Amerisharts are sma-

>amerisharts are sma-

Attached: 1536345764979.png (1107x1693, 3.57M)

They are both from the same tribe.

>West Asian
>East Asian

Attached: 1534104479986.png (678x530, 202K)

To be fair, the chemistry olympiad seems like the least prestigious of them.


To be fair Russians are Asian mongrels

>tfw would go to this russian food store with my parents when I was about 14 and there were always these cute blonde slav girls about my age that would look at me

The med bull is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Attached: russia girl.jpg (2664x3804, 1.89M)

Russians have all the tools to be the Masters of the Planet and the Jews know it hence all the Jew plots against Russia. Creating the Bolshevik Revolution, creating the butch-homosexual Nazi movement, crashing the USSR in a deliberately destructive way, the Jew gangsters of the 90's, this recent economic , political and military bullying, etc, etc...the Jews know who the Last Obstacle is.

Fuck off, pedophile. MODS

lol retard. Don't bother trying to compete with me, blonde nordcuck. You all look like shit.

Attached: slavgirl.jpg (697x1000, 109K)


Come on, mutt. They can't be nearly as bad as your mutant face