "alpha male" in wolf packs too, don't you? (Hint: that's another one where the person who created the theory said "this is bullshit")

Couple of better tests.
If you're also interested in similar theories that use Jungian function stack look up Sociology or DaveSuperPowers on YouTube.

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Socionics* fuck mobile

always get the suicide type: INFP.

>psychology is serious science

>proud normie
is this supposed to be news?

ISFJ reporting in


ENPS are not normies, we can just beat them at their game.

>What is a "social science"?
I bet you're the same kind of person who would use data found through various social sciences to say, for example, whites are better than blacks.. aren't you?

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Why do you think that so many jews are masters in the field of psychology, I studied for my psychology exam and all those experiments that are based on influencing group think were all done by jews or people that are related to jews.

every ozzy is a fucking normie, hardly capable of anything more than small talk.

Jesus... Not everything is a jewish plot.

>hardly capable of anything more than small talk.

While this is true, our small talk is taken to the next level, so much so that everyone else gets upset because they can't understand it.

>Jesus... Not everything is a jewish plot.

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depends in what area I guess.
Social "science" can be useful, but most of it is make believe garbage


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He's not wrong, though... there are a LOT of jews involved in psychology. (Side note: I am not a jew.. yes my father is a psychologist)


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Guess I'm a gay frog or some shit

>most of it is make believe garbage
A lot of the pseudo social science shit is too. Like 99.9999% of it. For example, the Myers-Briggs test, IQ tests, etc.

I'm hardly aussie, just happen to be here.

I'm an Engineer (9 subjects to graduate).
But I do agree with your statement about Australians.

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HEXACO > this test

Oh c'mon! Measuring the different traits humans exhibit and then categorizing them into clusters and defining them in loose terms is not a jewish plot.

Same senpai
I wonder if you’re as miserable of a prick as me

I was merely highlighting the fact that you're talking about Jews not being the source of all the worlds problems on Jow Forums of all places.

Hyper-orderly, INFJ here.

I have pretty much the same personality configuration as Hitler. If only I had his level of focus and work ethic, I'd be a fucking dictator by now.

My intuition and creativity are off the scale. My social skills and emotional resilience are flatlining. I am doomed to spend my life seeing the world through a stupidly idealistic lens finding meaning where there is none. No one or no thing will ever live up to my expectations and I am ripe for exploitation.

Good job guns are illegal in my country

Phonefag here, sue me, but suck my cock

97% introverted (is that possible?)
76% intuitive
85% thinking
61% judging
72% assertive

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Fuck off with your data mining

Will I be spared by the type Shoah?

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Well actually we've already estabilished the data on the userbase of Jow Forums.

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INFP here

Ah I see we have a fully fledged mutt on our hands.

It's not a jewish conspiracy, they just gathered information about how majorities, minorities and other effects influence group think, but I suspect that this is just occult knowledge channeled and decripted from the talmud.

ISTJ-T last time I got INTJ-A architect... so idk

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Smarter than jew, ahmed

With a fucking trip as well.

>You never took the test you don't have even the remotest justification for being critical of it.
So.. when did you become a nigger or a jew? I bet you'll pretend you're not critical of niggers and jews. The flaw in your logic is a huge one. One does not have to take a test to be informed that the test is bullshit. Even if I had taken the test, I am not a psych just as you aren't.. neither of us are an expert on this. The difference between you and I, though, is that I have talked to an expert about specifically this. Have you? Do you think Donald Trump makes decisions without speaking with advisors or experts?

I'll give you that much, you have the best normies.

My rooms a mess and I cant make friends because WHEN IM FUCKING RIGHT IM FUCKING RIGHT CUNT. Hbu?

We all are.

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>Is that possible?

You can't beat me, insults don't work on ENTPs

Not datamining. Just fascinated by personality and the prevelance of it outside of Jow Forums relative to Jow Forums.

Do you suffer cynicism as well?

I get a different result every time I take this stupid test.

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Well, you are split pretty much between intuitive snd observant so it would make sense.

>So.. when did you become a nigger or a jew? I bet you'll pretend you're not critical of niggers and jews. The flaw in your logic is a huge one.
False equivalency.

> Even if I had taken the test, I am not a psych just as you aren't.. neither of us are an expert on this.
You can, however, find Psychologists, even high level ones, that think the test isn't a load of rubbish, or as you would put it "astrology". Finding out whether or not someone is introverted or extroverted is useful in many ways. And even if your father was the smartest psychologist in the world, his opinion isn't doctrine. It's just an opinion. Because psychology isn't an exact science and despite the fact that it exists within the so called "Social Sciences" it isn't actually a science. You get can people of any different fields disagreeing on the test because at the end of the day they're all just opinions because you can't prove them. You saying the test is bullshit when you haven't even taken it is like saying Apples taste bad when you've never even eaten one. It's entirely perception.

