Uh Oh

Uh Oh
Hey East-Germany, what are you doing?

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Daily reminder that East Germany is full of Poles and Russians and that only Poles and Russians vote AfD

Being based as usual


their popularity even dropped when one of the members of AfD said that Hitler did nothing wrong to slavs, there was even a controversy among polish diaspora eastern germany after he'd said that
it just goes to show who votes for them

its not
there are far more slavs living in west germany

the people here in saxony cant see those dissocial shitskin scum anymore


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I love east germany, the spirit of our old allies still lives there while the west spits on the memory of what our forefathers died for.

there are more shitskins than Poles and Russians here...
show your flag shitskin

hes a west german shill

>get bavaria in
*props Merkel back up*
Nothing personnel, kinder

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Did Die Linke always used to be SJW faggots or only recently?
Seems like they are alienating their actual working class base

They are a irrelevant Minority
Poles are the biggest bluepilled EU shills here imaginable
Russians are more based

The "Alternative" for Germany is actually becoming Slavic!

>Poles are the biggest bluepilled EU shills here imaginable
Maybe in Western Germany or Bavaria
Bavaria is a safe haven for our liberals, even our government has recently noticed that

No, we want sovereignty / unity with Austria.
But still, all the best to you brother in the east.
Was at a bigger "Stammtisch" two days ago and basically everybody was supporting you and none believed that media crap.


I am a Ossi
I know Poles and most of the are EU shills

Austria can come in too.

no its becomming NatSoc again

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>die Linke

Are these retarded 68ers and newer generations? It's like they learned nothing.

old people that never voted anything else and antifa scum

It's the old ones who miss some things from the DDR, stay loyal to the party, or Ultra-leftisist

Average age of their voting base is probably 50+
They will die out

Really makes you think...

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Iam Spätaussiedler pole and vote AfD just like all my family and every pole and russian i know. Wessi tough.

best luck bro, but while the AFD grows in east germany, the green party grows in west germany.

This scares me
What the fuck is wrong with Swabians and Baverians ?

I cant explain it otherwise then its stupid people who dont know shit about politics and see now that SPD is not cool anymore then they vote for Greens cause everyone is for the enviroment right? Not knowing what marxist pieces of shit greens are.

The SPD here is even lower than in Baveria, already a Kleinpartei
You're right about the greens, they're baiting people with their enviorement agenda


What the fuck? Bavaria is one of the most Merkel CSU loving shitholes on Earth.

take a look at the amount of minorities in those provinces.

Of course the Kanacken ammount is high there, but not as high as in NRW, where the Grüne aren't as popular as in the south

awww you didn't have to

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Kek, but the normal color of the Linke is pink

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but theres still a chance for bavaria, unlike NRW, Hamburg or BaWü