Refute this phrase in 3 words or less

"white people are evil"

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U r gay.

Why? Fuck man if you think white people are evil who am I to change your mind?


nigger nigger nigger

No one is

Nigger killed Pic.

no u, lol

they dindu nuffin

Nigs will Nig

Nope, its jews


"Mankind is evil"

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Compared to Jews?

shut up slaves!

No were not

Who cares, nigger

No u

Jews ain't white.

Niggers are worse

Niggers tongue my anus

>in 3 words or less
Niggers are worse.

Attached: black_crime_rates.gif (616x5370, 1.18M)

jews are evil

In a country that says We don't like the White males, doesn't that tell you something? Who's controlling the opinion to decide that we don't like the White males and we only want the White pussy? In other words, whose mind are we in?

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niggers are animals

Less than blacks.

Your wrong

Whites built everything
OP is gay

Hitler is demonized.

>You get 4 words
>We get 3
Why are you so averse to having your mind changed that you have to put gross stipulations on people's ability to rebut?

>Refute this phrase in the form of a haiku in the Arabic language: You're a faggot

The chosen ones
Manifest Destiny, bitches
We built this

no they arent

Not in current year but the evil is there just waiting to be released once again.

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You are racist.

ops a faggot

blame CIA niggers

So what?

Lol look at that dead commie nigger.

Fuck off, jew

Norman Borlaug

Kill all niggers.

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niggers are worse

not an argument

Evils an opinion.

No they aren’t..
That was easy.

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Ni-guuuuh please

Jews aren't white.

why you have tracking number in your image?


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Ban running water

It's 'white people *be* evil' you fucking racist.

> "Refute this phrase in 3 words or less"
Jew aren't white

Better question. If we are inherently evil then what gives you the moral right to make us act against our nature? If it's immoral to tell transgender people not to be transgender, or pedophiles not to be pedophiles, or homosexuals not to be homosexual. Why is it suddenly different for you to tell white people not to be white?

>Evil is just a social construct after all.

Furthermore define why specifically white people are evil. Are white people the only people to have committed systematic violence? Are white people the only people who have ever oppressed or subjugated another people? Are white people the only people who have ever discriminated against other people for their own benefit? The answer to all of these questions is no.

Or is it that if white people started acting in their own interests and stopped being ashamed of their own accomplishments and heritage that you couldn't get them to give you their countries and society's that you couldn't create or conquer for yourself? I suspect this is much closer to the truth than you will ever be willing to admit.

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kikes niggers commies

Niggers are worse.

According to jews.

just the jews

>what is evil?

Evil is relative.

Evil isn’t real

Fuck off, nigger


"shut up, nigger"

Yeah, so what?

no, jews are

Prove evil exists.


if you feel that way you need HBO

evil doesn't care