>We shorted Tesla when Elon announced his idiotic plan to go private. Elon is a drug addict in case you haven’t figured it out. His top execs are leaving left and right. So when Elon announces Tesla ran up from about 330 to 380. I could not wait to short the stock because I knew like anything else that comes out of his mouth that he was making it up or lying. A late night twitter keyboard warrior who cannot be controlled and who has no filter. Sound familiar? By the time I was able to get in and short Tesla it was at $370. Immediately the controversy ensued and the stock tanked. It sank to $340 and with uhhh just *“500” shares shorted I’d made almost uhhhh just *$20k + overnight. One night. Was totally fearful Elon would next announce a “hey don’t look here look over HERE at this new toy we are going to come out with “ moment. And the lemmings would follow? But nah fuck it I am TSLA I am LA. Been here long before that elon fag got here. Initially I said let’s get out at $300. But when it hit $322 amidst the SEC investigation I ALMOST took my uhhhh just a few *ten$of thousand$ of K and went home. I promise, just uhhhhh only *thousand$ lolololl...Shows you how smart, short? and boring? I was. Tesla execs continue to bail. Elon flip flopped again on going private. Their latest CFO quit after a month. He could obviously see Elon’s in charge and how unhinged he is. TSLA is now at $260. Just think of how rich i am hahaha i will ask Charlotte McKinney to eat my beef now. Stuff like this just eats at me. The amount of assmad reddit business major elonsuckers losing their minds over all this is great. Their god was a fraud safrican yidfag with a hollywood pr team propping up his tiny jew dick ego.What a bunch of fags HA HA 260 LOOOOOOL
>hey elon...260!!!!!!
260 LOL hahahaha AHAHAHAHA suck it (((elon))) go home you fuckin kook hahahahHAHA!
(((elon))) is my bitch S1e3
Other urls found in this thread:
May episode
Aug episode
May episode
Aug episode
this isn't politics, this is Jow Forums mods please move it there
all numbers used for share# and profit$ are satire to hide positions. Real numbers are far larger lol. We have been in TSLA long time before elon got to town. What goes up must come down. He ain’t no icarus, he’s just a faggy safrican.
neither are the hundreds of daily posts about vagina on pol
there are also several elon threads
this ones a bit different
why do you have such a problem with me?
fuck biz mods should give me my own /money/ boards. big boy shit.
is this what’s called the “jew call”?
>oyyyy m0ds please shut him down oyyyy!!!
shut the fuck up and see the light you blind jew.
everything posted is true. i just bought a cabin in whitefish cash. house in st a cash.
you are a petty little jewish faggot aren’t you? why would you want to suppress info for other pol bros?
It’s definitely a shill thread, but Elon is pretty politics related these days
Dude you're a moron if you don't think elon knows what he's doing.
>neither are the hundreds of daily posts about vagina on pol
tru kek this thread explains recent activity though even with timeline
I wanna be a boomer namefag user too
the guy obviously knows elon enough to make a lot of money off him the threads speak for themselves. you look like a moron imo.
OP is a kike shill just like you. Ready for Israel to get invaded? Youll be dead soon.
post an addy i will send cash brother
I had a buy order set at 260 yesterday, because the trend pretty obviously showed it as a near term bottom.
anyway enjoy your gains.
me? a kike? how jewish of you. tell your rabbi that my crew will be wiping jews off the map when the time comes. elon was just one of many yids to come here and get btfo. i don’t need to go to israel to fuck over and kill jews. and take our money back. get some better pilpul you blind faggot.
Israel gets invaded and you die soon. GG.
why does elon musk do business at temples? fair question to ask.
whoever wrote this doesn't even understand what short-selling is, meme flag brainlet
fuck ya man.
once we knew who he was there is no way we lose money going forward lmfao. the whole thing is a sham and the price is abused accordingly by its sham “ceo”
say that two my two new vacation houses ... paid cash
lmfao you scrub
your rabbi will be calling ME for business tips and elon tsla inside info lmfao and i will just hang up lmfaoooo
straight cash homie
you loser
making up shit doesn't change the fact that you don't actually know what short-selling means and typed up a bunch of shit anyway
maybe next time do a google search and then start writing your elon musk fanfic
I would not threaten me
i feel like an idiot for buying at 365 after getting hyper memed that money isn’t coming back is it senpai fuggggg
but nice attempt at character assass
go back and read the previous episodes you little nerd. this was a long time coming.
Do u :
>have any proof?
>any idea how low tsla will go?