Why are literal whores so racist?
Be aware that they write in English because most of prostitutes here are not Finnish.
Why are literal whores so racist?
You already know the answer, perkele.
Women around the world prefer FBC (Finnish Big Cock)
Genghis Khan never raped anybody
alexis ren in her prime
That is why we need to clone them and harness their genes for whitening the world.
>according to experience
You know what that means
I wish I didn't have Khan genes. My alcohol tolerance is nonexistent.
top left woman: italians are not White
Well taht settles it.
This is the main reason prostitution can't be legalized because it's a business that must allow discrimination on any grounds
>genghis khan is finnish
Is that your way of justifying the racemixed population that is your literal country?
Niggers around the world prefer KFC
>listening to a whore with a pliable perspective about anything relevant ever
Bruh you trying and ima letchu finnish but user, i...
Would they accept a British gentleman's penis?
She also says excludes Estonians.
Traders don't like when supposed customers ruin and manhandle their products without paying.
When product and the trader are one and same, they are rightfully afraid of safety of their business and health.
I wouldn't touch a whore but I guess only white man are willing to pay a have the money to do so. Pretty much anyone else, after they're done, probably laughs and tell them to fuck off, when the whore asks for money.
On the bright side, You just finish the drinking race faster than others.
Criminally underrated
Nice samefagging nigger faggot.
You have to be over 18 to post on this site.
Quiet, chang
How the hell do you hire prostitutes online, I've tried but it's next to impossible to find shit
that she's pretending to not look racist by appealing to fake victimhood?
White boys make me laugh
They don’t want black men because black men have big thick cocks that ravage their pussies and put them out of work and if they can’t fuck they aren’t eating.
They don’t want the bull in the china shop when that’s where they make their money.
Get the one on the right. Fuck her in the window while checking out the view. Smoke a little herb right before for maximum comfy.
You’re silly.
Oooooh Jew.
Because blacks are rapists.
>according to experience
you could have a point if people didn't hate arabs and pakis for the same reasons as niggers despite being dicklets
Finnish whores look top notch.
Because niggers are evil.
Both have bigger cocks than whites
Point still stand retard
I forgot the other reason being black bros will usually try to pimp them too it’s in our nature to pimp white bimbos
You’re obvs an insufferable faggot
Just like ghost said:
No such thing, bro. They're avoiding others for a good reason, I'm sure.
Says the cuck larping as a nigger. Kys you fucking sperg.
It's pretty much completely online here. Public soliciting is illegal.
wtf i love czech whores now
I don't see a problem.
Because non-Whites doth suck.
Why is the one in the middle writing in English when she wants Finnish men only because she wants to speak the same language?
>that pic
What is this, amateur hour? Didn't even include people like Pol Pot, Pinochet, Vlad Tepes, Tamerlane or Franco, instead put in a bunch of democratically elected executives who stepped down willingly, spelled a lot of names wrong and the art looks like it was drawn by a 12 year old. Shit piece of art.
Estonians BTFO
Why are there so many Spanish prostitutes in my country?
No, taxes and moral majority types. Reason why most shit is still illegal cause the gubmint can't get their cut of the action.
Not even whores fuck niggers, I almost feel sorry for them. no wonder they rape so much.
based prozzies?
It's because black guys show up with no money trying to get them to give them freebies or discounts or to let them be their pimp or other bullshit.
I'm sure black prostitutes feel safer around white males too. Guess they're also racist
You mean you and the 40 muhammads actual ask before raping them?
With white people out of work you won't eat, welfare nigger.
>They don’t want the bull in the china shop
Bulls are animals. Good analogy.
Not sure if newfriend or just American education
prostitutes > coal-burners
Yea, like legionnaires disease from all the camel fuckers.
dey dont wan dey pussies torn up by big black dicks, you mad wh*te bois lmao.
As she should, they are not white
Stfu honkey I make 70k a year part fucking time lol
All seriousness though if you’re good at sweet talking these white whores will
Fuck with a black dude.
Just gotta tell them you’ll Take it easy on their little holes.
everyone hates niggers
Know plenty of black dudes who bypass this rule. Like you said, if they present themselves politely (and as someone who isn't going to walk their tab) it's never a real problem.
Whores don't fuck black men because black people are shady. They'll try to haggle over the price, stay longer than their allotted time, not pay or just straight up rob the hooker.
Now niggers will try to tell you it's because "dey be pimps" or something about how "dey dik be 2 big haha". No, it's just because whenever you do any sort of business transaction with a nigger they will try to figure out a way to cheat, rob, hustle, swindle, scam or defraud you. You can never have any sort of interaction with them without them trying to rip you off in some way.
Niggers are absolutely infested by venereal and sexually transmitted diseases.
The statistics are insane compare to whites or asians.
Why? Thats the Gods gift to poorfag.
70k in nigger money is like 5 bucks USD
That's his cut from mammi's welfare check.
and Redpilled!!
This is why they hate pot. They don't care that we get fucked up they want to tax it and it grows like a literal weed. Making tobacco and alcohol take a lot more effort then throwing pot seeds on the ground.
>white Finnish men
No such thing
>Why are literal whores so racist?
Why is literally everyone the world over racist against blacks across time?
Kek I've seen lots of black prostitute profiles also saying whites only. I was looking for... research purposes.
Many of them are asymptomatic STI carriers as well it's almost like they're a curse on man kind in a physical observable sense.
Even women may notice trends more readily when they face immediate danger.
Women aren't that good with race classifications.
Prostitution is a service industry.... negros are absolutely vicious to anyone serving them, espeically waitresses and bartenders.
There needs to be more serial killers that get off chopping up prostitutes.
> Finns are white
> Estonians are not white
Prostitutes are unironically smarter than most western women. Prostitutes charge for casual sex, whereas western women have casual, pre-marital sex for free, thus stripping themselves of the only thing they have over a prostitute without even charging a fee.
No wonder then that prostitutes are smart enough to steer clear of Mehmet and Jamal.
Just start your own lovedoll brothel. Put them out of work. Undercut their holes with your own rental holes that don't need feeding. Just have to hire a couple clean up dudes you don't want to do that yourself that would be nasty.
Am bartender. Can confirm. If one single thing, no matter how small or whether it is your fault or not, goes wrong. Your tip is gone. I would say this is true of 75 percent of blacks. It's not all of them. But it is wayyyy more often than not.
Mad nigg?
They're not going to tip you, even if you don't make a single mistake. They care about themselves only. Tipping culture is dumb anyway, but it shows how incapable these people are of sticking to convention.
Why did you copy the exact comment i used to derail a thread on /v/ yesterday to piss off nintendo babies?
I'm jealous. Costs me a fortune to keep up my alcohol addiction.
>Americans calling other countries racemixed
Stop making us look bad
What does
>extra CIM $30
Cum in mouth for $30(euro)? I don’t speak hookerese
because the dirty little secret is that niggers are gross and dumb
not even filthy whores want to touch them but roasties will - tells you the absolute state of roasties
You’re dumb if you think their pimps won’t find you and beat the shit out of you bro don’t try it they’ll hold you at gun point it’s not fun
I know a lot of whores and it's unironically because brown men often try to leave without paying, get violent easily and are far more likely to have STDs.
Just use Grindr
You’ll simply be replaced by POC, cumskin
isn't that for homosexuals?
Based hookers. You guys should tip them extra for their patriotism instead of being fags about it.
There's a macro difference between races.
If you listen to anybody else tell you different then you're an idiot.
This plus roughing up when they don't get what they want because most niggers act childish like that. Oh and increased rrsk of VD.