Be Spanish

>Be Spanish
>From a region with 10 more points of IQ on average than Germany
>Do better than Germany in PISA exams
>Still a poor wasteland shithole.

Why is Castille and Leon so poor if we are so smart?

Attached: titis.jpg (1280x989, 92K)

do you have milkies like that in castille and leone?

because you are not as smart as you think. stop asking retarded questions

Because Spain isn't real, it's a mashup of kingdoms with no desire to be together. They'd probably do better as separate Nations at this point.

Lazy geniuses are a thing. And 10 points above average is still not genius

>be austrian
>see tits
>click on the thread just to save the picture

>Proven scientifically that we are smarter than you
>Y-you are not as smart
>Imports 2 million african to breed with their women and populate the alps with mestizos


Catillians are incredibly lazy, that's why. I lived in Spain as a missionary, and I've never seen so many people waste so much time.

Todos allí juegan al ajedrez en lugar de trabajar.

I want to fondle those milkers

>Why is Castille and Leon so poor if we are so smart?

Attitude matters a lot