Tell Grug what happened on IX/XI

Red berry Grug on Twin Tree attacks,
what real happened?

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Are you people so stupid that you need a caveman meme to dumb concepts down in order to understand them? I've seen this meme on Jow Forums and it works there because discussing primitive weapons like a cave man is funny. You however are on Jow Forums and if you want to know about the 9/11 terrorist attacks you can either ask like a real human or you can search it up on the web. This "grug" shit is childish to the point where it looks like a psyop to make people stupid.

why future man mean?

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Grug no understood what Anunaki Alien man mean, Grug 2 dumb, alien man too advantaged for Grug small pebble front brain

I dumb uh-huh.

no bully user!

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>off topic shit meme thread shoving actual threads off the board
checks out

Evil desert turban tribe attack twin huts and hut 7 fall down accidentally. Lucky Larry Shinystone went to skin shaman therefore not in twin huts for middle day feast. Then grugim.. I mean shortnose tribe make revenge to Sadgrug. End of story no more asking.

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Rock trader from long nose tribe wanted better view of water from elevated cave.
But twin trees in way.
So rock trader hire crazy strangers from goat sex tribe.
Goat sexers use shiny metal bird to raise price elevated cave.
Long nose rock trader very happy.
Rub hands hard all day.

Cave man joke not funny!
stop making Grug jokes
Grug no laugh at Grug jokes
Grug is more Evolved then you Mohammed
Ooga booga
Grug mad now

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It was originally used as a tactic by the left to make anyone who disagrees with them look like a caveman when stating their opinions. Jow Forums then co opted it and turned it around into basically saying that even a caveman can put together how simple their arguments are. The Grug meme is actually very effective at mixing ideaology and humor, making it easier to digest for fence sitters. I can testify to it myself, actually. I’m sorry you’re an eternal brainlet, but maybe you should fucking lurk some more before bitching.

Grugberg ask all FELLOW shortnose to stop anti-longnose talk. We shortnose need to do better and make sure no more holobunga happen.

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This thread is amazing.

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Indeed, Grugposting is gold.

Hello longnose tribe shaman

future man not now how to laugh. make grug angry

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Hello retard. Please don't procreate.

Grug saw long nose tribe members dance and laugh when big bird hit tree house.
Grug not understand it.

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why long nose tribe so mean

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Long nose tribe say many die in smoke huts, but smoke hut can only kill 3 man per day. Don't add up.

big nose tribe tell dessert tribe to fly big bird into sky-tower.

Why not in Caveagog last Sabbath?!!!! YOU responsible for music Grugael every time. No missing next time or you shame before the grugim Grugael!!!!??

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(((kvetching intensifies)))

future man from long nose tribe. no listen to

You know why my nose is so big? Because air is nice and free just like all the white bitches I find for my friend Tyrese to fuck.

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long nose man have small cut peepee