>Poland is so base-
Poland is so base-
Wtf, P****les.
You better explain yourselves.
who can tell me about that particular Russian flag?
shut up jew
any history book from the 1st world really
it was the flag of the russian empire for about 60 years or so
it went from the yellow one with the coat of arms to this to the red, white and blue tri color with the coat of arms in canton to various commie ones then the modern one
poleroach detected
You should have pay attention on history lessons.
ooga where da white frauen at
we were fighting for independence from russia?
g*Rman cries as he strikes you
lmao they dont teach it in schools, I'd wager not even most college students could tell you what it was if you showed them.
in USA they dont teach you many importan things in school
like geography for example. or history apart from US civil war and colonizations
>women who agreed to marry niggers were spared
So, all of them?
Why that's happen? It's simple, Poland in XIX century was partitioned between Prussia (later Germany), Austria and Russia. Many Poles voluntary joined to French or Ottoman armies having hope they will crush the Russians/Austrians/Prussians and allow Poland to reborn.
>poles are white niggers
so much truth
whats behind all those stars?
yeah the us civil war should get 2 lessons. one quick rundown of what happened, 2 test.
Look who's talking
such a vile combination, haitian and g*Rman
Enemy of our enemy.
Look at this beautifull young ruler of g*Rmany
>Poles serving under Napoleon were sent to help Frances historical ally
>It's somehow the nonexistant Poland's fault.
>white negroes of europe
Lmao krauts are right, sorry to have doubted you Hans.
You're forgiven, Poland.
If only you knew what the Spaniards have done...
>sends displaced people to displace others
Only a disgusting frog could behave like that no wonder you were always in league with the roaches
you could've said that 50 years ago but now you are black negro of europe yourself Pierre...
and it's not even honorary
We were kind of busy breaking the assholes of the rest of Europe bankrolled by anglos to declare war on us.
>pussy meme flag
Empires rise and fall, at least we were great at some point, unlike you.
It's not like Poland is destined to have a different fate considering the lapdogs to american ZOG you are or becoming the bitch of Russia yet once again.
Do you get to see, what every civilised poster sees in polaks?
Even black negroes have better manners, lesser chimping out, than hysteric morons (((polaks)))
The ones, that change the subject, start throwing insults to any respondents of the questions discussed etc
Absolute lowlife vermin scum, trully need to be exterminated in native fake (((pooland))) and absolutely at once holocausted - culled from the "western host nations"
The enemy of your enemy....
shoo shoo færğus
>Russia is trying to destroy Polish nation
>Poles join Turkey to fight Russia
>Jow Forums : fucking pshesks!!!!! fighting against muh white race!!!!! white negros of europe!11
>British education
What did you said anglo?
dont blame the britbong
all he has to learn about is slavery and the evil british empire
and some wwII
No big deal.Every man should put his own nation intereses first.Otherwisse he is traitor.
It's enough to remember that what we face today want to eradicate ALL of our nations.
Fuck back off slavshit, we are full!
I hate Poland with all my heart
>((((Polak)))) screams of pain, as he strikes you
You're not using your heart right
Reminds me of the Irish fighting for Mexico in the Mexican American war
Nothing changed or ever will