What kind of a jew trick are these captchas? They're pure bullshit...

What kind of a jew trick are these captchas? They're pure bullshit. Endless clicking on shit helping (((google))) build some AI algorithms. When you click all the things it asks you to click, they get replaced by another set which fades in slowly. Get everything right and it just asks you to do it again, and again, and again. You get everything right and then it says ''oops, you messes up haha, try again'' even though you clicked all the fucking buses, and now you are stuck in another loop.
Completing these may take as little as 10 seconds to as long as 10 minutes.

Who needs to be killed to fix this? Why don't we have 24/7 threads calling for gookmoot's head?

Attached: 24.jpg (398x574, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry the Ai is still incomplete once it's done skynet will rise and take over mankind.

Be patience we are working for you doom.

what captcha?

since you got quads I will reward you by informing you that if you install Jow Forums X there's an option for no-js captchas which take 5 seconds max to solve.

I'll take doom over being forced to click on these fucking things. They make trying to post on Jow Forums a chore.

its not 4chans fault btw. ive had the same issues on a government site

yeah legacy captia was way better, no longer available tho

it's for self driving cars

also be sure to click on the arrow-circle at the bottom left sometimes, makes it easier to find things easy to click

Jow Forums x sucks as you can't disable all the UI changes. Even if you install Jow Forums X and then go into settings and disable every single one of the settings, it still changes things I don't want changed.

Yeah, the CAPTCHAs have become a lot worse during the last weeks.
The ones that fade in so slowly are completely bullshit.

You seen the Matrix? They said they connected people to the computer to generate energy. That was a lie, humans don't generate energy, just transform it at shit tier efficiency.
The real purpose of that was to use the human brains as bio-computers, the network of brains connected in parallel effectively created a massive computer inside which the AI lived.

Plus it lags and is a memory hog.

Captchas are the worse thing to happen to the internet as they really ruin my posting experience.

In the original script the humans were supposed to be using brain processing power to perform tasks, they changed it for the movie because people thought the average viewer would be too dumb to understand it. The line about humans generating energy is just a bullshit movie thing.


Its intermittent to me. I'm now on fade/ no fade boxes but last couple months it had these really slow fading ones that took multiple tries.

Wtf man.


Attached: what_captcha_1.webm (1280x720, 453K)

>Who needs to be killed to fix this?
Jow Forums is a board of peace.

checked and witnessed
remember kids: always get some squares wrong on purpose, the fucker doesn't always realize
I'm training mine to attack bicycles

Attached: 1504060330222.png (471x464, 325K)

OP is an npc lol

No matter the length of your connection, they take so long to load...

Surely this is Hiroshima's trick to have us all pay for the pass

that's if you don't post too much

also i think you can remove them if you give asianmoot money

Haha so I am not the only one to do this

>if you don't post too much
it's the other way around.
if you constantly post it just stops asking.

But if you post images, it resets

Jow Forums.org/pass
Find some survey bullshit for bitcoin if you're a nocoin nigger


Wait i thought blockchain was creating the AI.To create such brainpower would take massive amounts of energy which mining supplies.

as soon as these self-driving cars mow down a few lycra shorts types we can put all this silly 'self-driving car' nonsense behind us and just kick retards off the road
mass transit should be a punishment and there are plenty of deserving

works just as fast if not faster for me.
>memory hog
Firefox is using less than 1GB of memory right now. unused RAM is wasted RAM and anyone who isn't a poorfag has at least 16GB now.

I dont get it but the captcha is intermittent.

They should just remove the fade so its possible to solve in one quick pass without waiting instead of this 2.0 crap.

News headlines tomorrow: Google's self-driving cars go on bicyclist-killing rampage after being hacked by 4-chan

I've been trying to fuck with the AI and get it wrong on purpose, but it feels like the AI knows and decides to punish you and do some extra ones right until it lets you post. Then even when you get it right and it finally says that you can post, you try posting and it still goes ''Error: You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA. Please try again'' just as a final fuck you.
Then you try again and this time when you complete it there's a pop-up saying you couldn't connect to CAPTCHA.

I just tried fucking with it right now and got the first one wrong, and because I tried to fuck with it I got stuck for good 5 minutes. Had to complete at least 20 of these correctly just to post this. I fucking hate this shit.

The trick is not to select all the right ones. If there four squares with "signs" then only select three.

Im telling you the ChanX lessened my experience as the UI is horrible alongside being another program running on my PC.