>Do you think Donald Trump makes decisions without speaking with advisors or experts?
Unironically: yes. Yes I do.

>believing that gay shit

>that think the test isn't a load of rubbish
Except no, you won't. Many will agree that there are some _aspects_ of these tests which COULD be useful.. but on the whole they are not very useful at all. Perhaps if you actually spoke with an expert about a test like this you'd actually have a fucking clue what you're talking about.

I used to a lot more than now. I force myself to get out more and be around people that I like.
I get tired from being around too many people for too long but no contact at all makes me bitter.

>Except no, you won't.
Yes, you do. The relevance of the test is based upon perception, but you seem intent on ignoring this.

Check the results. You split pretty evenly between E/I and N/S which can vary your end results greatly depending on slight variations in the degree to which you scored yourself.

there you go shitlord, I admit I didnt know what the last puzzle was about

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is this good?

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My girlfriend go that. It means your a normie addicted to tv and social media.

>Hurr durr, I'm not going to read what you said.. but I'm going to respond as if you did.
You're beyond normal levels of retardation. You should see someone about that. Then again, since this is the second time you've jumped to a conclusion without knowing anything about what you're speaking of.. it could be that YOUR personality type is "moron who says shit with no logical or rational reason to do so." Tell me, moron, which letter on the Myers-Briggs test represents that personality of yours?

I wonder if that has increased my anger. I rarely speak to anyone. Go upwards of 2 weeks without speaking to anyone. Just reading and reading and reading. Diogenes is one if my favorite philosophers. I don't know man. Being around people disgusts me and maybe solitary makes me extremely angry when contact is made. I wished my brain could be fixed :(

>>Hurr durr, I'm not going to read what you said.. but I'm going to respond as if you did.
This coming from you, who literally doesn't read what I am saying.

Feel free to try again kid.

Its bad when a professor asks your class to do it and you land on psycho tile. I didn't, but someone in my class did, I think. Because the purpose isn't to learn about students' behavior the purpose is to know how to respond to your questions when you approach the dude. Like they know to ignore you or be aware and treat you like a threat.

Except that you're wrong. You clearly didn't read what I said. You'd know this if you ACTUALLY went back and fucking read what I said. At this point you're just a waste of my time.

But I am, you're just justifying ignoring what I am saying by once again projecting your mindset onto others. I'm not going to play your autistic game.

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Daily reminder that INTJ edgelords are not part of the master race, your authoritarian bullshit opresses thinking

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I always get INFP-T. I'm so sick of these INTP and INTJ normies.

Smart money says all the ENTs are likely left leaning Faggots and shills. The INTs are the very foundations of 4chinz

ENTJ faggots am i ubermensch enough ?

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>You said that some psychs will agree that aspects of those test could be useful.
>I'm saying you're ignoring an aspect of those tests that could be useful.
No. You're just a retarded nigger. ID blocked because.. well, you're a retarded nigger.

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Jow Forums has always been INs, until the normie invasions.

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all i do is browse Jow Forums and i have watched 2 hours of tv this whole year, and all i have is an instagram account mostly made for talking to friends and organizing things

No, that's not how it works. The ones you need to look out for are SF's, they're the "normies' and left leaning ones. NT's are mechanically minded, with different outlooks. ENTPs and ENTJs are common and always have been, all the fags from reddit are combinations other than NT.

>can't argue the point
>logical fallacies everywhere
>someone won't put up with my shit by responding to my autism
Yeah pretty much exactly what I expected. Thanks for the laugh kid.

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>wishes there were a war to kill people who have more feelings than him
Lmao truuuuuuuuuuuuu

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i get this all the time too. I think the main difference is that intj LEADS with introverted intuition and intp leads with extroverted thinking. thus because introverted intuition is essentially a perceiving function ie information gathering which is a fairly "non action" type of activity it could be mistaken for intp as a perceiver not a judger. intjs also procrastinate. INTJ is more a strategist focusing on effectiveness whereas intp is more purely logical and intelligence for intelligence sake. it is thus easy to be thrown off by the perceiver vs judger because intj leads with prerception but ultimately is a judger

It's true. I don't fit in with the INTJ group. I have a feeling they'll accept me, though.

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I get disgusted by other too but I cope by mentally mocking them.
Pretty pathetic but it helps.
I like to read Beyond Good and Evil over and over again. I find something new each time.

hey there ENTJ brother

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INTP/J are really rare in the real world.

But I don’t have a telly or a kikebook acct, and havent done for ten years.... you are a silly person

It seems that you have met your match.

Hello, friend. How are things over on the Emerald Isle?

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infp here

I love this