Kavanaugh confirmation hearing Day 4 part 4 Wholesome edition

>Time - youtube.com/watch?v=LkP7BlXZ-1k
>Fox - youtube.com/watch?v=XZj8ZpYgKPM
>Right side broadcasting network - youtube.com/watch?v=f8zZO_a1voE
>Cspan - c-span.org/event/?449707/legal-experts-testify-final-day-brett-kavanaugh-confirmation-hearing

Previous threads
Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Rundown
>These hearings are essentionally a job interview for the supreme court justice nominee selected by the president. They serve to field any questions senators may have before casting their vote to approve or deny his nomination. This is signifant because Democrats have been using the courts to legislative, this both blocks them and gives Republicans a chance to reverse previous decisions

History of confirmation hearing
>The controversy surrounding Brandeis's nomination was so great that the Senate Judiciary Committee, for the first time in its history, held a public hearing on the nomination, allowing witnesses to appear before the committee and offer testimony both in support of and in opposition to Brandeis's confirmation. While previous nominees to the Supreme Court had been confirmed or rejected by a simple up-or-down vote on the Senate floor—often on the same day on which the President had sent the nomination to the Senate—a then-unprecedented four months lapsed between Wilson's nomination of Brandeis and the Senate's final confirmation vote

>Vox covers Zina Bash handsign controversy
web.archive.org/web/20180906172437/https://www.vox.com/2018/9/5/17821946/white-power-hand-signal-brett-kavanaugh-confirmation-hearing-zina-bash-Jow Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Protester payer identified
twitter.com/AnonCa1msDaddy/status/1037498926658674694 (account has since been suspended)

>Kavanaugh is an orignalist
>The original intent theory, which holds that interpretation of a written constitution is (or should be) consistent with what was meant by those who drafted and ratified it.
>The original meaning theory, which is closely related to textualism, is the view that interpretation of a written constitution or law should be based on what reasonable persons living at the time of its adoption would have understood the ordinary meaning of the text to be.

Some testimony so far
>Muh illegal alien abortions
>Mentally retarded needs gibs
>negro a good boy, whity keeping him down, Kavanaugh be raycist
>Woman "Christian" minister wants contraceptive, cites opposition to wide intepretation
>Mudblood autist scholar speaks highly of Kavanaugh

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Weintraub is a legal expert?



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wtf is her point?

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Thanks chink for asking the retard to speak.

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best qt coming through

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>Retarded woman giving testimony
>Right after all these cunts whining that they couldn't just abort their kid for any reason they want
>Disability included


is this mong who the democrats have as a representative? seems apt.

the best the left has

Liberals are literally retarded.

It’s an unpopular decision, but retards, invalids, and other genetic dead ends should be aborted. This is the only case where I’d be behind government funded abortion.

>My husband

Yes Bethany Carter!!! im in love!! please more her always more her!!


El Americano

The democrat party needs to be outlawed, there is no way this country will not fail with people like these in power.

based and bobbapilled

Retards like this should have been killed when they found the disability. Or at least castrated.

There is hope for Jow Forums after all

>we need to be told how to think because otherwise we won't do anything
>we can't understand politics without someone giving us their opinion so you should let retards run your government
The audacity of these people, to even try to bring mentally deficient people into a hearing about a supreme court nominee. Any civilized society would immediately kick them out and take away their voting rights, but you have to shill against that in a "democracy".

