Tesla stock taking a big dip after an executive resigns and Musk smokes weed.
Tesla Stock Crashing
I highly doubt it was the weed. A portion of his shareholders must be retarded if that's the case.
>Musk after seeing stock this morning
automatic trading works off of the news cycle. bad news for any reason triggers sell offs to capture profit
Wow it's almost as low as it was on April 2nd this year before it sprung back. So it's nothing, again.
>i didn’t inhale
Pulling the old billy Clinton move nice
If you retards don’t understand what’s happening here you never will.
Tesla’s going private Elon is willing it. Time to take it back.
He didn't inhale
Seems like an overreaction.
Silicon Valley CEOs smoke pot and are known for taking LSD and Shrooms for inspiration. Whoever pulls out over this is a fucking simp.
hahaha fuckin hillarious, watching his podcast right now
I don't even think he smokes pot. In the stream he looked like a nerd who caved in to peer pressure.
He actually didnt inhale much, you can tell because he had a fucking camera recording him.
Bill Clinton on the other hand was talking about a past situation and it wasnt recorded so he could lie like he always has.
Yeah, that's my impression too. I think him smoking might actually help him he seems too stressed out. If anything people should be happy he smoked up.
what if he did this on purpouse so he gets all the retard executives out of his company so he can have it more in his own hands
BUY BUY BUY it will go back up
SEC will investigate and he'll go to prison.
>go to prison
His girlfriend is Grimes dude. That chick is on acid 24/7
Seems about right. Only niggers and losers smoke weed. You wouldn't trust a drug addict to run a company or have any demanding position in a company
Do it fags
no. it will not.
>drug addict
i agree, people who are addicted to nicotine are also loosers, i mean can you really trust a man who NEEDS a cig every couple hours?
Nicotine is different. It's doesn't make you lazy and lethargic it actually relieves stress and raises your productivity
they broke up weeks ago
>raises your productivity
until you get fucking lung cancer and cost the companies hundreds of thousands in medical bills
weed is no different than cogs or coffee. if you shoe up to work high you should be fired, like if you were drunk, but give me a viable reason why its ok to drink a six pack the night before, but not ok to have a joint, especially when alchohol is actually proven to kill braincells unlike weed.
And he's never been the same.
He wouldn't be the first guy I know that have had a bad trip and a breakup inducing long-term psychological shit.
Weed has several adverse long term effects
>The brains of chronic users produce less dopamine
>Marijuana lowers IQ
>Marijuana induces schizophrenia-like brain changes, which may result in psychosis
>cost the companies hundreds of thousands in medical bills
Not a problem in 1st world countries with socialized medicine
Only poorfags care about a breakup because pussy is hard to get.
Jesu christ musk smoked weed on camera? What a legend, r*ddit must be having a collective seizure
1.) all those studies are inconclusive, so pretty much irrelevant
2.) it doesnt even matter because smoking and alchohol have even MORE adverse health affects that are far more severe. your entire point of long term affects is moot considering this fact.
so again, why is it ok to smoke a cig and drink a 6 pack but not a joint, when the former is far worse for your health
>sex is the raison d'être of relationships.
Was the podcast interesting or just 3 hours of “dude I am a cool CEO”
I am in mood for a podcast
maybe is he toked the whole blunt in one go the stock might've rose
Banning alcohol is impossible. It has been an integral part of human civilization for over 6000 years. Too many people drink alcohol on a daily basis. But weed was until very recently only consumed by niggers criminals and losers.
>In the stream he looked like a nerd
And that's exactly what he is. His artificial jaw and hair implants can never change his inner betaness.
Weed was known for a pretty long time now.
I am not defending it's use, but saying it is a new thing is not true.
>my vice is ok because its old
dogshit post, you should be able to answer my very simple question if your arent just a shill who hasnt spent any time actually thinking about the topic.
>taking the bait
sasuga pol
>Elon really doesn't give a fuck, he could fund Tesla with his own money for the next 50 years and he's made that quite clear.
>Elon has a either you're with me or fuck off mentality, I don't give a fuck.
all because Musk donated to Reps
It was meh
Had some cool moments about EM insights into AI and his anti-nihilist mindset but JR sucking his dick too much made it boring
dont be a mong, buy buy buy
Seems like the only people getting upset over this are major news outlets, which is not surprising at all.
This, it's a buy
fug :D
Marijuana was in use for thousands of years too. It was propaganda in the early 1900s to portray Mexicans as criminals that changed the way we view it. Check out movies like "Reefer Madness".
Makes it easier to do a public stock buyback when the traded stick is cheaper.
>idiots thinking market capitalization means dick all besides trader opinions
You haven't seen anything yet. Musk is a trainwreck of a CEO, but the bottom will really fall out of Tesla once the tax rebate on electric cars expires and more car manufacturers directly compete for Tesla's market share. For example, you'll be able to buy an electric BMW for not much more than a Tesla that looks cheap in comparison.
Buy fear, sell greed.
honestly they both look baked in this pic
>Wow it's almost as low as it was on April 2nd this year before it sprung back. So it's nothing, again.
That was a very brief dip. I wouldn’t call it nothing. That the Chief Accounting Office resigns after just 4 weeks is pretty fucked up. The guy had stock options worth 10 million dollars... and walked away like a rat leaving the sinking ship. Tesla may go bankrupt and if you are an exec you will be burned... hence some rats are trying to swim on shore.
Stock buyback? A company starved of cash should be handing bash back to shareholders? Why? Tesla is currently exploring how to raise money, not give cash away.
>r*ddit must be having a collective seizure
pretty much
his cult of personality is rising just as fast as his stock is falling.
Damn that's a sexy car
Well now he can buy it back for 300 instead of 420. Seems like a solid plan.
I added to my short, sitting there smoking weed and talking like edgy teenagers about the future made me cringe.
>Tesla Stock Crashing
>A market correction of 6% is a crash
Drama queens.
tesla is a meme
meme was created by industry and jewish banks
0.00001 interest rates allowed tesla to get free money (same as gibs)
then tesla used this money to buy over 9000 types of industrial goods from american companies and from china, profit was generated there, in that companies lol!
all this shit is just a bubble, it was created by elite Anglo-Saxons to trick plebian subhuman anglo-saxons to get all their retirement money, nothing else.
2/3 of western gdp are bubbles
Kek Elon is one of us
behold the new king of Jow Forums everybody
user is right if the price keeps getting lower they can buy shares for the TSLA treasury as collateral for newly issued TSLA bonds
He should make everyone convinced the company is crashing so he can buy the shares back and privatise.
You are faggots for knowing this