Have they started a fire?

Have they started a fire?

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Bashes Louis Farrakhan for antisemitism

PJW realises that we use ((())) to point out kikes right?

>mfw it's real

Attached: 1536289544416.png (329x272, 179K)

What did he mean by this?

>talking about "coincidences"
Wait... oh yesyesyesyesyes

you nigs - those aren't echoes, they're airwave symbol

(((Ben Shapiro))) is live too right now, talking about the same thing as Paul<

Ok, this is epic.

It's real...

Attached: 19-1o041-rosensaft-300x300.jpg (300x300, 9K)

Nothing surprising about this
He doesn't name the juice


Using echoes is naming the Jew.


I think he doesn't know what the echoes means

He diddly diddly dideedy.

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Attached: pjw.png (1600x896, 1.92M)

Twitter started the fire and it's always been burning since the world's been turning!

Attached: 5ee8f15092362b0.png (1230x1140, 61K)

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He does, no way he can't know. He's probably attempting to neutralize it into a generic (((them))). Either that or he's pissed enough and just wants to start shit to get attention.

Gotta say, that undercut suits him really fkn well, no homo

i bet the faggot don't even know what ((())) means and will delete the video soon


No one will care, also he looks high af

No goy it's to point out the (((globalists)))

If they manage to kick Trump off of Twitter, all hell will break loose

Get a load of hue nigger.

>at a coffee shop
>an ADOREBLE gurl wolks in
>my PEENUS becomes stiff and I staht tah feel like BILL CLINTOHN
>SOOPAH MALE VITALUHTY kicks in so I get the cohredge tah TOLK tah her
>can't fink of somethin tah say
>"OI! Did yew know NOINETY FOH PASENT of peeple don't trost the MAYNE-STREEM MEATIER"
>she looks confused so I tolk moh loudly
>IMAJUN MY SHOCK whin she stahts to roon away
>that fill wun no GEE-EFF

Attached: 1480232313529.jpg (236x177, 11K)

based and redpilled

>No one will care
except some outlets who want to write a hitpiece on him

t. Shill

I'd much more prefer for Trump to leave on his own and go to alternative platform (Gab perhaps, theres probably nothing else is there)

What really has to happen is for rightwingers along with common sense people whatever political affiliation to start alternative media every single type otherwise they will destroy us one by one and all we can do is cry like little bitche

Is this really a surprise to anyone? Twitter has gone so far off the rails towards the left. It started out as a Facebook for lazy people and in the past couple of years has become the new Tumblr.

to own the libtards
crowder does it too

holy shit. he actually did it.

Attached: HEAVY SHADOW.png (540x485, 336K)

>It's nothing goy!

Attached: jew_fellow_people.png (780x800, 91K)

PJW has gone out of his way to shill for Jews numerous times, yet he is attune to chan culture, so he absolutely has to know what ((())) means. My guess is they'll ban his video and he'll play the martyr again.

Attached: ritual murder.jpg (889x589, 91K)

PJW is such a kew-tea

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Attached: e6jvKpO.jpg (350x339, 23K)

Ok, now what the FUCK did he mean by this?

Where is this image from user?

Google image search. Jews used to abduct little Christian kids, drill holes in them, and suck out the blood. They probably still do in some circles.


based pjw.
always liked him a lot more than jones.

but he's suiciding with this move. jewtube will bring the hammer down. maybe that's his plan.


Jones is looney IMO. PJW > Jones

There's no way he's that ignorant.

Attached: Jesse Spills Meth on His Dong.jpg (480x720, 70K)


Trump is right now only person who has a slim chance to start the shitstorm by leaving on his own term and start something of different quality where free speech people are in charge, no one is bigger than him and no one can have this impact (pewdepie might be close but it's a completely different crowd)


There is a video where he denies that the Jews are behind it all and the look on his face when he says it says it all, you could see the shame and humiliation of having to say that ...of course he knows.