There is a moment of the asian girl showing pussy if anyone will look for it

kike inbreeding at its finest

>Kavanaugh mischaracterised this case as being about parental consent!!!
>When it was actually about an illegal minor having an abortion!
>And his point was that her parent or adult legal guardian or sponsor should have to give consent because she's a minor and minors aren't allowed to do certain serious things.

this bitch talking is a more compelling argument for abortion than anything else these woman have said

Post birth abortion too, eugenics is a necessity for a healthy society. I'd rather a return to Sparta style over modern womb vacuum. Make no mistake it is murder, but the question shouldn't be is murder bad - murder is an absolutely fundamental part of life. It should be what contexts of murder should be acceptable/encouraged such as hunting, self defense or eugenics

No other way around, it’s the retard who’s asking a witness some questions

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Stop and think about the logic here
>We want women to be able to kill their children because now we have the tech to know whether they'll have severe disabilities, inherited disorders, etc.
>And so let's put up JUST such a person that our policy allows mother's to abort
Fix this by asking the retard if she maybe preferred to have been aborted instead of given a chance at life

Democrats are the party of retards, they deserve representation

Obummer is now claiming the economic success we are having. whats with this nig?

Is Cspan still on youtube?

(((Protesters protesting)))

Abortion is only bad in a matriarchy
femininity is the cause of all problems in the universe, including jewishness.

I'm smart. Just look at my glasses!

Everything? is a question? when she is addressing a topic? and asking someone to speak about it?

>The common element was that there's no burden on the woman to be forced to pay for her own birth control instead of forcing her religious employer to violate their religious beliefs and buy her free birth control because she can't keep her legs closed or buy condoms.

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From what I've heard, CSPAN-2 isn't broadcasted on jewtube.

I saw white cotton panties

I remember when the stock market crashed early this year, every liberal said it was now Trump's economy, but i guess it's back to Obama's economy now

There is no way they aren't doing it on purpose in an attempt to bait that very comment. It would make a really juicy soundbite.

no, there is no constitutional right to abortion. They try to shove it under "right to purpose life, liberty, and happiness" from the declaration of independence

Those legs tho.

She wears """"cerebral palsy"""" on her sleeve but it isn't a genetic problem. It's a screw up in childbirth. She's not proud of her extra chromosome, which should always be aborted.

You make a persuasive argument and I can't dispute it.

recall what was being discussed when the panties were shown?

Dunno, but I just walked through the kitchen and the tv was on and there the nigger was. FOX was showing it too. His speech or whatever.

I want to cum inside her

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That OP picture is actually crazy.
Can anyone name one other time in recent politics where you had a happy, attractive, high IQ white family in a picture like that?
Even trump's family had plastic surgery, but you can tell by this family's looks alone that they will be successful, intelligent, and happy.

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How can you argue for the right to abortion and demand government to provide it for you without giving the same right to men? Well then men should also have the right to abort the kids they do not want.

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That's odd, I'd been watching a cspan livestream for the first two days with the youtube app.

Yea its funny when they argue it they show some chart of all 8 years of obamas time and say the first two years of trumps economy don't count for trump they were obamas so by that logic the first 2 years of obamas that were among his best are bushs economy. libs make no sense and cant see beyond their own noses

>gotta catch them all
>ding ding ding ding
>you caught a Magikarp
[spoiler]Pro Tip: confusion is the only attack that might deal some damage[/spoiler]
I wish we had spoilers on here

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It was a joke about Hirono being the actual retard you spastic

It was on CSPAN-3 yesterday. Don't know what it was on previous to that (I was watching on Fox before that).

Are we supposed to be taking this panel of 'experts' seriously?

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There is a famous quote that goes something to the effect of "Learning is like drinking a glass of water : When I first started drinking, I wondered why a God would be necessary. By the time I got to the bottom, I wondered how anyone could think a God isn't necessary" My position is that this world was created by beings view as God from another dimension which look onto us in a similar way scientists examine a petri dish through a microscope - with our sun being the light to illuminate our planetary dish


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looks like the shit show portion of the hearing is over for now.

So as a men I could use their own talking points for

Fuck off faggot I'm agreeing with you. Unless you're retarded enough to think Hirono isn't?

Just plugging on, Who is Mr. Tillis and where is "MR. CHAIRMAN?"

best roasties?

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>The most accredited person on the panel is the only person to actually support Kavanaugh

>only accredited*

Good argument for abortion as a form of eugenics.

