Marxist Propaganda in my Provisions

Was out buying groceries today and saw this in the ice-cream section. Has anybody else seen similar hebrew tricks on other foodstuffs? Are they knowingly catering to their narrow crowd in hopes of increasing their sales? Ironic pun not intended regarding the cat loving female riot grrrls being their main customers. Is political messages even legal on regular consumer goods?

Attached: catering to obese feminists much.jpg (1600x1600, 500K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>with a caramel swirl

is there a ben and jerry's that doesn't have a caramel swirl?

i have a feeling they do this 'cause it's just cheap filler. cream is expensive. anything to use less of it.

Chunky monkey, cherry Garcia, mint chocolate cookie, cookie dough, the list could go on...

This was the particular slogan that caught my eye.

Attached: 2.jpg (378x534, 74K)

(((Ben and Jerry’s)))

>Has anybody else seen similar hebrew tricks on other foodstuffs?

Attached: kosher.png (640x442, 359K)

wait, the U means kosher too? Sheeiit, I thought it was just K
fucking tricky kikes i swear

Yeah, you have to pay the tax on 99% of the shit in the grocery store.

Ben and jerries is crazy ,amazing flavour , That brand didnt arrive to my country until a few years ago and everyday more and more people buy ben jerries

Ben Cohen
Jerry Greenfield

Had to google the brand. Not in the least surprised of findings. They're not even content with profiting off their sugary estrogens alone and have to parade a "Refugees Welcum" sign on their bucket of jism.

Attached: Ben_and_Jerry.jpg (700x465, 121K)

>THAT'S what showed B&J's kikery

Attached: berniesyearning.jpg (750x371, 103K)

Dirty and filthy jew marketing

holy shit my fat ass wants to try that flavor but will never find it

On the other hand there is this swedish ice-cream I really miss.

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If you're going to put political propaganda on my ice-cream - do it right!

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>kelloggs, starbucks, pepsi, disney, nike...
just another brand to add to your shitlist user.

To think that a specific minority of people in western countries have such an important part to play as a consumer.

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The sad part is this ice cream is excellent

its just ice cream nigger, chill the fuck out

pun intended

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Ben & Jerrys is in vermont and they are a big time kike company.... they goto music festivals and give out free icecream and force you to register to vote to get the ice cream. then they send you a reminder like a week before its time to vote in the mail. i gave my work address and made up a fake name.

Pretty sure they did a black lives matter reference on their packaging or website a while back. But if you're eating any ice cream then you're falling for kikery regardless. Literally paying them to poison you.

This is like being surprised Freddie Mercury is gay. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Hell, if you made tastier ice cream you could put your own slogans on it. Race War Rum Raisin, or something. I'm not good at ideas.

I'm patenting this.

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