What the fuck is Cory Booker's problem?

What the fuck is Cory Booker's problem?

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>racially ambiguous NuNigger
>completely hairless
>democrat aka pedophile
>nigger with green eyes

Cory Booker is the uncanny valley of humans

Obvious closeted faggot.

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>What the fuck is Cory Booker's problem?
He's a nigger that enjoys putting other men's cocks in his mouth and ass.

its hard being spartacus

Fatherless, poor upbringing, prostitute whore crackhead mother, molested his sisters, raped by white step daddy, didn't have any grape drink, scuffed his Jordan's.

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Animals with eyes that are located on the side of its head would suggest a prey animal. Side eye placement allows for greater peripheral or side vision. This enables the animal to see predators approaching from the side as well as from behind. This vision is very important for protecting an animal when it is grazing or feeding.

Dat nigga gay

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why does this abomination exist in God's world?

island of dr moreau?

I don't usually defend liberals but what this guy did is actually pretty based:
>be on the senate committee to confirm a supreme court justice to a lifetime appointment
>my constituents that I represent want to know about nominee's past opinions about A,B, and C.
>some other senator is all like "No, you can't tell your constituents because then they might not like them. What do you think you are anyways? Someone who represents the people of New Jersey?"
>I say "fuck that, ther people of New Jersey (as well as the 49 better states) deserve to know who will be one of the few people actually in charge of enforcing the law of the land that they have to live under"
>release emails that should have been released anyways
>turns out supreme court nominee hates sandniggers and abortion
>not like we didn't know that anyways
>but at least theres some transparency about it.

I don't know why you guys are so down on the abortion shit. You do realize that more abortions = less niggers, right?

Anyone remember this guy getting shilled super hard by the MSM?
I distinctly remember a story of him saving people from a burning building, and another of him shoveling snow during a harsh winter.

The man will run for president one day, a politician isn't just propped up in such a way for no reason.

Because there is no god


Republican cocksuckers.

Jesus Corey don't you have better shit to be doing than posting here?

What a thoughtful and complete response to the points made, thank you for contributing

Cokey Booker will never amount to anything more than a joke Senator elected because people don't want to think of themselves as racist.
I pray that he runs for President. He's Obama without the intelligence, charm, and looks. In other words just another mulatto mudman, interchangeable with thousands of his kind that are being propped up across the globe.

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