What the hell happened?
Only a single one t_d thread, everything else is pretty much pure philosophy 2011 Jow Forums tier threads.
Did the NPC post bring us back 8 years?
What the hell happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
The NPCs are panicking we're getting more aware to the game
I hope so. Either it did or the shills have no idea what to do with the NPC posts on the rise. Either way, today has been a great day for Jow Forums.
Half of the board is threads with less than 10 replies. It's just a steady stream of garbage being posted.
summers over
JIDF on lunch break
A.I gf when or is it against the sekrit rulez?
There has been a shift in energy and a huge awakening this week or a deeper understanding for those awake. You are about to bear witness to great changes and the defeat of evil
NPC != AI, they simply do not have an inner voice
Yay A.I gf
brb machine shop
Jow Forums was garbage since 2016 filled with "Trump eats 2 scoops of ice scream for dinner woah", "some slut in the republican party got shit for posting this on twitter WOW!", "Based nigger tells a THOT on CNN how she is fake news!"
All threads discussing anything but some retarded american celebrity show for politics was straight up deleted.
Pool's closed for shills. Money has run out and their masters are about to be indicted.
Did you see the flashing orbs too?
But can she run Crysis?
Quick rundown on the NPC post, please.
here we go again...
There has always existed a subhuman, parasitical element to human society.
They are like a cornered beast, their time is quickly running out.
You're not supposed to give the quick rundown on anything but the bogdanoff meme you dumbass.
most people are dumb, they have no deep thoughts at all, they just walk around life acting on basic impulses. no self awareness, no inner speech. basically just animals, insects. as we already know them by...'normies'.
>alt-left shill
>forced marxist meme shill
>forced meme shill
>marxist faggotry
>forced meme shill
>spam general
>copy pasta
>marxist faggotry
>t_d faggots
>marxist faggotry
>spam general
>alt left general
>Jow Forums tier and pure philosophy
pick not the later
>they ignore my autistic reeeeeing and dont want to associate with someone dragging down their social status.
>omg they are npcs lolololol
NPC is just a replacement for the tired boomer meme. Lefty raiders from Shareblue and the growing DCCC crowd are pushing it in the off hours and will use it during full court press attacks to auto-dehumanize any user they need to at the time. They’ll circlejerk eachother into overestimating it’s effectiveness, but in reality, this place will build up antibodies against it just as easily as everything else its been hit with.
Recent examples:
>every iPhone/iPad image post = chick that looks like a thumb
And now we have
A horseshit concept based off a copy pasta about an user getting flouride stares and silence when trying to talk to friends about topics normies generally don’t dabble in.
Just try to remember, no matter how retarded it gets in here when they go all in on a raid, this is what’s on the other end of the screen.
This is who is calling you an NPC.
You might want to take a step back out of my secret club mate.
Soon your cancer will be gone.
>literally 3 fucking religious shill threads in one screencap
>"it's like 2011 Jow Forums!"
no, it's still the same shitty nu/pol/
No, there's just actual content to talk about and the shills are more distracted by the Supreme Court hearings
Exactly the kind of posts I want off my board.
There isn't any dumbass conspiracy to garner votes for some irrelevant puppet party.
Grow up.
>A horseshit concept based off a copy pasta about an user getting flouride stares and silence when trying to talk to friends about topics normies generally don’t dabble in.
Exactly normies wouldnt touch these topics, because even talking about them can be dangerous for their social status.
The person making the original post is just to autistic to pick up on social queues and then blames it on everyone else being an "npc".
>t. buttmad NPC
I dont know man if you legitimately believe in that copypasta you might have terrible social skills.
Nothing to do with what you claim, nor is it a conspiracy. I’m talking about fundamental shill tactics that we’ve seen dozens upon dozens of times before, from popularization to implementation during raids. It has nothing to do with votes, it has everything to do with disrupting the board and undermining any threads of actual substance, if and when they appear.
>Meme flag calling anyone anything
Thanks for your input fellow Nazi!
"Threads of substance"
Both Jow Forums memes
Literal /v/ slash Jow Forums meme from years ago. Fucking go back to r/thedonald already, election faggot.
Shills confirm.
It's still relavant to politics
>it literally revert back to normal the very first week summer ends
the underage are finally gone
Yeah, the second post is cringe
The first post is fine though
I make threads calling out the stupidity of the american poster here for supporting a ny billionaire who is indebted to the bankers . mods get triggerd by my posts and delete them . muricans also get triggerd and post their leaf maymays this place is pathetic . pol is full of 14-17 year old magapedes that refuse to leave
because no one wants to talk in the same old shitty is x degenerate threads. NPC's deleted when?
into the garbage collector you go
Actually those threads unlike political celebrity gossip we have now were pretty deep.
Why do NPC threads keep getting deleted? They deleted two of mine last night and it's still going on? What is it that they don't want us to know or talk about??
because it's a shit-tier /v/ meme suhage
mods are redditors.
They want us to keep making "donald trump pooped BASED MAGA", "Some random cunt flipped of CNN BASED MAGA"
Kind of threads.
The Magapedes are slowly leaving, keep on making them feel unwelcome and we'll be back to normal soon enough.
>Spaming the npc meme this hard
It's obvius, but this is Jow Forums.
Imagine a world with out them, no poison in the water, food or air, no one to offend with a simple word or hand gesture, not a dickhead in sight. Rave parties that last years, you could live at the rave, sleep at the rave, fuck at the rave and eat at the rave. We would breed our numbers up and then set our sights on the stars above, first the moon, then the inner planets, mars, venus, then the outer planet moons and finally beyond time and space.
But no we are stuck here surrounded by fake people.
It's certainly more interesting than the constant every day Trump and Jews threads with the same arguments on both sides every time
Jews is here to stay forever since it's actually important.
Trump is long past and irrelevant.
Which has been the default state of Jow Forums since the election anyway. Letting reddit in here was a mistake.
Data collection phase
They can't see the wrongthink that needs correction when they're flooding the board with shills
I've seen it before, it's temporary
This is an autist trying to comprehend retards. How did this gain traction?
So we will have more irrelevant and pointless discussions of american politics and how "Trump is maga based"
they realized someone hit a switch and decided to throw dems under the bus so that repubs can start more wars.
Can you go already?
This thread is exactly about retards like you and you manage to miss that.
This isn't a game
Is this an old meme or a new one? I've been off Jow Forums for 3 days and today I see this NPC meme everywhere.
On the subject: Although the meme is funny, I don't see how it confuses anyone.
the NPCs are merely xSFxs, or, as I call them, bio-bots. (but I agree the term NPC is better).
Anyone with NT mentality can detect right away that a person is NPC after few minutes with them.
It's an old meme that returns every once in a while like a comet
No, fill me in.
It was known but not understood.
Now we have a single vital piece of information that solidifies it and changes the entire paradigm of this board.
better version