1 lbs ghetto cheese in canada is $10 (probably more now) $69/kg for good cheese 400ml sour cream $5 1L milk $3 dozen eggs $4-5 1kg chicken breast $25 24 of beer $48 Remember when tuna was for poor people? Now you need to mortgage your house to buy two cans.
everything is expensive in canada.
unlimited talk/text cell phone plan with 6GB data is $100+tax/month. 80GB data is $500/month+tax=$575 with $30/GB after. same plan in poland is $8 for 100GB and 1mbps free.
In Germany 24 bottles x 0,5 litre are 5,76€
In the usa a 24 is 15 bucks and it's better than canada's cheapest
A 12 pack of pisswater beer is $13.00 USD in Canada. That same 12 pack in the US is $8.30 USD
in the usa they pay $50 a month for phone plan with unlimited talk, text, AND data - if they are a sucker.. Unlimited everything including unlimited 4G is 15 euros month in France
in Poland 24 cans of beer is $9
1L vodka $11 but you can get the cheap shit for $6
1L milk $0.60
1kg cheese $3
> strawberries are too expensive right now we have to wait until they're in season > Honey were having cheese this week. I finally could budget for it > I can't wait until next month when I can afford a steak
Yes, this is how Canadians live. It's so common that no one questions it.
Every business that doesn't involve stripping the land of natural resources is a branch office of a foreign company.
The banks and the government are basically one entity and are set up to permanently rape and enslave the population.
In canada you have to work 45 minutes for one steak. in the USA you can get a 3 pack of new york strip steaks for 20 minutes of work.
no leaf has ever posted in store prices on normal items because the prices are that high.
All they can do is post flyers with loss leaders (items the store sells for well below cost to get people in the door, then they rape them on every single item). Hence no pics from in store.
pic related: you'll never see a photo of a cheaper steak in canada of this size and type..
it hurts the shills to their core that this is true
16 bucks for this
Fact: these are the most heavily shilled against threads on Jow Forums
you will see shills shill more heavily to supress the talk of prices than anywhere else.
>never popped into one of these before >peruse last thread >despite OP EXPLICITLY stating that one only needs to post a picture of an IN-STORE, NOT FLYER price to disprove him, not one stupid fucking leaf manages to do so >instead, stupid fucking leaves continue to post flyers and no evidence ever What the fuck, OP? Is this real? Is this the most blatantly shilled-against thread?
Adam Peterson
Canada’s telecom regulator says the average household spent nearly $223 every month on communications services, including mobile phones, landlines, internet and cable TV in 2016.
jUST a friendly reminder Trump called Petronas CEO personally and had him cancel the $400B USD equivalent LNG terminal project in Canada because Trudeau gave $10.5M to Omar Khadr on the 4th of july
Only dairy is somewhat expensive, because it isn't subsidized by Taxpayers like US.
Now you know and you can get your jollies doing Canadian grocery shopping.... have fun!!!
Evan Rivera
>id:aJeW >reposted comment thats perfect kek
And now a repost of my own: You can see for yourself that the pole is lying, this link is to the Winnipeg walmart grocery pickup and you can clearly see the prices arent nearly as bad as this ass ravaged kike will have you believe walmart.ca/en/grocery/N-117
>Only dairy is somewhat expensive, because it isn't subsidized by Taxpayers like US.
Are you fucking kidding me? You think Canadian dairy isn't subsidized?
Elijah Phillips
>spam thread after thread of bullshit >get called out >"Absolute seething" get fucked kike, I love how you reposting faggots suddenly quieted down and have to go back to the drawing board
I can get a 2.25" thick choice grade porterhouse steak for $21 (it fills an entire plate by itself). A 3 pack of pork spareribs for $21. An entire bone in prime rib roast for $150 (the entire side and it is PRIME). I'll post pictures when I get to that store next time.
Gavin Brooks
OP is right, and it's common knowledge in Canada. We can thank the government for its taxes and excessive regulation. I grew up on a working farm, and know how it is. I know plenty of farmers, and they know how it is. One of the main culprits is ethanol in gasoline; that corn used to be grown to provide cattle feed. Now it's going into cars to "combat climate change" which is laughable.
The government owns everything up here, through regulation and taxation.
Here's something that still has a tag in my fridge. Mozzerella cheese at $8/lb. This is the better cheese and not the cheap shit. The cheap stuff is like $5/lb.
>hur dur just go out of your way to spoonfeed me because I cant click a link The prices listed on that site are what you pay in store, the stuff that is on sale is clearly marked so you can easily tell the real prices
Is it grass fed organic, and all that, or is it not even pink?
Cameron Morris
the worst stuff is the craft cheese,this is one tier better. Its not stringy at all but more like a hard feta cheese, it will crumble rather than pull apart in layers.
Hunter Gomez
When it goes on sale, it’s even cheaper, who would’ve thought that!
I have never seen these prices any where I went grocery shopping. Where are you cherry picking this stuff from? And why of all the posts you have done in the paste few months, why do you have such a hard on for Canada?
Joshua Rodriguez
Probs the gooks who ran the shop fleecing us
Mason Price
What's up, fellow Michiganfag? I went shopping this morning and posted some pics I took. The hate is palpable.