The economist is at it again

I’m confused, affirmative action is the exact opposite of a meritocratic government. It’s like saying that the spread of Marxist ideology strengthens capitalism. Also look at the hashtag in the end. (((Very suspicious indeed)))

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Other urls found in this thread:

If White nationalism is framed as a push towards a more free and successful nation it needn't cause resentment and feelings of belittlement #GasTheKikes

>If X is framed as Y then everyone will think X is Y


> #GasTheKikes
lost it.

>Affirmative Action Strengthens a Meritocracy

If the rape of women is framed as female empowerment, it needn't be cause for arrest

You have to understand that those behind the Economist don't give a shit about values. They care about profit, productivity, and goyim control, and have calculated that trans nonsense and third world investment is a better economic decision long term than the opposite. From their point of view, niggers have the same intelligence as whites and are only "held back" by poor upbringing, etc. They see all of this anti-White push as something that will temporarily hurt progress but open up millions/billions of new potential laborers and researchers.

>Based on merit
>Affermative action
>Based on race
Really makes me think.

>strengthens a meritocracy

just because they say it does it not make it true

This is unironically a good sign. Their old methods have become so ineffective, the Jews are trying to pilpul away from them. Just don't let them shapeshift and subvert our pushback and it's over.

They project abledness onto niggers because if niggers are abled then by extension so are themselves. It's a comfortable way for them to justify their own existence here. To not do it is to lose this comfort, they then need to invent another justification.

10 replies and not one mentioning pic related is the owner of the economist.

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>It’s like saying that the spread of Marxist ideology strengthens capitalism.
Actual, begin an expert on capitalism (he literally wrote the book after all), understanding marx would theoretically let capitalists be even more horrible inhuman assholes for optimal capitalist exploitation of the workers.

Yes, the economist is Rothschilds paper.

What makes you think Jow Forums doesn't know this in the already overflowing plate of kike facts

Can't believe I used to be a subscriber.
They should just change their title to "The Neoliberal." These guys disgust me.

There is no left anymore my Marxist friend. You saw the G20 photo from last year right? The one of the guy with an undercut taking a selfie in front of a burning trash heap?

>meritocracy is racist
>affirmative action is not racist
>affirmative action is meritocratic
The Left everyone

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They will be against the wall on the very first day of the Great Purge

This guy thinks the owner has almost anything to do with the propaganda they push

>ignore indicators of merit
>give bonus points based on race
If you believe that Affirmative Action strengthens a meritocracy then you're a fucking moron.

The economist got some new editor who was raised from a baby by George Soros or something. They used to be bad, now they are just ridiculous.

Its just typical double talk from commie.

So you agree your Marxism is the absolute worst way to exploit your workers I knew you people had to be Jews only someone as stupid as a nigger would believe in and want this for themselves


>"An hour ago Emelyanov Volodya from Bashkirya has died, and I Digen Vasily Nikolaevich am left alone. Fascists are conducting a harsh bombardment, I am injured and won't live long. At night remaining survivors from the company ran off [surrendered] to fashist scum, but retribution will still find them. I am staying here, will die, but not surrender to the enemy. Tell my wife Anna Fedorovna in Chkalov region that I defended the Motherland as best as I could. We will win anyway!!! 30 August 1942. Digen V. N. Avenge me, guys"

I am feeling emotions i dont want

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here here

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No shit. Thats why socialism doesn't exist. Marx was a dumb nigger who didnt realize capitalists could also read

No it’s actually just ethnic warfare. As with everything else (pornography, harmful pharmaceuticals, diversity quotas in the workplace, racemixing propaganda, no fault divorce, feminism, etc.) whatever harms white people is seen as positive and good for the Jews. The immediate effect is loss of cultural, political, and financial power among whites. Once whites are sufficiently weakened (((they))) can simply kill us since they control armament production and food delivery systems. Greater Israel isn’t just Syria and the Middle East, it’s the entire Western Hemisphere.

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kill yourself