
Androcracy - democratic society of free male-womenowners

All power in society, the state and a family belongs to married men over 30 years. Men perform the power in the democratic way.

How to implement this:

A. Economic struggle:
1. Don't hire women
2. Do not get a job under the command of a woman
3. Don't let your women work
4. If possible, do not buy anything from women, or in stores that are owned by women. Do not cooperate with women's firms.
5. If your woman works, then take away her money (you can walk them in pub, but better, spend wisely)

B. Psychological and physical struggle:

1. Women can and should be beaten. But be sober.
2. Do not give women a place in public transport and in the queue
3. Do not let your woman to communicate with emancipated friends, and the best of anyone. Let she sit at home and cook soup.
4. Get your woman to wear closed modest clothes.
5. Don't lisping with your daughters.

C. Political struggle:

1. Spread ideas of superiority of the man. Use science, religion, demagoguery.
2. Expose the myth of the inviolability of women. Women were beaten always and at all times.
3. Create, if possible, groups of mutual help of men
4. Vote only for men and only conservative
5. Create appropriate political currents, or sponsor them.

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niggers tongue my anus


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Yeah this will work....In India maybe (not even India anymore). Ah, the dreamer.

I smelling fish.

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Do you really throw the jews down the well OP?

No. KZ is still crypto-colony like RUS and GRE

I have 2nd video from this girl. But fuck you matriarchal cuckolds who even cant bump my important for humanity thread.

O Great Khan, pls blesses us with the second vid

c'mon men post the vid

If thread will taken at least 100 posts.

Sauce first girl?

Sophia diamond

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

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Nope. It's going to be gynarchy .

>How to implement this:
Expelling jews and non-whites from white countries (the ones who promote equality internationally) and then killing white people who supported marxism. There's no other way

Fake tits


We are allies.

The incel has spoken lol

BTW, who's this girl?

They look the same through a computer screen, why do you faggots always complain about fake tits or fake ass

Are you white? If you are a mongol moslem why do you have problems with wymmyn?

I think it is natural. She had good tits even in 14

kazakhs are cuckolds much more than even russians.

sophia diamond

I find it hard to believe of what I knew of Kazakhstan, ie tokal versus baibishe

If there ever was a more incel post ever.. no, no this is just about as desperate incel as it gets

Why don't you do unto others as you would have them do unto you? You don't sound like a Christian.

>He doesn't sounds like a cuck

I have a soft spot in my heart for moslems who like to drink

If I beat my women I get thrown and jail and she gets all my money.


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because of how you vote


Oh yes

these links seem appropriate


The fuck is going on?
I have to translate a text about Hypбoл Hypaхмeт this morning.
In another thread, somebody mentioned "ice-cold oriental women" so I posted a link to an Erasure video where I found a comment about caйлayбeк cepикбoл and went to watch his "Oi Zhengei" video.
Now I open a new thread just to look at tits, and find it was written by another fucking poddanik of Nursultanchik...

WHAT is going on?!

if you came to pol to look at tits

> you are doing it wrong

mfw you just described islam

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>democratic way
It's bad enough as it is with faggotcracy.
We need Fascism or absolute monarchism. Only ideologies that guarantee success.

I came for the news and current events, but am a slave to thumbnail temptations, may Tengri forgive me.

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Fuck it, it's KZ day today. Why resist it?

Ooooch kudoooooooooook!!!!!!!!!!

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No, fascism always fall. Absolute monarch will always compete with folk for power and use women to enslave men. Monarch is super-souteneur

>Turkic-speaking people with Mongolic haplogroup C
>Are you white?
The absolute state of Jow Forums

Why do people here hate Islam when they seem to love everything it promotes?


Roman Empire was fascist. It was the strongest country of its time. Only when shitty emperors started "reforming" (i.e. fucking up) the system the Roman Empire fell. Combining the best from both fascism and monarchy would create the ultimate ideology.
Fascist Monarchism > Fascism, Absolute Monarchism > Shitocracy

>Roman Empire was fascist
No. Roman Empire was oligarchy, and republic. When it was empire with absolute monarch like Byzantine monarch always try to enslave folk more and more

This desu. 20 years. I think it's kinda hot.

you have to understand that we are in the midst of mass religious hysteria which has cloaked itself as 'scientific' and 'progressive'

The men are as infected as the women, believing utopia can come to earth if we simply follow these tenets, mostly based around the idea of equality of everything.

I dont know how it happened exactly but it has taken everything over.


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Dont know. Copy it from tanczulky thread for 2ch


It was a monarchy only at the beginning, then it became a republic. But it was indeed a fascist dictatorship. Imperator (emperor) was just the title of the dictator, it equates to the English term - "commander" not king or monarch. When an emperor died there'd be a struggle for power. Sometimes the son of the late emperor would inherit the throne but a lot of the time it would be the general with the largest army.
Throughout history numerous emperors overthrew previous ones to gain power.

