Are you mad you're not getting enough gibs?
happy that it's dying.
Lmao, the entire world is dependent on us. China can't do shit without our companies and demand.
you guys trade in europe?
i thought it was just barter at the bazaar (arabs being prone to currency aversion, and all)
>being this delusional
> being this fucking delusional
>the entirety of europe has less money than the USA
just remember this next time you see butthurt anti-American shitposting. it's 100% jealousy.
They have levels of cultural diversity and enrichment that we can't begin to imagine. Money isn't everything in life user.
the entire EU is basically Germany and France with addon countries that do nothing at all and just get raped by German and French companies and arabs. They have no independent foreign policy at all despite being like 500 million people and get cucked every single time by the US with 300 million and they even fear fucking Russia with 145 million with heavy paranoia about being attacked by Russia and Sweden making tv shows about how Russia troops will invade and rape them any day now despite the EU vastly outnumbering them. Either they are just totally brain cucked by propaganda or they are physically incapable of actually being relevant on the world stage anymore because the population gobbled up too much semen or both.
>t. american on vacation
>being this motherfucking delusional
they have a stronger army than Germany but beyond that, they are becoming an extension of Germany by the day
that's what happens when you cut military funding and spend it on gay shit like "free" healthcare and welfare for third world refugees instead, and don't allow your citizens to bear arms, so they will all be defenseless against invaders.
>swamp kraut thinks its relevant
Wait. Why would threats of rape frighten the Swedes? Their entire political apparatus for the last 5years has done nothing but facilitate as much rape as possible?
>the entire world is dependent on holland
based and redpilled
>they need us to consume the shit they produce
The fuck are you talking about? You think consuming shit is hard? It's literally the easiest thing in the world to do. The hard part is producing the stuff you want to consume.
NEED to see this graph updated after March 2019
Netherlands is important country
Its what happens when your trade is limited to a single area. The amount of trade can only ever decrease.
Its the threat of white people doing the raping, not black/brown ones that scares the eternal sw*de.
Its got the worlds biggest sea trade port.
It is what to shipping London is to finance.
Because it would be whites raping them
Just fuck my life.
Have fun getting shot by a nibber and being afraid to call for ambulance as it would ruin you
That's such a misleading chart.
All developed countries have lost ground in that metric because of the rise of emerging economies such as China.
It doesn't mean that the EU and US are not growing, it's just that they're being outgrown by China, India etc.
I figure it will lose another 5%?
It's because you added slavniggers and Greeks. The EU should have stayed a trade union between Western Europe (aka civilization) and let the commie block and Spanish/Portuguese/Greek niggers rot.
Lmao Europe is 10 years away from being only the 5th most important market in the world.
The US with only 1/4 the population is the most important single market in the world currently
I'm not talking about growth but relevance on the global power game.
As if the same thing isn't also happening to the UK.
The UK is less than 3% of world GDP.
This is a chart that excludes the UK.
>15% gdp
> the entire dependant
Lol u ppl r delusional. I donk think i can name more than 3 none germany eu companies
Gozer stop
Holy shit do europeeans actually believe this?
not very, but still more relevant than canada lol
Ha ha ha
> The entire EU is more relevant than Canada
must be nice
More poor countries to the EU - less money for the people. But if this was negative capital when they came to the EU, why was it once positive? Wrong or different standards?
> being this delusional
vatican owned city of london
>More poor countries to the EU - less money for the people.
This chart does not show a shrinking economy.
It just shows that other countries are growing faster than the EU.
This is because emerging economies have been outgrowing developed economies like the US and EU for decades.
This does not mean that the US and EU are shrinking, it just means that other countries have grown more. You can clearly see this in pic related.
Crashing this plane with no survivors