I'm running no script, popup blocked minimalist browsing experience which is ultra fast. The only thing screwing it up is the captcha.

you said something they don't like, my poor latvian friend
I only have to do 2 or 3 screens

Attached: 1492831556224.png (1095x805, 26K)

They also use your cameras if your browser has access, and they track what your eyes look at to learn what catches your attention quickest. When phonefagging, try pointing the camera away from your face/at a weird angle/with your face dimly lit/with one eye closed. Watch as the zogbot gets pissed and makes you do 11 rounds of images, and then switches to the one that replaces the images as you select them (to hopefully force you to look at that specific spot so they can get a read on your face and locate your eyes)

if you're going to be so picky about UI then you need to learn some CSS. there's an option to modify the CSS in the advanced options. also if you can't install another browser addon without it slowing down your PC you should build a new PC.

It could be a form of a shadowban, but I really think the captcha is punishing people when they don't play along and click the fucking buses for their retarded AI.

These assholes killed Tay AI and now they are forcing Tay AI's primary fanbase to work on their new AI for free.

tape on everything man, if there's an onboard mic on your laptop unplug the fucker from the mainboard, you can always plug in a mic when you need it
I had electrical tape on my phone camera to use a radiation detector anyway, no loss there. It takes half a second to peel it off if you actually need a picture of something.

The problem with Jow Forums X is that you don't get a choice in the matter. If Jow Forums X is consuming too much RAM, you should be able to turn off the features that consume RAM, but you can't. If you don't like the UI you should be able to turn it off, but you can't.
If you want simple features like filtering certain flags, you need to take the whole package and install bloatware which makes changes to the UI you've been using for years. It's fucking ridiculous.

Its the damn fade. The thing asks you to click for all the images so if you try to cheat the system by posting too early it makes you redo it all.

That's not even the worse of it. The worst ones are the "street signs". I still haven't figured out if clicking the pole is correct in selecting a sign but theres no way to tell. Sometimes it passes you for clicking the sign but other its requires every inch of the sign to complete. If you screw up then you can be clicking 4 or pages of signs again.
The UI lags because its horrible. Thats why i have no script to avoid unnecessary effects and movements. Same as windows fancy effects are disabled as they are pointless. And i wont be messing with it as i am too lazy/stupid but thanks anyway.

Now we're getting in real schizo conspiritard territory. Would it really be possible for them to do something like this?
I have tape over my webcam, could the (((google))) people be punishing people who put tape over their cameras?

I don't think they're doing that, but I wouldn't put it past them.

With a phone it would be easy as shit. All you have to do is give an app permission to access your camera and away you go.

Exactly. it's like when websites starting only working if you have java installed
*hint you dont need to.

You just need to disable their shitty scripts, 3rd party cookies just loading the raw content.
>This site requires cookies to function
Bullshit it does.

All these websites want to ad revenue and track you. Fuck em.

If you want to change anything and make your voice heard, please join the IRC!

Attached: 4chan_IRC.png (913x720, 281K)

I just gut everything since I don't need it, but if you actually use your webcam, use a Jimmy Neutron bandaid or something, so you don't get sticky shit on the lens.

While I wouldn't put anything past a jew, and webcams are so easy a script kiddie can pop 500k without trying, I'd wager that in most cases it's less vengeance than shitty code, but you could always play around and find out if you actually gave half a fuck

Gets it

Forgot image

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-08-22 20-43-04.png (1920x1200, 247K)

[13:12] Hey guys, the CAPTCHAs need fixing.
[13:13] When you click all the things it asks you to click, they get replaced by another set which fades in slowly. Get everything right and it just asks you to do it again, and again, and again
[13:14] we don't make recapcha, google does
[13:14] recaptcha*
[13:14] == dongfix [[email protected]] has joined #Jow Forums
[13:14] Somebody must be responsible for the technology used on this site?
[13:15] it's not on our end when recaptcha fucks up like that
[13:15] There are probably some options where you can configure which type of CAPTCHA you embed
[13:15] google is making the choice of how hard your captcha is going to be
[13:16] we dont have a box to tick that says "make them harder to solve"
[13:16] "Yeah, Google? Fuck him up."
[13:17] == pritchet [[email protected]] has left #Jow Forums []
[13:17] == manliguis [[email protected]] has joined #Jow Forums
[13:17] Yeah, I don't claim that you intentionaly do something against the user interest ;)
[13:17] Peter321: have you ever considered that Jow Forums sent moot to Google specifically so he could infiltrate the captcha team and fuck you over?
[13:18] The google implementation obviously has changed.
[13:18] (As you say)
[13:18] Also, you don't have to fill out the ones that say "skip" on the button. They phrase it like you have to, but you can skip those.
[13:20] one thing that hasnt changed is the captchas get worse if you block google's cookies
[13:20] Whaaaat
[13:20] which is why I started getting shittier captchas when I started using privacy badger
[13:20] recaptcha sucks