At the end of the video, while he's begging you to subscribe, pic related is the still on screen.
Fucking BASED!

Attached: Screenshot_20180907-094029.png (1280x720, 112K)

PJW is becoming based.
At least on the surface.

and the (((WASPS)))

shills and alt-retards, day by day it's more difficult to distinguish you two

He is probably gay. Dresses like a girl, high pitches his voice, is attractive and single, is a fan of Morrisay, is friends with Mylo... he's got Gay Bingo.

Attached: ss+(2018-09-07+at+12.51.19).png (430x516, 27K)


Attached: 4B27E0FC-329E-4DB7-8093-03F6235405A7.jpg (364x400, 24K)

I would let him fuck my boipucci

accelerationism for the win.

Wait does he actually name the Jew in this video?

He does, but when asked about it he will undoubtedly respond by saying "I wasn't using them in alt-right context because I'm not an alt-right nazi incel".
Just like when he "became alt-right" and did a 180 just a few days later after Spencer Sieg Heil'd some bait for all the fish to see.


I really don't care as long as he keeps it to himself.
His integrity in journalistic matters is what counts; though I'm certain he's controlled by British intelligence. How could it be otherwise?

Don't forget, however independent he may seem he's still on the Infowars payroll.
When Alex gives the go ahead, it's go time, and he's been ramping it up since the censor moves.

was he crying?

>attempting to neutralize it into a generic (((them))).
Could be this.
The alt lite/reddit the Donald has taken a few far right memes and watered them down, sanitised them and used them on their normie paypigs.
Depending on how you see it it's either giving a more normie friendly step onto the red pill stairs or its trying to deflect from the real message behind the memes.

at first I didn't get it I thought it was just another of his gay videos - but on a second glance I saw the ((())) - I'm so used to them I don't even notice anymore holy shit lmao

Everyone who’s anyone knows the deal with Jews, it’s literally impossible not to - at least not in any industry that has “directors” of any kind. Those that pretend not to know are the absolute scummiest.

Who doesn't dress up like a girl and use a dildo to massage their asshole from time to time

Come on user, stop being such a bigot.

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I think PJW is going to start feeling suicidal soon guys

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>holy shit
wtf i like pjw now

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/ourguy/ :D

It won't work

I'm glad he's censored.

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he knows, he's next

When will people learn that Jow Forums is always right.

Come on guys we all know ((())) means globalists nothing to see here DELETE THIS THREAD

caring about e-celebs lmao


>english identity and tradition is classical liberalism
I'm not English in that case.

Globalists = Jews

All relevant Jews are Globalists
Not all Globalists are Jews

Not Stephen Miller

It's extremely convenient for him, since either people take as "((()))=Jews" for Jow Forumstards and likes, or the more vanilla "((()))=Globalists" for normies who are just tuning into the whole censorship debacle recently.

People can debate whether it is inherently the Jews or just globalist lefties (or is it both/neither), but it still has the resounding effect of red-pilling normies en-masse so it's pretty much the best case scenario.

It's pretty obviously the Jews - really hard to suppose otherwise without lying to yourself, but since you can't be an open anti-semite and be taken seriously (without being a Mudslime), leaving the impression vague is the best course for now.

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There are based Jews but they are far and few in number

Well, I call them good goys.

You missed the part when David de Rothschild retweeted Elon Musk's Tweet and he says he is nervous about where Elon is going to

Who even gives this faggot a platform?

>Not all Globalists are Jews
Yeah the remaining are staunch Zionist, because you can be a Zionist whether what color, race, religion you have

even if he is ignorant to its meaning, he just launched ((()))'s into mainstream alt-lite mindset. This will enable them to see the patterns easier, the blessed day finally nears.

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i can't believe it

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Wait a minute ... isn’t that exactly what happened to Mollie Tibbetts?

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>Alt-right youtuber number 2000 uses well known alt right symbol
wow so crazy
