Norway goes full Nazi Germany

Norway has declared Somalia to be a safe country and no longer war torn.

They start to forcibly relocate "Somalian refugees" in Norway back to Somalia.

A name list of 1600 Somalis have been drawn to be immediately deported to Somalia.

These Somalis were never given Norwegian citizenship. They were given a permit of stay in Norway which was of unlimited length but had the option to cancel the permit if the government decides to do so. Very few Somalis managed to get Norwegian citizenship in last 10 years. They didn't pass Norwegian language tests which is the main requirement and obstacle for many.

Some people are now crying that Norway breaks international laws on how people should be treated.

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>Norway breaks international laws on how people should be treated.
They didn't break any laws then.

(((International community))) not recognizing a sovereign nations and people’s decision on how to run their own country.
Fuck globalists.

finally some good news

maybe brazilians are huwhite

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Some of us are

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based Nazway
and bolzil
world's getting real cozy real fucking fast

very nice

ive been out of the loop, did some right wing Brazilian politician get stabbed or something?

Yup last night. A little lung and intestine damage with a nice cut liver.
He survived so basically hes 100% getting voted in now.


>Some people are now crying that Norway breaks international laws on how people should be treated.

This. And all Western nations should follow suit, because Somalis belong in Somalia, we're not suitable for their culture at all.

They only had to learn the bloody tongue to stay in Norway forever
Why didn't they? Isn't life full of gibs worth the hassle of learning Norse? It's not like they have to learn Mandarin or something.

imagine coming to a rich country, you get welfare, education, drivers licence training, housing etc
but you can't be fucked to integrate even a little bit
it's such arrogance
if it was me, I'd at least try to fit into the society that took care of me and my family

hope he is well enough for you to vote for him

Some good things are happening white man.
Don't get overcome by the spirit of fear.
Gird up thy loins.

>international law
Laws that are only applied to white countries when the country isn't undermined by (((the elite)))


>Norway has declared Somalia to be a safe country and no longer war torn.

lol. Based Vikings. But how do you relocate these "people" to Somalia? Any plane landing at Mogadishu airport is going to get riddled with AK bullets

Hats off to Norway.

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bsed vikings

As if they’ll be able to find a single one of these nogs. They’re like bed bugs. Once you have them you have them until you exterminate them.

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God damn Norway. I knew there was a reason I've always liked you.

Give them a world map scribbled on a napkin, kick them off into the north sea in an inflatable boat with a big somalian flag on it, place a radio device on board that declares them fair game for any nearby naval units

those 1600 somalis have already defiled and impregnated at least 3 norwegian women each

norwegian women cannot resist the urge to suck and fuck big black cock

norwegian women feel sorry for these immigrants and not only grant free access to our country but also their pussy

it doesnt matter if these somalis disappear, white will always have babies with black men, its in their nature

jfc. The one on the left looks like he belongs in the museum of history.

Sweden is always eager for more rapists. It's basically a containment zone these days anyway.

Go back to Israel with all your inbred bretheren shlomo.

Quite primitive chap.

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wtf, those who i know are disgusted by them
fuck off jode


This breaks international laws on how people should be treated.

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The only laws they're breaking are the ones set up by the jewish neocons. Send them all back, not just salami's.

>Norway goes full Nazi Germany
>Norway has declared Somalia to be a safe country

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Youre not a trash tier somolian you have things like concientuousness, foresight, empathy. Somalian genotype lacks these basic imho human features. Garbage.

fuck sending them back just gas them

>>Norway has declared Somalia to be a safe country
They want to send them back that's all.

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Nice, but sending people back is hardly Nazi Germany. More Trump's America, come to think of it. Sending people back is a fucking national past time now.

How do you say And Fucking Stay Out in Norwegian again?

they are sub-humans


>Some people
(((some people))))

Things I'm Okay With: The Post

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"I have a vagina!"

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but Drumpf is literally Hitler

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Maybe we can round up all our Somali's in Minnesota, and send them back too.

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Wtf I love norway now

All thanks to Breivik

Good fucking riddance to these hordes.

they are just animals

what decent women would steep that low

Heil brothers

>They want to send them back that's all.

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its a somalian, its dumber than an ape

Cuck posters deserve rape


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the saudis do care about the west

We call them smellys and kill them on sight

Hope he's okay :)

>ancaps and libertarians call natsocs larpers while boasting about killing niggers IRL

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just defending my life and property, nothing more

based Norway

based and redpilled

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How can based on Norway and cucked Sweden be such polar opposites?

>1600 Somalis have been drawn to be immediately deported to Somalia
And how many can stay in norway? 100.000?

>A name list of 1600 Somalis have been drawn to be immediately deported to Somalia.

Not nearly enough but I guess it's a start...

You've not killed a fly in your life because if you try, it'll fight back and you'll run away screaming like a little girl. Take your muh guns autism and fuck off.

Good for you Norway. Make my ancestors proud.

>tfw grew up in mutt country
>tfw still both sides of my family came from Norway and Sweden.
>tfw they purposely did not teach me the language
>tfw I can never return to my ancestral homeland.

I guess I will move to Japan. Snowy mountains are in my blood.

>They start to forcibly relocate "Somalian refugees" in Norway back to Somalia.
>Ey kracka boi, dem shit rayyycist

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They have an IQ matched by certain monkeys dude, what do you expect?



not even half of that but still too much of course

I'll drink to that

Or you could learn the language yourself you knob.

thank fugg
Syrian sandniggers are going on vacation in Syria, and those too should be deported

Based Bolsonaro. He needs to recover; give him your energy.

wtf I love the Saudis now

>international laws
>being used to bully white nations into demographic suicide
But the leftists said we needed to be part of the EU, UN, ... and sign every international treaty we could so we would totally be able to remain a free and prosperous nation because isolationism = bad.

>based norway

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Swede on vacation detected

>it’s racist to expect immigrants to adopt the local language

Good for them.
Serious question, why are Norway and Denmark so based when Sweden is so fucked?
Is it because Sweden makes an example?
Is there any hope for the Swedes?

>Flee a warzone
>Cross the sea
>Choose to land in another warzone

I’ve got a qt norweigiangirl in my grad school class, she is here for a semester. I offered to hang out with her and she said yes. How do I breed her or make her fall in love with me before she leaves? I need your help bird bro’s
t. 100% Bavarian phenotype

I rarely say this but now I say it: west could learn a lot about refugee handling from sandniggers.

*nord bros

You're expecting common sense from zoomalis?

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Norway is quite cucked. Denmark is doing okay.

Such gorgeous dreams you have.. luckily they will always remain dreams.

I like the Chinese method. You put the men in camps and force them to eat bacon while giving the women to NEETs who can't get a girl of their own.

be yourself

By goy, we’re gonna make it lads.

Send the women to liv n Somalia as well.

I went into town today and saw 3 Africans. Im so annoyed. The last time I saw Africans in town was over a year ago.

Nazi Germany?
Nazi Germany wasn't known for deportation but incineration.

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