I was proud of my ethnicity and heritage until I found out how many polish women barred and fetishise non-white...

I was proud of my ethnicity and heritage until I found out how many polish women barred and fetishise non-white men(niggers mostly due to rap culture) now I know that the Germans were right to want to eradicate us, at least it would be more honourable to die fighting instead of being racemixed to oblivion due to our women's love for nigger dick

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It's depressing as fuck but white boys need to get off their games consoles and get down the fucking gym

Proud immigrant polak?
WTF are only about faggot?
>go back or KYS, as a matter of urgency

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Fighting hand to hand with animals. I'm not fucking Steve Irwin.

that article is misleading on purpose, I thought you bongs can into english
question:how many is 23% of less than most?

Use a whip. It worked for us for a while. Or go back to your roots and get a .577

>t.Anglo larping as pole

Most of the 21000 children born to polish women had polish fathers, but the rest had 23% Asian or African fathers . . . as in poles are least degenerate and least likely to race mix . . . which has been my experience as well and why as a Sri Lankan I respect the Polish community the most out of white people. They are the least cucked whites. And some of the hardest working and least degenerate ones I've met as well.

Same. Why be nationalist when white women are so fucking evil? All we can do as white men is look out for eachother. Fuck white women desu. If you can, pump and dump them, never fall in love with one.

How well would those mixed race kids do if they had to go back to poland.

Poles are the best slavs, no?

23%? That's fucking unbelievable.

Poland avenges herself for 1939. Kurrrrwa!

I’m polish and I’ve never found polish women attractive. I wound up marrying a Macedonian.

And what's the difference?

If they're lucky, they might survive school.

Valid point

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Polaks are stronk'est kurwas, yes!

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I don’t think it’s true. Polish women in the UK either marry polish men or resort to nigger dick? No polish girls are dating the majority white English population? Sounds dubious.

>worst trash jumps the migrant wagoon to feed on the greener grass in UK
>people are surprised the trash is trash

in case you didn't quite get it, Maciej, we weren't and aren't sending our best to UK
we're sending those who want to be sent

>I don’t think it’s true. Polish women in the UK either marry polish men or resort to nigger dick? No polish girls are dating the majority white English population? Sounds dubious.
Polak genius strikes again!

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it's not 23% of polish women, it's 23% of non-polish euro migrant women living in UK according to OPs image

fuck the IQ on this board sometimes

>in case you didn't quite get it, Maciej, we weren't and aren't sending our best to UK
>we're sending those who want to be sent
I certainly heard of poolan' being depopulated of any inteligystas since 6 gorrilion and 1968 expulsion.

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>Too old

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That's a lie, it's just Jewish propaganda. White women love white men..

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You whot?
Polak toilet plunger is complaining about polkas, the sluts?

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not from my experience. It's much easier for me to get women of any other race, even though I'm white.

...and black hairdye for some reason.

You are:
Yeah, women don't like you

So why does fat slob still posts from mum's basement?

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You underestimate how stupid some white women are. These women are impossible to deal with. They don't listen to reason. They only listen to the dominant and angry looking ape that attracts their attention.

Hello fellow Jow Forumsacks,
do you think that I can get myself a blonde, busty Polish hottie and transform her into my own, personal, pure, Catholic virgin waifu? Where can I find them in Germany, Poland etc.? I am Catholic, not Polish and not poor if that helps. ;)

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>[[[asian]]] fathers

>I am Catholic, not Polish and not poor if that helps. ;)
Ok mahmud
Pick and choose service from "virgin" underaged polka sluts

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>these two events

the genie is out of the bottle. Here's to transhumanism.

White women are so easy.

Why bring up how many Polish children are born to Polish couples at all, since that is not the point of the article?

Why 2012? There's no data in the last 6 years? If not, why write this crap at all? How many children were born to the other "new" immigrants in total? What percentage is Polish?

What constitutes a "new" immigrant? Newer than 2012? A few years preceding 2012? What is 23% of that "other"? This is a bullshit article written by a moron with an agenda.

If there was no agenda, it should have read something like: "Aside from Polish children which were largely born to Polish couples, 23% of children born to immigrants from continental Europe arriving between 2010-2012 had African or Asian fathers."

How many is it? 10? 100? 1000?


Slaveshit leftovers are rather simple, but there's always an offchance some genetic mutation of course

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whatever you say, pajeet

no. the youth in poland is actually very tolerant, and polish women especially love black men. they are already showing the negro speaking polish in their tv shows. and did I mention MTV? tt's quite popular there

>this thread again


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so the whole thing about poland being based is just a meme. well, maybe the middle-age are but the youth? and specially the so called 'educated' class? nah

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>(((Polak))) diaspora JIDF detected
So why don't you fuck right back off?

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I am not polish

The way you whites act about race mixing is more pathetic than actual race mixing. You see a few bitches with some brothers and so you write off all your women and go full on Jow Forums, you sure you aren't the ones being manipulated by Jews? White women aren't nearly as bad as you fags have convinced yourselves. If meeting a few whores or some coal burners is enough to turn you into a defeatist you shouldn't be breeding anyways. You don't see any other race swearing off women because a few of them are shit, this is exclusively a white boy thing at this point.

Despite all the shit you're getting from other people for saying this, the fact is that it's the truth. Anyone who has ever lived in a designated multiculti area can tell you this. Dating is actually very easy if you're a white man willing to date outside your race. White women, on the other hand, almost never respond. There's a reason why WMHF and WMAF is so common, and it's not necessarily just because WM wants HF and AF, or HF and AF wants WM. Sometimes WF is as much to blame.

Tits or gtfo.

It's worded to make it higher

>Most had Polish fathers
>23% OF THE REST had shitskin parents

Britbongs are a race of incels. Who the hell wouldn't want a poor polish qt who will appreciate everything you can do for her? They're just as white as any other European.


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They (((polaks))) in general are t.eternal dumbfucks, polkas do take race mixing in to another level

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