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Men and women are exactly the same except women get more rights and are not the same as men at all. Good luck arguing with holes

switching over to obama live stream during the break
mostly 'waahhh muh legacy' so far

he said ~1 hour ago that he had to leave and apologized for that.
Don't remember if he said why

Personally I find it hard to take any of this confirmation hearing seriously. Our government is an absolute embarrassment, it's like watching something from a 3rd world country.

The second you stick random shit under "but it's part of my right to life, liberty, and happiness" is the second everything goes to shit.
You can stick literally anything under the "right fo life, liberty, and happiness".
Government has to pay for free internet? Falls under that. Government has to pay for my food bill? Goes under that. Government has to pay for my baseball tickets? Goes under that.
It's such a retarded precedent to set.

Was that it? Had to step away for a bit.

Can't have bread and circuses without circus animals

No, there is no right to abortion.
Abortion laws wage the rights of the mother against the rights of the child. The mother is being deprived of her right to bodily autonomy. The child is being deprived of every single right because it is literally dead. The right to life trumps all other rights as an individual, especially bodily autonomy. The child is the mother's responsibility, since she decided o have unprotected sex. She now has to take care of the consequences.
If there was a 100% chance that you having a gun would take someone's life that right would be gone in an instant.
If there was a 100% chance that you speaking would literally kill someone you wouldn't be allowed to speak.
You can go on and on, but basically if your right as an individual kills someone the state should protect that person's life over your 1 right, otherwise that person is deprived of every right they have.

Pretty much anything can be argued for when context is ignored. The "all men are created equal" from the declaration was used to support freeing the slaves /giving negros the right to vote. Despite the proper context only being in relation to class equality within the existing model of white male land owning voters. As far as I'm aware the original congress never wanted it to get to this point with universal suffrage

They haven't started throwing chairs and hitting each other with flagpoles... yet

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snack break

You don't change leaders every year or so in a destabilizing circus of an utter shitshow, you're doing fine.

Have you not seen parliament? Most parliamentary sessions involve the actual elected officials howling and shouting, trading insults, jeering loudly, and spending time trying to make hilarious jokes at the other sides expense. Even with the protestors, this shit is positively formal, calm, intellectual, and high-class.

What was the point of putting the unironically retarded strawman with an extra 23rd chromosome on the stand?

Aww fuck, I hope he doesn't get the ol' Schumer Shingle.... I just started to warm up to "Mr. Chairman"

I disagree, Jesus's goal was to try and re-unify the lost sheep of Israel (seed of Abraham) back to the flock (divine law given to Moses)

Boomers don't realize old tactics don't work anymore

You are correct, arguing with them is a waste of time.
I just wanted to point out that they their arguments can be used against them, and suddenly these bitches have to argue against equality. If they want free pills, I want free condoms. If they want abortions, I want abortions.

>toting out a retard to tell us we have to murder babies
I am pro-abortion, but this is all bullshit and the farthest thing from intellectualism that could possibly exist.
It is femininity attempting to establish a matriarchy.

Sympathy points. Same reason they stick literal toddlers into political videos as though some 3 year old's opinion on Trump is something you need to listen to attentively.

All I saw yesterday was soon to be Justice Kavanaugh BTFO Senators Whitehouse and Blumenthal and then some nigger at the very end. Any good ones today?

Because they are trying to get more people to support abortion

Anyone have the Zina day 2 GIF where she does it again and smiles at the camera?

We're not there yet.
>Captcha tells me to click on fire hydrants captcha 5 seperate times

Is not so unpopular. 2-3 generations of retards procreating and you look at a fucked up society living along inbred migrants. Current year.

Regardless, the argument being made is that Roe guarantees abortions on demand for everybody and anybody. Let's accelerate it.

If the man wants an abortion, the woman should be forced to go through with it. The tone would change very quickly.

break time for the hearing