How do we realistically make Romania less shit?

How do we realistically make Romania less shit?
And no, killing/deporting all gypsies is not an option.

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killing all the people who believe we shouldn't kill or export the gypsies
then we kill and export all gypsies

Send all of your hot gymnasts to me mmmyeessss

Put all the gypsies into the oven and turn it on.

Oh, no, I'd be the first to join the death squads. It's just not a very realistic goal.

Genetically engineer the gypsies to have a higher IQ. They might just get better at stealing stuff though.

rename it to transylvania

Im regular in Bucharest(ive got a condo in Varna).
And i have to say that i like Bucharest.
1 Zero gypsies somehow
2 Wild open air disco parties in a park near Triumfant Arch
3 Feel safe in downtown
4 Cheap

I like Bucharest more than Sofia or Belgrade for example.

salut baieti! Careva din Iasi?

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Salut SRI. Cartier?

Tudor langa universitate

>amc roman
de ce eu?

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Basarabean la studii?

Basarabia nu e Romaina! Basarabia e pierduta.

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Esti fatalau.

are you some Moscow spoiled kid or how?

>how do we turn on the light?
>also, turning on the light is not an option

Enslave all the gypsies.

Romania, Bulgaria, Albania shouldn't even exist in the first place. Replace population with North, Western and Central Europeans.

>1 Zero gypsies somehow
what Bucharest are we talking about, since the one I know is the biggest gypsy hellhole in all of Romania

>Replace population with North, Western and Central AFRICAN BULLS.

By returning Transylvania to its rightful owners and then nuking yourselves.

That's all part of the plan. These countries need to be wiped out. They don't contribute anything to Europe. Plantation is the best use.

Nu ne mai facem bine

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focusing on the next generation.
building up a real educational system
getting rid of the idea of giving 'gift' money, you know exactly what i mean.
putting people to actual work. you know there are many people that live on welfare that could actually work and have no health problems.

we've been always thinking short term and never long term and that is the problem.
and also need to get rid of 60% of the parliament members.

That's like saying how to cure the cancer without removing the tumor.

If you visited more than 10 or even 5 years ago, I've got news for you
Even ferentari has less gypsies, many of them left the country and I'm not complaining. There are still enough idiots though