The National Anthem

Why do people, particularly conservatives, act like the National Anthem is so important all of a sudden?

I remember as a kid going to football and baseball games and seeing people sitting, wandering around the stadium, not removing their hats, and standing in line to buy beers and hotdogs.

Why do they act like it's such a big fucking deal if a dude decides to kneel during the anthem? Why don't they ever complain about all the people taking a piss break or standing in line to buy a beer?

This whole situation just doesn't really make sense to me. Nobody seemed to give a shit until a couple niggers decided to take a knee.

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We honor it because it gained significance during the Civil War, a time when many Americans turned to music to express their feelings for the flag and the ideals and values it represented.

My bigger issue with Kaepernick is has he done anything other than sit and talk? Is he doing something other than stating that racial inequality is a major problem that continues to exist despite our advanced society?

Patriotism is not buying a flag and placing it outside your home. Patriotism is not shooting off fireworks on the Fourth of July and grilling burgers. Patriotism is more than taking off your hat and standing still to listen to the words of the National Anthem before returning to your phone.

Being patriotic is doing something for America and making your home a better place to live for yourself, and your family. We may not always like it, and more than 200 years later we know that the democracy designed by the Founding Fathers is beset with flaws like every other political ideology. The Founding Fathers were a group of rich white men trying to create a “fair” society, and we all know that “fair” is a made up concept and a moving target.

It's like a Turing test to determine whether you're American or not.
If you don't feel patriotic, you need to leave the country.

I understand the purpose of the National Anthem, but what I don't get is why all of a sudden people act like it's so important, when in the last 20 years nobody really seemed to give a shit about it.

As far as Kaepernick goes, he did donate over $1 million from his NFL earnings to various charities, and is donating some of his Nike deal earnings as well. I'm not sure if he's been involved in any other kind of outreach, but why does that even matter? Are you not allowed to express your opinion on something unless you're actively contributing to the cause?

The fact that people get so upset about this and want to silence his voice seems to be unpatriotic to me. Freedom of speech, of ideas, of expression, these are cornerstones of what made America great to begin with. The willingness to throw these ideas to the wayside is deeply troubling to me.

Because their protest is anti-American, anti-Western Values and anti-White in nature.
It's based on lies, willful ignorance of statistics and intentional misinterpretation of factual information.
Its intent is Marxist abd decisive in nature.
And the people who buy it are idiots/fools/ignorant, or lying because it furthers their deceiptful cause.

If the facts proved their rhetoric, I would gladly side with them.
But it is not so.

I grew up in a very conservative state in the Midwest, most people here would probably consider themselves very patriotic. Yet these are the same people who would ignore the anthem at a football game to stand in line for a beer or food.

Nobody ever seemed to get upset back then. I guess I'm just a little confused as to why they're making such a fuss about it now.

Can you elaborate? I don't follow the logic on how a protest against police brutality is anti-American or anti-Western values.

I don't really agree or disagree with their protest. It simply didn't bother me.

if something doesn't bother you, then there exists a degree or more of separation between what you agree with and what doesn't bother you.
identify what you agree with and then connect the dots until you can discover why something doesn't bother you.
but don't pretend you are totally isolated from an event because it "doesn't bother you".
something is causing it not to bother you, and it most likely will be found in something you agree with.



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Because blacks are protesting it so now it's important to conservative whites

I'm fucking tired of this stupid topic being brought up everywhere

The "freedom" that the flag represents is the the very freedom that allows them to take a knee...this irony is lost on the hypocritical reactionaries.

I think your attitude of having to agree or disagree with everything is concerning. This is where our culture of perpetual outrage is coming from.

You know you have the ability to look at something and decide "this does not have a major impact on my life or beliefs and therefore it does not bother me"?

Honestly, it's hard to disprove this.

Trayvon Martin would have killed Andrew Zimmerman, and you'd have never heard about it.
Mark Brown would have killed Darren Wilson, and you'd have no idea who he was.
Freddie Gray literally killed himself by swallowing his heroine.
Alton Stirling was trying to pull a gun from his pocket as they fought with him, no one would know those two officers named if they hadn't shot first.
That sack of shit shot in Chicago the other day had just done a drive-by shooting for gang bullshit.
Etc, etc.

But do you know who Ryan Bolinger is?
How about Dillon Taylor?
No, because they're white, and BLM is a racist movement only concerned with black lives to the exclusion of all others.
And most of those they support, are criminal scum that were justifiably shot.
Though there are some legitimate cases, they dont seem to be the ones that result in riots.

Less than half of those stopped or arrested by police are white.
Over half are black.
2/3 of people shot and killed by police are white.
Police are more likely(willing) to kill whites in the course of their job.
Literally the opposite of what BLM suggests.

Fuck every last lying, disingenuous, one of them.

Most of your posting is absolute nonsense speculation that has no basis in reality.

