He hasn't dismantled the deep state

He hasn't dismantled the deep state.
He hasn't ended illegal mass surveillance on American citizens. He only gets upset when it's used against him.
He hasn't ended Obama policies on whistleblowers. He hasn't pardoned NSA and CIA whistleblowers who exposed their illegal activities, he hasn't dropped the US government's pursuit of Assange, and he still wants to assassinate Snowden.
He hasn't ended the wars, and is actually expanding most of them. He's pushing for long-term occupation of Iraq. He's still actively fighting in Afghanistan and led the most intense bombing campaign ever in the first half of 2018, beating the record in the first half of 2011. He's sending more troops and drones to Somalia. He's building a long-term military compound in Niger and sending more troops there. All of this is under the radar because the MSM and establishment love illegal wars.

Attached: trump maga point.jpg (600x500, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


He's done more in two years than any sitting president.
Fuck off and worry about the shithole your designer PM is turning your wannabe USA into leaf faggot.

Attached: KYS.jpg (424x394, 12K)


worry about trufag letting sandniggers build mosques in toronto, jacked up taxes, and fags.

2 scoops 2 terms

>Still no wars
>Libtards are STILL salty AF
>My stock portfolio continues to improve.
>Another conservative supreme court justice.
Im not really seeing the downside here.

>Single handidly makes your country try the laughing stock of the world
>No hard feelings Xir

Attached: 1531571120759.jpg (1024x869, 169K)

He's a dumbcunt what do you expect

>He's done more in two years than any sitting president.
MAGApedos actually believe this. Just.

Attached: Brainlet.png (215x235, 4K)

I'm specifically pointing out policies that impact the world (mass surveillance and whistleblowers impacts us because we're part of Five Eyes). I literally don't give a shit about your domestic bullshit. So yes, in this case I'll criticize him on HIS OWN BROKEN ELECTION PROMISES.

You should be caring about this more than me, since not only does it matter to you for the same reasons, you're the ones literally paying for it, too.

You’re not very bright at all. NPC.

>specifically pointing out stupid shit to be mad af about
call me when someone cares