Pochemu tam aktsent, Taras? Ves mir znaet kak proiznositsya. I chto voobshche imeesh' v vidu, pishaya imya poteryannogo goroda? Eto chisto russkaya skazka, ne kazakhskaya.

wrong board, slut

Throughout history numerous emperors gives more and more power for women, and Justinian married whore and done matriarchy. Empireros are our enemy always. Because they consider us as slaves. Only a cuckold can want to have an emperor, for whom he will be slaves.

Slut is your mother, kys.

Oh. Brittany. Of course. Mother-Queen. LOL


There are white russians living in Kazakhstan

we will be slaves*

They're bouncing

They all immigrated to Russia

Some of them not

Lol no

You're the one advocating monarchy. Emperors in the modern meaning of this word are monarchs. The only difference between the king and an emperor is the title name.
You're honestly confused. Also, Justinian was a monarch, not a dictator so yeah, monarchy is cuckoldry by your standards.

Justinian was a dictator. Monarchy is dictatorship when monarch take power through inheritance.

Absolute monarchy of course.

OP did you read that? The reason why we cannot implement anything is because the jews and their puppets are in charge of white countries and white countries dictate the global culture. So how can we take over?

>All power in society, the state and a family belongs to married men over 30 years

Kys nigger... I'm 24 and I'm already paying more with my taxed money than 85% of my fellow citizens. Why should some uneducated gypsy pleb with uneducated 10kids living from my taxed money all day should have all power. In this case I would pull my Czechoslovakian guns including mortar bought after velvet revolution and start killing such communists like you including your family because retarded genes can spread

>uneducated gypsy
Do you know what awaits for gypsies and others once white patriarchy reigns again?

da ti prav ya tolko xotyel eto tebya dat, vot eto dlya menya lyubov i panimanye

also it is extremely hard for me to understand Russian in English phonology, i had a mini seizure reading that lol. the accent is because i copypasted the word from wiki, i dont have russian keyboard on this computer

It is necessary to unite men on gender and squeeze out of politics all who oppose us.

god she's fucking retarded

You are not married, therefore, you chose not your people but your pleasures. Your right. But what do you have to do with politics? The goal of the state is to preserve the people, not your pleasures.

>da ti prav
I knew you were called Taras...)))
I still don't know what Kitezh has to do with anything though.

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20 psots and i will give you russian-dancing-girl-2


>You are not married, therefore, you chose not your people but your pleasures.
Well said. So the KZ flag is just a proxy, then?

this annoys me i want to physically hurt her after seeing this

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No it is my country

>squeeze out of politics
We cannot let this happen any other time in history. Eugenic measures must be taken to prevent cuck from being born. We cannot allow them to exist.

Yes but how we start? What concrete actions? Should we infiltrate in the same way the jews did?

Educate others about the inferiority of women

Kitezh is the myth of the waters coming to engulf the city that had not protections, nothing to defend itself, when the invaders were coming, the citizens simply prayed.

It is like Jesus, but more so almost, the waters come from heaven and the city lives now in eternal peace, in Svetloyar and holy people can see the cupolas and the cross in the water.

And everything is vaguely related to everything else in a way, but there are central symbols that glow more and make sense of things, and Kitezh is I believe one of them.

My people are nearly extinct since im silesian german. Its nearly impossible to find pure genes here so why should i pay for families of gypsies and mixed slavs and czechs which are lazy as fuck producing nothing for entire region. I rather invest my money to buying more land and guns and than propably racemix with some Pole. You communists taking money from upper class are pathetic. If you would implement such restriction smost of educated and rich people would leave your pathetic communist state and you would live even in bigger shithole. Democracy is truly joke for weak people. No wonder i know two kazakh families living in my town.

What are you talking about, mad czech? Taxes still have to pay, army, police must exist. In my system, I assume a mandatory 10% tax. It's all lower than what you have now.

Women don't work, so this stands a greater chance of succeeding.

post the vid vinokurov

Not enough posts.

Most men are as stupid as women and they'll always see women that way in part due to their similarity.

Here in Europe the total tax rate is over 55%. I would kill for having a 10% flat tax rate

The family of a free man is patriarchal because it is based on the household and the production of resources.
The slave family is matriarchal because it is based on the childbearing function of the woman, which does not belong to the husband, but belongs to the slave owner (the state, at the moment).

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this and its even more if you count everything but muh fellow retarded citizens needs their free healthcare system. well its free only for some of them since im paying for several people which are producing nothing for society only more plebian kids designated to be communists. Soon they will ask gov for free housing but at this moment i would kill anyone trying to squat in my land.