Trayvon Martin would have killed Andrew Zimmerman? With what? A bag of skittles? Freddie Gray's death was found to be caused by head injuries. Alton Sterling showed now signs of aggression and was being compliant with officers (although he was an idiot, that should not have cost him his life).

I do know who Ryan Bolinger is. I live only a few hours away and it was tragic. I also heard Dillon Taylor's story on the news when it happened. They're both tragic stories and got plenty of media coverage.

Also do you have some sources for the claims you're making? Some are believable, but others I'd really have to see the data to believe. Less than half of those stopped by police are white, yet 2/3rds of those shot by police are white? That really doesn't add up, but if you've got the sources to back it up I might change my point of view.

>Why do people, particularly conservatives, act like the National Anthem is so important all of a sudden?
Because they're nazi racist fascists who look for every excuse to be racist against PoCs.

after 8 years of having to look at Obama most of the racist whites thought that uppity negros were about done and things would go back to normal. instead they come home ready to watch some football and they see an uppity negro not knowing his place. since it's bad optics to say *I hate these goddamn uppity negros* they mask it behind a veneer of patriotism and sudden care for the national flag, anthem, warfighters, etc. The very same people who's wife or daughter will put ol' Stars and Stripes on her bikini crotch, let Trump slide for saying how POWs are bad soldiers, get into an argument with a Gold Star family, etc.

It's really all about racism and regressive tendencies. Anyone telling you otherwise is either lying or trying to build an elaborate answer to a pretty straight forward problem.

freedom of speech doesn't force others to accept or agree with one's speech. moreover, the right does not prevent the NFL from requiring that all players on field stand during the anthem.

All the 'white envy' by these field niggers is hilarious.
And they think whitey will stick around to watch sportsball while darky disrespects the anthem?

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>npc forgot the "freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences" line he was programmed to say from years ago

This. Kek

Americunts unironically have the best national anthem. I love it.

The anthem is just a symbol OP. It's all symbols. We don't want (((them))) normalizing flag hate just because they're butthurt that Trump won.

the US is as large as all of europe. we have diffrent traditions and ideas all over the place. the one thing we ALL have in common is ONE FLAG and ONE ANTHEM we all fight for ONE SIDE. niggers disrespecting the flag is disrespecting our connection to eachother. wihtout a national identity theres no reason a family in Alabama would have anything to do with some nigs in compton. knelling is just another disrespectful showing by niggers acting like they know better.

Even snopes admits that more than 2 whites are killed in police shootings to every black shot.
I dont have a the FBI crime reports, department of justice and CDC pages bookmarked on my phone like I do at home.
But blacks are over half of all violent crime, and more than half as a whole.
With blacks not reporting a large percentage of crimes in their communities(source: I grew up I a predominately black neighborhood), where as whites call the cops for kids on their lawn, ugly cars parked on their street, or suspecting their neighbor David doesn't have a permit for the patio he's building.
If you aren't competent enough to check the fbi/doj/cdc sites for statistics, then you're not just ignorant, but lazy.

they stop sales for the anthem. welcome back to reality.

Because niggers are ungrateful.

When did kneeling become a disrespectful gesture?

it was never not important

if you dont understand this
you never will, and are an enemy

It's because it's on purpose. You can take off your hat, place your hand in your heart etc. (postive), get beer (neutral, yet impolite) or take an active stand to reject it by purposefully kneeling (negative)

Doesn't stop people from waiting in line.

He certainly couldn't play football.

when you do it during the anthem. handicaped people pull their ass up by the fence to satnd for it. people used to get in fights with fags for not taking theirhats off.

When blacks started to do it to say fuck you to white people all while they ignore real crime statistics.

im not sure if you ever go to these events but people will turn to the closest tv and put their hands over their heart. teenagers and niggers will still be walking around but whites and professionals stop and take notice. its like a moment of silence in reconition that something holds us together. Niggers trying to destory it over police brutality are just usefull idiots for marxists.

>with what?
Approximately 700-800 people are murdered by fist/feet every year.
FBI crime report, table #8 shows this.

Have you ever even been in a fight?
Have you seen people beat unconscious?
Have you been knocked out or done it to someone else?
Have you seen someone die?

I have.
Fuck you.

lmao, the National Anthem is racist and Nazi now? Holy shit you must be a miserable fuck. Fat too.

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Everything matters every little battle. For the longest time people on the right (cuck right) thought they were above these culture battles which allowed the left to dominate unopposed the 2016 election showed that everything matters(hwndu, nfl protests, James Gunn)

The truth is that whoever fights the hardest wins the culture and normies follow whatever is the dominant narrative which translates in to politics and legislative victories.

>Why do people, particularly conservatives, act like the National Anthem is so important all of a sudden?
All of a sudden? It's because some nigger who got caught moping on the bench during the national anthem because he was salty he got benched for Blaine Gabbert claimed it was some protest.