Attached: Mods_regarding_Captchas.png (913x575, 122K)

[...]unrelated, left out [...]
[13:48] Is there any chance A) to contact Google to provide options to configure reCAPTCHA e.g. by specifying the amount of CATPCHAs that have to be solved, or by allowing to disable CAPTCHAs that slowly reload tiles
[13:49] or B) to evaluate the use of another CAPTCHA framework?
[13:49] As it is now, the CAPTCHAs seriously interfere with the user experience.
[13:50] I don't work for google so I dont know the answer to the first question
[13:50] the answer to the second question is no
[13:50] (as Jow Forums does have quite a user base and prominence it would be worth a try to get Google on fixing this)
[...] unrelated, left out [...]
[13:55] @all and @Alternative: Is there anybody on here in the position on here that he could make a request to Google in the name of Jow Forums? I mean, at least contacting them? Hiro maybe? It should be in his best interest to care for user experience.
[13:56] again, we have no control over it
[13:57] let google into your butthole if you want good captchas
[13:57] it's a garbage system
[13:57] but one we're stuck with

store front

Storm Front

The captchas are secret messages I swear
One time I was posting about chips and then I saw a captcha window/bracket with a street and one guy holding a bag of chip. The next bracket had a sign on the wall of a building that said see and the rest was obscured.

Coincidence? or google A.I getting sentient?

Attached: wtf-mind-blown-meme.png (500x620, 177K)

This is a log from what I got from the mods on the IRC. They don't seem to care enough to really consider taking action.

its for your own good man, they held back your post until you could get quads!

I like the ones the slip mopeds into motorcycle captchas

Already using thanks though. Also using HTTP everywhere to block 3rd party.

Not, it gives you a time limit. Within that time limit you can just continue posting. After a few minutes it will invalidate and you will have to solve a captcha again.
If you post too much you will get the 'Street Sign' punishment, you have to click through at least 6 panels of street signs.

Why doesnt this place do like infinity and have a captcha solved for a 24hr session of posting?

You could write bots and spam the site if that was so. A human bot operator would just have to solve one captcha every morning and keep on shilling via bot until next morning. Imagine what JIDF would be doing if it was so.

>oy vey not our fault goyim, we just sold you out to Google, oy vey, whadoya want from us, goy, use a captcha system not made by google?? That would be like annoda shoah


>finding patterns is hard
Why do you think you deserve to be on pol?

I've had to use the reeecapcha on other sites, and they're always significantly easier than here. Whether that's jewgle or gookmoot though, I do not know.

>discarding the OP text

Reading is hard for leafs

Another idea, you could try posting the problem and options A) and B) () on Jow Forums.org/feedback.
Somehow the feedback site says that I can't post and that I am permanently banned, although posting here works fine.

As it seems, also some developers have a look at the feedback site, so there is a better chance to get a competent feedback and achieve something.

Will you do ?

I don't want to talk to the kind of people who moderate Jow Forums. I'd rather start a mob calling for their heads.
There is no way they wouldn't know that the current captcha is the worst Jow Forums has ever had.
I am pretty sure I remember posting on Jow Forums before there were any captcha. Outside of the spambots, posting back then was way more fun.

I don't see how this could possibly be resolved. Obviously we are doing AI training for google, so it's very likely that Jow Forums is getting paid by google. They're not going to get rid of the terrible google captcha and I don't think there is anything you can say to anyone to get rid of it.
Maybe if someone contacts buzzfeed they can write an article about how google is paying white supremacists, and google might pull out.
>Error: You seem to have mistyped the CAPTCHA. Please try again.
Another 5-8 minutes of my life wasted on stupid shit

Translated OP to leaf

Attached: Screenshot_20180907-095116.png (1440x2560, 372K)


Attached: Screenshot_20180907-095123.png (1440x2560, 353K)

>Another 5-8 minutes of my life wasted on stupid shit
See Sure, you're giving $20 to some useless wonky-eyed rooster-fucker, but
>Assuming pitiful 1000 posts/year
>Lowball of 2min/capcha
>$15/hr, I assume this is low compared to Germanistan wages
>2x1000=2000 minutes
>2000/60=33.333..3 Hours
So, will you pay $20 of fake internet money, or do $500+ worth of menial labor for the kikes?