Veteran news anchor reports on her own daughter's drug overdose in emotional plea to end the marijuana crisis, and reveals the 21-year-old died three days before was due to go into rehab
Angela Kennecke has worked for CBS South Dakota affiliate KELO-TV for 29 years
In May, her 21-year-old daughter Emily Groth died of a marijuana overdose
Kennecke returned to work on Wednesday and her first story was her daughter's
She has decided to share it in the hopes it will lead to a change in attitudes towards addiction
The mother-of-three said she never expected her 'beautiful, privileged' daughter would be smoking marijuana
When Emily was found, she had six times the theraputic dose of marijuana that is needed for an adult male in her system
Veteran news anchor reports on her own daughter's drug overdose in emotional plea to end the marijuana crisis...
wait what
>marijuana overdose
This is some retarded boomer who doesn't understand what really killed her.
>bro it's less harmful than alcohol!
How does one die of a marijuana overdose? Get the munchies and eat yourself to death?
>drug overdose
>marijuana crisis
after watching people smoke thousands of dollars worth of concentrated marijuana for minutes straight with no fresh air (and then doing it again and again) I can safely say nobody can OD on MJ
>click link
Lol, got me faggot
Retards, he edited the url. It's heroin
>How does one die of a marijuana overdose?
Because it is literally 1000x more powerful than it was in the 60s
Delete this now
>Kennecke, pictured with her husband and their children, now wants to destigmatize addiction to marijuana
Marijuanas overdoes.....
Fuck outta here you amerikikes are literally retarded.
>good goyim smoke your marijuana its perfectly safe
It was just a matter of time
I smoke regularly for like 6 years. I also smoke tobacco like a chimney still ripped , still 6 pack , still running 8 kms innawoods whenever i please , still in my prime.
The only people you can deceive are morons who never left their house or retarded boomers who believe every lie they read.
I don't know a single person who got a rhasta or started acting retarded desptie people here smoking 8-10-15 massive fat greasy blunts a day sometimes.
The first month i went to work in an office i smoked in the morning before work and after work. Every day for the first month then somewhat less regularly.
I see more of a problem eating bread and pasta than smoking doobies.
You're a kike 100% sure.
The weed was laced with fentanyl. She died from the fentanyl not the weed.
I laughed first because marijuanas, then I laughed because of all the fpbp "redpilled" /pols coming in to re-enforce their weed bad agenda, quickdraw.
Oh Happy day!
You can get a heartattack from weed. Synthetic weed is especially dangerous
fake news ld50 for marijuana is at about 1500 pounds in 15 minutes. you will suffocate or burn way before the marijuana granary you just lit kills you with THC
>Injects fentanyl
Still a sad thing to have happened
Why are you burgers so addicted to fentanyl?
Whoa you can get a heart attack? Sounds 2edgy
Fuck urself mane theres no synthetic shit here.
Nobody smokes plastic here we're not retarded shit like u out there.
Also Amsterdam hasn't got shit fuck this overrated nigger infested shithole.
fucking retards
>a plant that's been around for hundreds of millions of years suddenly kills someone.
This is the least political and the most bullshit story to exist
OP is not only a faggot but a worthless life that doesn't need to exist.
roastie btfo
Marijuanis induced heart attack yes my man
That's really intense.
>Also Amsterdam hasn't got shit fuck this overrated nigger infested shithole.
Have you ever even visited Amsterdam and smoked some of the stronger weed?
>marijuana overdose
Nigga whaaa? can't smoke until you die of overdose...
>suddenly kills someone.
its been killing people for hundreds of years
>marijuana overdose
How do I know you're lying?
>marijuana overdose
fake and gay. You need to smoke 15k pounds of weed in 15 minutes to OD
sage this fake news
I hope this is true honestly. I also hope the upcoming "vape nation" generation also gets hooked on weed. I got a lot of investments in cannabis companies, even though I would never smoke that shit myself.
Hope it kills off or renders useless the idiots of my generation, the retards of the upcoming generation, and I can laugh all the way to the bank watching these lazy stoner retards smoke themselves stupid.
She likely started with alcohol and weed in high school, moved to molly at a rave, used amphetamines to study at college, took Xanax to relax and ended up with shooting fentanyl.
And s o y b o y s claim weed isn't a gateway drug.
>Hundreds of years
>Human exposure for 5-10 thousand
Sure you don't want to revise your answer Mr. Dupont?
>it's a Jow Forums doesn't read the link thread
It was fentanyl you useless bastids
It is still hundreds of years. Just fifty to a hundred hundred years
It cracks me up that almost none of you dumbfucks even looked at the article and just took the OP at face value.
>op edits URL
>Is stupid on purpose
Your a faggot for thinking anyone can OD from MJ.
Ah creationist rules I got ya
First case ever of lethal marijuna overdose?
marijuana addicts are not very smart
I have never heard of a marijuana overdose until now. Was it synthetic?
Synthetic weed isn't weed you fucking retard! Totally different compounds! You can't overdose on marijuana.
Opiates are not marijuana you retard, read the article.
>First case ever of lethal marijuna overdose?
Weed takes another young life :(
Still cannabinoids
Read the article faggots, it’s about fentanyl not weed
You aren't in the investing class if you're a dumb nigger who actually believes you can die from marijuana.
>3 days before going to rehab
if you agree you're supposed to go that day. this being one of the many reasons. codependent family
Lost me at marijuana.
He's profiting from your imminent and inevitable death, stonerboy
Marijuana actually can cause acute symptoms in the body and lead to very serious stomach injuries, cancers, etc... you must be a nigger for loving the silly grass does no harm meme so much.
When is the weekly beheading at the plaza happening?
Do you get your head chopped off if you smoke weed?
Contrary to popular belief, most people stop at weed, or just jump right into meth or adderall and stay there.
People reading on Jow Forums, after 2015? Good one.
>marijuana overdose
does the anchor mean K2 or spice? you fucking can't OD on weed man
>or just jump right into meth or adderall and stay there.
Got any data on that?
I know plenty of meth users who moved beyond meth. Once you get to the stage of an addict, you start abusing most drugs quickly
Why would i even be talking if i havent?
Its so overrated its disgusting. Fuck outta my face with your "strong" , "quality" bs its all for rookies and ppl who didn't smoke anything top.