This might've come up a few times -- Anybody have a problem with Jone's permanent suspension from Twitter?
Alex Jones
Idk it looks like mossad is behind him and David Brock, which connects to epstein.
Fuck Twitter and anyone who relies on it. This includes Trump. As if Americans/Westerners aren't dumb enough, now they have to shit out short sentences full of braindead opinions to communicate.
of course we have a problem with it dumbass but anyone who still uses (((twitter))) is a retard
Does he actually watch tranny porn or was that a false flag too?
You have a problem with a platform only retards use?
Nope. He had it coming.
If you harass and insult others with impunity, don't be surprised when the rest of civil society does something about it.
Were they quick enough with the backstab?
Who are you referencing to?
>AJ accuses dems and rino and msm of espionage
AJ said in press conference watch the first minute but rest is entertaining too