When did you realize that the blue pill is the most redpilled thing you can do?
Normal people don't care about politics and just do what feels good. It is normal human behavior to seek pleasure and to avoid pain, yet Jow Forums somehow thinks that it is good to go against your biological imperative.
Take the bluepill. Less stress, less worries, more happiness.
froot loops are chalky and gay, most weed today sucks, and that show was only just ok for one season and then crapped.
Juan Murphy
hes clearly in his backyard, i wonder what his gf inside really thinks of him, shes on fb talking to chad, hes outside at using a shitty fold up chair to sit on while he watches childrens programming. this man is a boy. blue pill red pill... this way of living is fine as a teenager, not as an adult male
Tyler Lewis
Yes I realised this a while ago. Redpill: life is too short to care about “western civilisation”, lmao not like you can make an impact on anything anyway.
Brayden Nelson
Letting non whites invade your countries so they can rape and murder everybody isn't avoiding pain.
This loser set the whole image up to get social credit to overcome the deep despair he feels at the horrible state of his entire life. If you think thats better then being red pilled you are a faggot who overdoses on blue pills. Sad!
Brandon Gomez
Nah weeds better than ever, say what you will about potheads being unmotivated, they clearly manage to get past that when it comes to making stronger weed.